LPU March Madness at LP Association!

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, Mar 10, 2010.

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  1. krazylpfreak

    krazylpfreak New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    the first time i ever heard LP was back in 2001. i was about 8 or so and i was in the car with my dad and he said he wanted me to hear a song that he was addicted to at the moment and it was crawling! i fell in love ever since! :D

    LPU username: KrazyLiLDJ
  2. raaaaphy

    raaaaphy New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    The first song I ever heard from LP was In The End. The first time I heard it back in 2002, i thought it was really great, but it was at a friends house on his pc, and that song didn't have a name, so I didn't know from what band this song is. My friend how showed me the song also didn't know the name, so we just wondered and heard it all day long. I used to love (and still do) the feeling of the song, the great samples, Mike's rapping and Chester in the Chorus. I listened to it over and over again and then eventually got to know the name. So In The End has always a special place in my heart, because it's the song that got me into LP, but nowadays I have other favorites (A Place For My Head).
    I already have seen them 5 times life, and I'm really looking forward to the next times!!

    LPU Username: raaaaphy
  3. Maryffd

    Maryffd New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    Well, I was in the farm of my cousin Lucas, and I always use the computer. So, in a sunday, he said for me: "HEY, I bought a new cd of Naruto, but not the movie, it's videos. So do you wanna see?
    Of course my answer went "YES", but I didn't thought about Linkin Park.
    When I seen the 3rd video, I feel a thing strage, this went the first time that I seen a thing so strange, but the music it's so good for hear, it's like a thing that held me, with a cool sound, I was 9 years old, for me the music of Linkin Park it's became the BEST OF ALL THE WORLD, I never liked of brazilian musics, the first music was In the end, and I like of this music 'till today, cos this went the best thing that change everything of my life, I became a real girl.
    Well returning for story.
    I seen the name of music and the name of the band just in the final of the 3rd video, it isn't the video of the band, but a video of my favorite cartoon, but I like Bleach now, Naruto give me a base of the music of Linkin Park. So I don't knew about Linkin Park and so I asked for my cousin:
    -Who's Linkin Park?
    -Take my cell phone, I have the real video of the band Linkin Park.
    So I took the cell phone and seen the REAL VIDEO, for me a sucker, I seen a big thing front of me, I thought so cool the way that Mike sang, cos I don't knew if it was a rock or a hip hop, the way that Linkin Park creat the musics it's so different and get be so cool. When I was younger I like so much of Mike, but now I like more of Rob and Joe.
    It was the start that I became a fan, cos Naruto and my cousin Lucas I met LINKIN PARK. THANK YOU GUYS, FOR YOU EXIST...

    Just it, I hope that you like. So bye...:D
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2010
  4. lpeinstein

    lpeinstein Active Member

    Jan 17, 2007
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    I'm going to have to say it was 'One step Closer'. I remember seeing the video and thinking, "wow, this is really cool." Especially when Chester was screaming upside down. Classic. Anyway before that I had always liked when rappers put songs to guitars and made a rock-rap sound. I even liked when P. Diddy "rap-rocked"...I go back now and cringe... But it was before it's time until LP came around for the big show. Once I heard the album, it was all good from there.

    LPU: polarburr
  5. Shenzi Sixaxis

    Shenzi Sixaxis Member

    Nov 15, 2008
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    The first time I heard Linkin Park was back in early 2006 or late 2005. I was role playing with a buddy in Yahoo Messenger and wanted to look at some videos on YouTube of my favorite video games. I found a video of one character put to 'In The End', and that was the first song I heard. I liked it, so I went and found more LP music, and thus the obsession began.

    LPU: ShenziSixaxis
  6. KYLE!

    KYLE! If i'm not back in 5 minutes ... Just wait longer.

    Mar 10, 2010
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    The first time I heard Linkin Park was right after the release of Hybrid Theory in 2000. The first song that i heard was Crawling. after hearing the hit song i knew i had to get the album, so I did. After i got the album I started listening to In the End, one step closer, points of authority and of course crawling. Ive been an "addicted" fan ever since. I can't get enough of Linkin Park, Thank you LPA and LPU for giving the fans the oppertunity to own a piece of Linkin Parks history. LPU Username: THE_CRAZY_KID
  7. Maniac206

    Maniac206 New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    The very first time I heard linkin park was 5 years ago when I was watching some videos on Youtube with my friend. We watched a very cool video with "In The End" playing in background. After that, I heard "Somewhere I Belong" at my friend house. Then I bought their CDs. It was my first favourite band.

    LPU Username: Maniac206
  8. MTluvsCHAZY

    MTluvsCHAZY New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    The first time I heard Linkin Park

    Believe it or not, I was six years old the first time I ever heard Linkin Park. I'm proud to hold the title of "second-generation Linkin Park fan", in fact. My dad, who's been a rock and metal enthusiast for as long as he can remember, picked up a copy of Hybrid Theory shortly after it hit stores for the first time (in 2000 of course) and played it (as often as my mother allowed him to) on our home stereo system, in the car, wherever. The first song I remember hearing from LP was either One Step Closer or Pushing Me Away...
    It wasn't until years later that I discovered just who Linkin Park was. My dad had Reanimation in our car's CD player as we were driving somewhere, and for whatever reason I was surprised by how much I loved P5hng Me A*wy, and how familiar it sounded. My interest was sparked. I asked him who this band was, and when he told me, I spent the rest of the evening looking up their music online. Finally, I confessed after some time that I'd liked their music all along, memories flashing back with each song I heard. He handed me down the CD's he'd collected. I was HOOKED.
    From there, I progressively became the hardcore fan I am today. For a birthday gift I received an LPU membership pack and Minutes to Midnight. I rejoined LPU in '08 under a different username, then LPST in '09.

    (phew...249 words)

    LPU username - Mtreants
  9. Stevie004

    Stevie004 New Member

    Mar 11, 2010
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    The first time I heard from Linkin Park was in 2001. I was 10 years old and I heard In The End on the radio. I really wanted to record the song on a Casette. (didn't have any kind of computer yet back then ^^) I remember that my family and went out every Sunday for a walk. Since In The End was in the music charts back then, I knew when they were playing the song on the radio, so I just came back earlier just to record that song. It took me a few weeks since i was a couple of times too late to start recording the song, but then I finally had it! Since then I became a fan of Linkin Park. I started to become addicted when they released Collision Course with Jay-Z.

    LPU Username: Stevie004
  10. Diablorojo

    Diablorojo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2007
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    You must know that Meteora was released in the 2003... so...

    anyway good stories.
  11. Colonel Sanders

    Colonel Sanders Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    Linkin Park got me into music, and inspired me to pursue one of my hobbies and now its even weaved into my work. Linkin Park opened many doors and my musical tastes have grown since my first listen. Not only do I heart the band, i heart talking about them, and I look forward to what they will release in the future. It's a long story, but I'll sum it up in a nutshell. The first song I heard from LP was One Step Closer like many of us, yet the one that sealed the deal was Faint from Meteora. I couldnt keep my eyes of the tube as Chazzy did his monkey jump infront of mesmerizing golden lights and rock the shit out of the video with the entire band. Ironically, it was in Vancouver on a totally awesome leather couch at my Aunts place. I was hooked from then on and now I own all their major album releases. The characteristics of the group and how they continuously push their envelops are the main reasons, to me, why they stand out above the rest. Not only do we hear the evolution of the band, we see it, as they grow with many of us and give back to the fans that helped lift them to the top. Best of luck to those who have to the time to comment!

    I'm not in LPU, but I decided to share my thoughts.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2010
  12. BecomingATreason

    BecomingATreason New Member

    Mar 11, 2010
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    The first time I heard Linkin Park was in middle school. A friend of mine was really into the band and I thought they had something to do with anime because of the Reanimation cd. Anyway later on my sister gave me Hybrid Theory out of her car and I have listened to every track over and over since. Linkin Park is still an awesome band and I own all of their cds(besides the Hybrid Theory cd). They were really different when they came out and many have failed to copy them. Their lyrics are inspiring and I have respected them as musicians since. Long live LP.

    LPU name: BecomingATreason
  13. Neotriple

    Neotriple LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Dec 19, 2006
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    First time?

    So, my friend just moved into a house and it was his Birthday. We turned on his Xbox [Original] back in 2001. We were waiting to play the game Fuzion Frenzy (Amazing game) and were listening to some music. Now, I wasn't really big into music back then, kind thought it was embarassing to listen to music in front of my parents for some reason. I can't pinpoint why, considering I had played 2 instruments up to that point. But this music blew me away (It was Papercut). My friend's brother was a teenager then (13?) and he had heard of this new band through his friends.

    Later that night we went out bowling and I asked his dad what the band's name was. He kind of smiled at me and told me "Linkin Park." Later that week, I summed up my guts to tell my mom to buy the CD for me when I was at Tae-Kwon-Do. Turns out, she picked up Reanimation and not Hybrid Theory. Still awesome. This also led me to frustration with my PS2 as I attempted to burn the CD onto the memory card as my friend did with his X-box. Didn't work.

    Good times...

    LPU NAME: OmegaCrysis
  14. skyzlmt

    skyzlmt Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2010
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    First heard HT in high school. I remember hearing OSC but Crawling was the hook that kept me coming back for more. LPU username: skyzlmt
  15. JessWong

    JessWong New Member

    Mar 11, 2010
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    The time that I first heard LP's music was back in spring 2002. I enjoyed pop at that time and my favorite group was BSB. Nick from BSB mentioned he listened to Linkin Park. I was curious at what type of music he listened to so I check out Linkin Park’s official website and randomly played One Step Closer MV. I didn’t like it though cause I wasn’t used to this kind of music then.

    After that, I heard In The End on the radio for a few times and it started to grow on me. I visited LP’s website again to play the MV of ITE just like crazy. Very soon, I bought Hybrid Theory which was the first rock album that I bought. I was in shock and so excited when I first played the CD. HT immediately turned my music taste from pop to rock ever since.

    LPU username: jesswong
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2010
  16. mcart91

    mcart91 Member

    Mar 11, 2010
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    first time i heard LP was sometime in middle school- in the end. seemed like everyone knew that song. i only really got into linkin park after i bought meteora- it was the first cd i bought on my own :p

    lpu user: mcart91
  17. numbrocker

    numbrocker Member

    Mar 11, 2010
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    I suppose with the whole Warner/Youtube thing, its a bit ironic how I first listened to LP. 4 years ago, I was watching a fanvid with Numb as the background song. The video (now removed due to 'copyright infringement') was beautifully done and I watched it 10 times in a row. It was then that I started to notice that I wasn't so much watching the video, but listening to the song. After that I looked up another fanvid and it was almost like fate, it too had an LP song behind it, Faint. After I realized that the songs were by the same artist I looked them up on youtube. Since then I've bought all their albums, RTR and Live in Texas, Frat Party at the Pankake Festival, and have been an LPU member for 2 years. Also I was fortunate to see them live during PR08.

    An LP fan forever! Numbrocker02 (LPU)
  18. El Muerto

    El Muerto LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    Well my story is quite simple. I saw it on TV one day, and it really got me interested. I borrowed the CDs from my friend, and damn, the first couple of days were crazy. 10 hours every day. Non stop. It was intense, emotional and breathtaking at the same time. So many different things put into one, like a sort of a melting pot. A hybrid of everything I ever wanted. Perfection. And then when the number three came out I already had decent internet so I started downloading. I was taking it slowly this time, one per week. And boy, they were good too, each one better than the previous. The rest is history. Now, years and years later, I'm still thinking of it all day long and dreaming of it all night. It really changed my life. In a positive way. I'm really happy to share with you guys my story about how I started watching Lost.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2010
  19. Neotriple

    Neotriple LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Dec 19, 2006
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    LPU Username: OmegaCrysis
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2010
  20. INK12Many

    INK12Many Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2007
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    This moment I can remember very clearly, the day was May 20th, 2003. I was a freshman in high school and it was lunch time and I was stuck inside my english class finishing our final essay. There we were three students finishing our papers, My best friend Francisco, a long time friend Irvin and myself Alex have known each other since kindergarten. Well here we were inside a classroom with our teacher expecting us to finish. At the time my friend Irvin was a casual Rocker where he changed his style, with the clothes, hairstyle, language and adding new friends. Well it was this day where he mentioned the band and how we should give them a listen. Myself i was a bookworm and heard of Linkin Park as a new comer band has taken the rage of new music era. Not having the urge to listen to their album Hybrid theory Irvin believed my birthday would be this day. So as a gift he introduced me to Meteora album, I reminded him that my birthday was March 20th not May 20th. His response "oh my bad but he is your present anyways foo". It was his used Meteora album, not knowing to do I nodded my head and stuffed the album in my backpack. At home I remembered Irvin gave me the album as a gift and decided to check it out, as a half torn front cover and used edges it gave me the impression that Irvin sure used this album to use. The time i opened the CD case i noticed the booklet, a thick booklet, I looked at the booklet and being impressed with their presentation on their album with lyrics and explaination to every song. Not knowing i took almost an hour eyeing and reading every word. I was very impressed with the band and yet I havent heard a thing yet! Now came the moment of truth, the very first song I heard from Linkin Park. "Foreword" although this is an intro the very first hammer hit to the metal gave me a chill that this album would be something rare. Once the glass breaks "Don't Stay" began, never having heard any of their songs from Hybrid Theory i knew this band deserved to be huge in their right. Hearing the fast paced riffs and vocals from Mikes rhymes and Chesters strong screams made me a fan that same exact day. Within the same day I listened to the album a total of three times to fully understand why I was hooked in the first place. The same night I called Irvin and requested he tell me if they had any more music. All he could offer me was Reanimation which was enough for me to gather money as a freshman to buy my own copy of Hybrid Theory. After finding out everything I can about Linkin Park i'm interested to know how every early fan went through from 2001 to 2003 since i became a fan well after Meteora. Now i am glad the band still keeps me hooked in and offers up so much of themselves to the fans.

    Username: LPSoldierA73X
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