Casual D
Last Activity:
Mar 1, 2025
Jul 13, 2002
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Oct 6, 1986 (Age: 38)
Home Page:
Reading, Pennsylvania, United States

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Casual D

I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D., 38, from Reading, Pennsylvania, United States

LPA Administrator
Casual D was last seen:
Mar 1, 2025
    1. Dean
      The XBox has been preoccupied with Rock Band 2 and GoW 2 over the weekend, but I'm planning to spend a good amount of time on it tomorrow night to start off if circumstances allow.
    2. Dean
      I rented Underworld.
    3. TheRockChick
      Oh okay. :sleep:

    4. TheRockChick
      You know, I kind of feel bad for you, because everytime I see "who's online" you're private messaging, lol. This whole Mod thingy must be very tiring.

      .........Or is it? =P
    5. Andrea
      I didn't go to it yet. I'm currently messing with my resume right now. I did get a call from another position and I have been denied! Oh happy day. -____-
    6. Theazninvasion68
      I know you know tons of stuff about President-Elect Obama, and I would like to ask you a Question about His Agenda.

      I've read Obama's Economy plan but I don't quite understand the Plans for Small business, and I would be so delighted to have you respond to these questions.

      1)My family owns a resturant, and has been for many many years. How does His plan work in Benefit or Disadvantage for my parents?

      2) Could you break down the terms he's going to do with His plans into simplier terms? (I speak cantonese with my mother, and she was a McCain supporter. I'd like to talk or debate stuff with my mom but my vocabulary in cantonese is limited, so.. >< )

      3) Not really a question, more like a Thank you, weather or not you respond! :)

      Thanks! haha.
    7. Andrea
      Nah, not really. I just kinda want to be alone with my thoughts. But thanks anyway. :)
    8. Andrea
      Not tonight. I'm not really in a good mood. :)
    9. Gloomy Mushroom
      Gloomy Mushroom
      hello sweetie. did you miss me?
    10. Andrea
      You should probably take something for it and go to bed. <3
    11. Andrea
      My computer's signal strength is preventing me from getting on AIM. It says "AIM Service cannot be reached".
    12. Chris.
    13. Ophelia
      Ah, ok, my misunderstanding then. Thanks for the help and the clarification. You would think that as a web site designer, I would realize things like that. Yeah, I am so smart. =P
    14. Ophelia
      Yes, sorry.

      I was just wondering if you are receiving notification that they are waiting for me? I had one the other day that was stuck in limbo for almost an entire day, and I pm'd you about that one too, and you said you didn't even see it as being in that queue.
    15. Ophelia
      Derek, I am beginning to wonder if there's something wrong with my account? I have had two private messages waiting for moderation going on almost 3 hours now. Its just weird, that they aren't being seen by staff?
    16. Messy Marj
      Messy Marj
      Ohnoes, I don't even dare to put a kiddie motorboat which is meant for baths in the water. Yes, Maxime wanted one to make his bath a 'manly bath'. xD
    17. Messy Marj
      Messy Marj
      Hold on, hold on...not yet, but will be in about half an hour though. I bought supersexy lingerie today dude. :cool:

      But now I'm off in a bath full of coco bubbles.
    18. Messy Marj
      Messy Marj
      aww cute picture Derek :lol:
    19. Gloomy Mushroom
      Gloomy Mushroom
      Why hello there ... :wub:
    20. Gloomy Mushroom
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  • About

    Oct 6, 1986 (Age: 38)
    Home Page:
    Reading, Pennsylvania, United States
    Music, Graphic arts, Lyrics, Video Games, Photography, Sports, Self Expression, Chatting Playing Vid


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    Formerly known as Derek