Nah, I'm still waiting for ze family to get home so it'll be a while. I probably won't be getting anything special anyway. :P
Yeah, I'm a regular casanova. [/sarcasm] We'll see. I'm not getting my hopes up for it to be someone really hot. :P
I don't even know who 'she' is. She walked by when I was in line for an application. :lol: I'll try and get some girl nekkid, but it probably won't be her. :cry: xD
Then she says "Why thank you stud! Why don't you take me into the bathroom and ravage me?!" Which is when the glorious sex-capade begins. :shifty: Yeah right! I probably wouldn't have gotten past "Hi!". :lol:
She was a hot young thing. I know you prefer the milfs, but this chick had fantastic b00biez. :lol: Not too big, but perky! Too bad I was waiting in line when she walked by. :(
Eh, my day was pretty monotonous. I filled out a bunch of forms and applications. Good times... :lol: The most exciting thing was the blonde I saw at teh school. RAWR! XD
Dude... I'm practically dying of laughter right now! XD I know it's gross, but damn. You have some of the weirdest experiences. :lol:
D'oh! Dude, that sucks! :lol: I hate when that happens. You think "I'll just go to the bank on Monday." Then you get there "WTF... Columbus Day?!?!" xD Oh well... there's always tomorrow. :lol:
Thank you. ^_^ <3 Did Max ever meet that lady that won't return his calls about moving out a month early? :lol:
Oooh, sounds good. :D I'm doing good. Really tired, though. Went back to the college today to figure out what else I needed to get in. I need to take a test and go to orientation, then I should FINALLY be able to actually pick my courses. :lol:
umm no, lol. It's a chicken place, and that's where I'm having a second interview. I don't know, it's weird.
Why thank you! Now if only I lived in any other country so I could go buy some alcohol for celebration purposes. :lol: