A Thousand Suns Leaked

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Sep 7, 2010.

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  1. rcm034

    rcm034 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Edit: Nevermind, I think I know what you mean. You have to go through step one to get to step two. You are saying they had to make MTM to make ATS? Sorry, if i'm not thinking clearly, I think the blood drive I went to earlier today is getting to me. Also, don't google that.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  2. cloudscream

    cloudscream Static

    Jul 30, 2010
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    True. I frequent LPMB around the time of Collision Course and Minutes, but recently kids have been flooding nonsense on the boards (probably because of the Transformers thing). So to satisfy my need for LP chitchat, I went to the next best thing.
  3. Spiderguy252

    Spiderguy252 Awaiting LP in India

    Jun 10, 2010
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    Please somebody tell me how on earth you're liking this album. I've put it on repeat 8 times since yesterday. Nothing does it for me.

    Let me ask you a question: all you guys here who are saying that this is "epic", did you enjoy Minutes to Midnight? Probably if you did, this album is for you.
  4. NateXY

    NateXY I was by your side, powerless.

    Jun 26, 2010
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    The way I see ATS is,
    The progress and the change between MTM to ATS is massive. Which can only mean one thing,
    Despite all the haters (Stupid Nu-Metal only people -.-), if LP makes huge with this album and continues on making music, I see, the next album will be a way bigger success.
    And I don't think they will ever go back to Nu-Metal......ever.
  5. cloudscream

    cloudscream Static

    Jul 30, 2010
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    If you don't like it, move on. Don't listen to it anymore. Listen to something else you like. No point in arguing.
  6. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    The instrumental quality is unreal. They have surpassed many, many groups with this record. Writing your own music and lyrics is something rare these days. And they've just done it better than 99% of the people in the business. Of course, better is a relative term. Some people might like simple guitar riffs or hip hop beats for the rest of their lives before they like electronic industrial rock. I just find complex, layered music to be more fulfilling to me.
  7. abluasitno

    abluasitno Member

    Jun 8, 2009
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    Here's my take on the album, LP's progression, and the "haters" as well:

    In regards to the album, I love it. Oddly enough, one of my favorite tracks is actually an interlude (Wisdom, Justice and Love). I do have a few songs that I'm not really feeling at the moment (Blackout and the Messenger), but I do love how the album flows together. And the hate that When They Come For Me is receiving is blowing my mind. I fucking love that track. It's the one song that I can just throw on out of place and jam to. Love it.

    Now, I have a theory on the haters. I think what happened is that these people grew up with LP during the HT/Nu-Metal boom. They enjoy(ed) the heavy guitars, scratching, and rotation of rap and singing that were present on both HT and Meteora. And I can dig that, I really can, because I grew up with it too and still have those albums blasting in my car frequently. The issue however, is that the members of LP got older. They matured, both musically and personally. And as a result, there were a few decisions that needed to be made in regards to the bands future. On the one hand, they could try to experiment with their existing sound some more and probably make a pretty good album. They could continue toying with the principles and ideals of HT/Meteora (angst, oppression, rejection, depression etc) and they'd be just fine. But goddamnit, you can't be depressed/angry forever. I think the guys realized that they were talented enough that they didn't HAVE to pigeon hole themselves into making another Nu-Metal album. So they delved into new territory with M2M, and as a result felt fulfilled artistically. Getting back to the "haters", these individuals weren't pleased with the new direction. It's not that they're ignorant of musical evolution, it's that they wanted a structure built upon the foundation of the previous two albums instead of anything new. I liken these individuals to the 40-somethings that criticize music today for not having enough solos. You know, the guy with a trucker hat and cut-off sleeves who only listens to old Guns 'n' Roses CD's and jams out to Judas Priest decrying any genre of music that doesn't fit into his ideal structure. It's not that he's close-minded, it's just that he fell so much in love with what was introduced to him at a younger age that nothing else makes sense to him, so he doesn't acknowledge it as it's not similar to what he loves.

    Anyways, all I can say is that it's nice that LP is evolving. To not evolve is to become stagnant in an industry that's ever changing. Remember Staind? They came out same time as LP, similar(ish, not really nu-metal but I know you understand me) styles, and LP changed and Staind didn't. When's the last time you heard or bought a goddamn thing from Stain'd? Exactly. We can either drive in circles on a route we know and love, or we can take the detour and see what crazy things we see. I'm glad we've opted for the latter.

    That's all.
  8. travz21

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    Boo-yah. That's more of the stuff I want to hear from fans.
  9. NickelNine

    NickelNine It's the gin talking >>>>> LPA VIP

    Oct 11, 2004
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    'Wisdom, Justice, and Love' was begging to turn into a song around the 1 minute mark. Instead, it fades away into nothing. That nothing does flow nice into 'Iridescent'. But I wish there never was that nothing. That nothing could have been after the song that could have been after the 1 minute mark in 'Wisdom, Justice, and Love'. Ya follow/feel me?! :)
  10. Hybrid_theory_110

    Hybrid_theory_110 Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    i liked mtm.some songs were really good.b8 i don't like ats.
  11. cloudscream

    cloudscream Static

    Jul 30, 2010
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    Probably. But I think those people are just casual listeners (you know, singles in the radio or videos from MTV), or maybe they got into LP through Transformers and then just backtracked and listened to their previous music catalog.
    It's mind-boggling. If they followed the band from the beginning, why can't they understand ATS? Alternative rock, hip hop, electronic - LP has been all that (with varying amounts of each one) in all of their releases.
  12. abluasitno

    abluasitno Member

    Jun 8, 2009
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    They don't understand because even though LP has been about a fusion of rock, rap and electronica from the beginning, it was always more conscious of it's heavier side rather than an elegant fusion of all of it's parts. Essentially, the rock sounds present on HT and Meteora, metaphorically speaking, were the Frosted Flakes of the breakfast, while the electronic portions were the toast. Yeah they were there, but you were mainly focused on the sugary goodness (which lacked nutritional substance but damn was it good). Now the band has released a balanced breakfast (so to speak), and there are people pushing back because they don't want any part of a well thought out, substantial meal, they just want their goddamned Frosted Flakes.

    I do believe that's one of the most retarded metaphors in the history of a music discussion, but I think it gets my point across.
  13. Kaleda519

    Kaleda519 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    Took me a while to get into some of MTM but yes I enjoyed it. But I love Hybrid theory and Meteora too. Why does there have to be a either or situation with these albums? I like all three LP styles (yes three, MTM and ATS do not have the same style).
  14. Spiderguy252

    Spiderguy252 Awaiting LP in India

    Jun 10, 2010
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    Firstly, I wouldn't call us "haters" per-se. We just dislike this album, but we love some of the other (older) work the band has done.
    You see, the problem with LP is that the last two efforts are sort of forcing the fanbase to change. I dunno what HT and Meteora fans are going to get out of this band anymore.

    Hey- you gotta admit. HT & Meteora fans form a huge chunk of the LP fanbase.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  15. abluasitno

    abluasitno Member

    Jun 8, 2009
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    It's not so much that anyone rejecting this sound is a hater (I just use that phrase because it's the shortest way to summarize a dislike for something), it's that there seems to be a misunderstanding about what Linkin Park is. This is a collection of people who channel their life experiences and interests into a creative outlet, and then share with the world this collaborative creation. As a result, the end product is always going to vary depending on what's going on in these individuals' lives when they channel their creativity. It's never been about the fans. Fans are a byproduct of the creative process. It's about taking what you feel at one moment and letting it out. In 2000, that meant screaming, guitars, turntables, and rap that spoke out about feelings of anger, angst, etc. 10 years later, these 6 people don't feel that way anymore. They're not mad at the world, the heavy guitars aren't a necessity. The sound they produce only sounds forced if you're assuming that they're the same people from a decade ago. In reality, this is how they've progressed. If you stand back and look at the album as it's own entity, rather than the offspring of HT and Meteora, then the sounds come from an authentic place.

    In regards to the HT/Meteora fans and what they'd get out of it, I think the band naturally assumed that after 10 years, their fan base had grown intellectually, spiritually and sonically with them. Some people have, some people haven't. That's not to say that someone who doesn't like the CD hasn't evolved over the past 10 years, but to not understand the why of the matter... well, they probably figured we can't please everyone, so as long as we're proud of where we are at the end of the day, that's all we can ask for.
  16. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    They're not trying to change anybody. If you don't like the album you can just stop listening to their music.

    You have no obligation to stay an LP fan because of this album.

    Do you really think LP thought, "LET'S FORCE THE FANBASE TO CHANGE!" No. Although people like myself would definitely love it if this was the case, they were just in the mood to make no music. If you don't like it, tough. The door is that way.
  17. Manu

    Manu Seeking tenderness with a dagger

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Ugh. This discussion could have ended with a much simpler reply:

    And why not?
  18. hawk

    hawk because the internet LPA Super VIP

    Apr 1, 2010
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    I really thought Linkin Park would have held this one back right up to the release date, I was wrong.

    Achievement Unlocked: 2,500 posts!
  19. Dev-Meister

    Dev-Meister Member

    Sep 8, 2010
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    These 'haters' just want Linkin Park to be like Nickleback and have all songs sounding the same. You need to realise that the world's greatest discoveries are made by experimentation. The lyrical beauty and the complex use of sound equipment in ATS is unlike anything LP has done before.
  20. Flozuki

    Flozuki LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jun 1, 2010
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    I completely agree and i was aware that there will be a lot of "hate" against ATS. But i would have never imagined, what is right now going on on Amazons German Site.

    Pure hate, 2,5 out of 5 stars at the moment and a lot of pretty good written positive reviews are getting bad feedback from the haters. The negative ones are mostly a few lines long and are just ridiculous but the feedback for them is positive. Weird world, i wish more people at LPA were able to write German reviews ^^
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