The Catalyst in Medal Of Honor

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Jul 27, 2010.

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  1. hawk

    hawk because the internet LPA Super VIP

    Apr 1, 2010
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    My top 5 songs are actually top 5 albums. Therefore all of their albums including ATS.
  2. Ryez

    Ryez Active Member

    Jul 20, 2010
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    Yeah that argument can be made considering they got ... how many, 20 other artists to come feature on it? It was just a whole other level of music for me, one that still hasn't been surpassed or even equaled. It's not going to be for everyone, of course, but it's definitely to my liking. It was Hybrid Theory made epic (in the literal musical sense of the word).

    Cool to see so many different Top 5s, so many people can get something different from their music.
  3. Rohit LP

    Rohit LP The Silent Red

    Jun 26, 2010
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    My top 5 wud be..
    1. What I've Done (Seriously,theres no better song than this one,and will never be..not evn in future albums of LP,its the Best)
    2. The Little Things Give You Away (Songs as beautiful as this one are rare,i wud like to see something like this on ATS)
    3. Faint (has to be in everyone's LP top 5)
    4. Somewhere I belong / Papercut (cant choose between the two)
    5. Leave out all the rest / Numb (two of the most epic songs i've ever heard)
  4. thor

    thor Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2010
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    i dont know but i like to say that maybe the song probably starts and ends with "lift me up, let me go", idk just my theory
  5. Alexrednex

    Alexrednex Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    1) The Little things give you away
    2) Breaking the Habit
    3) QWERTY live
    4) Pushing Me Away(All versions)
    5) The Catalyst...? Maybe :p
  6. thebaysboy

    thebaysboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    my top 5

    1.pushing me away
    2.faint roads left
    4.valentines day
    5.forgotten (i like the way they go WHO-HA!!!) lol

    woot! i think thats a good top 5 eh?
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2010
  7. Robot Man

    Robot Man Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2006
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    Top 5:

    1. Lying From You
    - I first heard this song on the radio before the release of Meteora. I didn't know it was Linkin Park until I heard Shinoda and Chester, but I fell in love with the song right away.

    2. The Little Things Give You Away
    - Definitely my favorite song off of Minutes to Midnight. I like the acoustic guitar and the slow build-up, not to mention the drums are different and unique for a Linkin Park song. The ending is amazing as well.

    3. Papercut
    - Who doesn't like this song? It gets me pumped up all the time. When I first got Hybrid Theory, I knew this was going to be my favorite song off the album, and after almost 10 years, it still is.

    4. Shadow of the Day
    - Great song in my opinion. I love the lyrics, and Chester's vocals fit the song perfectly.

    5. Breaking the Habit
    - When I first listened to Meteora, I was surprised to hear this song, because it sounded very different from what I was use to from the band. But I've grown to love it a lot over the years.
  8. El Muerto

    El Muerto LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    Alright, so I guess I'll post my top 5 too :)

    1. She Couldn't
    2. Papercut
    3. Wth>You
    4. And One
    5. Blackbirds
  9. ChuckCheese

    ChuckCheese Did somebody order some cheese? LPA VIP

    Nov 12, 2007
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  10. Cosmo

    Cosmo Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Hi guys! I'm new to Linkin Park Association.:D I think my top five songs would have to be:

    1)What I've Done (Has quite a deep meaning, especially when played with the video)
    2) Qwerty (live) (Always helps vent the frustration)
    3)From The Inside/P5hng Me A*wy ( I had a feeling a while back that the new album would sound a lot like this reanimation song)
    4) Across the Line/Figure 09 (hard to choose)
    5)One Step Closer/Lying From You/By Myself

    It's so hard to choose!!:sweating: Looking forward to hearing The Catalyst tonight. I've run out of ways to kill time to be honest!!:headbang:
  11. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Welcome to LPA!
  12. Cosmo

    Cosmo Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Thanks Derek. It's good to finally be part of the crowd :)
  13. ricky34024

    ricky34024 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2010
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    1) Somewhere I Belong = one of my favorite intros to a LP song
    2) In the End = piano & rapping, all in one song? this has to be one of their best
    3) Faint = this one is just infused with so much energy
    4) P5hng Me A*wy (Live in Texas) = I loved their performance on this one
    5) In Pieces = the lyrics are beautiful, & chester really reaches deep into his soul to sing this one
  14. {L}EcM3311{P}

    {L}EcM3311{P} Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2007
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    I don't think it hit me that i'm about to get 15 new linkin park songs that are going to be different from anything else... I can't wait .. I'm so excited to not expect the same kind of music.. so glad to see lp grow up and mature.. its all surreal right now
  15. thekyan

    thekyan Member

    Jul 21, 2010
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    this part of the song reminds me of the end of the little things give you away
  16. Benjamin

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    LOL I sort of turned this thread into what's you top 5 LP songs. That will be a good new topic after ATS sinks in! Will ATS be able to compete with LP's all time best songs? That is the question.
  17. Ben

    Ben Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2009
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    I wish this clip hadn't surfaced. I feel like I've heard too much of the song before hearing the whole thing now. Nonetheless, I think it all sounds amazing. Definitely a different direction, but that's exactly why I listen to Linkin Park: they're fresh. If I want metalcore, I have Bullet For My Valentine or All That Remains. If I want hard rock, I have Avenged Sevenfold or Atreyu. If I want something a little more moderate in terms of rock, there's Papa Roach or Paramore. Linkin Park is my favorite band because they constantly give me something new to listen to, and they always do a great job with it. That's also part of the reason I like Hollywood Undead. They're unique.

    Anyways, my top 5 LP songs:

    1) Breaking The Habit - When I first heard this song I immediately fell in love with it. It was a big motivational piece for me in high school, and the melodies are just beautiful. There aren't many songs like this. It probably will continue to be my favorite LP song forever.

    2) Papercut - I'll never forget listening to Hybrid Theory for the first time in the car, putting in the CD coming home. The intro piece is unforgettable, and it's a balance of Mike and Chester at the perfect level.

    3) Faint - As much as I hate to use a conventional answer such as this, there really is no denying this is a fucking amazing song. Not much else to say. Awesome electric strings intro, interesting guitar riff, hard hitting rap versus, melodic chorus, and a powerful bridge. Awesome.

    4) New Divide - I think this was my single most anticipated LP release. I remember checking weeks in advance to see if I could just get a taste of it. Four and a half minutes of genius in my opinion. The electronic breakdown perfectly defines why LP is my favorite band. It's their sound, no other band can do what they do. Love this song.

    5) In The End - The first time I ever heard an LP song, before I even got Hybrid Theory, was when I was hanging out with some friends, and the place we were at played this song. I remember thinking it was pretty good. I listened to it when I got home again and loved it. It was the beginning of an ongoing 10-year love for Linkin Park. I was 9 when I heard this song for the first time. I'm 19 now, and these guys continue to amaze me.

    Bring on A Thousand Suns.
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