Just wanted to pose a thought - A one-off Monthly Mix-Up with a Chester theme in his honour? I know the last one was to be the last one but it seems like an apt way to pay respects and for people to express in their own way.
Check the Dead Letter Circus thread, the single artwork has been revealed and there is a "treat" coming tomorrow.
Unfortunately I had to remove it because I'm applying for youtube partnership soon :/ I can always send you the mp3 though! perhaps you can upload it somwehere else :D
just in a few moments, lpa surprise is up and ready to be seen for viewers. its already on youtube as of less than about an hour ago, but idk how long it takes for the process of Youtube!! be ready!! i go check. it will be in linkin park forum thread thingy!!! ;)
"I have cried twice in my life. Once when I was seven and I was hit by a school bus. And then again when I heard that Li'l Sebastian had passed"
Saw this and thought about you and your avatar... http://www.buzzfeed.com/toddvanluling/the-30-best-portraits-of-ron-swanson
Just give me all the bacon and eggs you have. Wait, wait. I'm worried what you just heard was, "Give me a lot of bacon and eggs." What I said was, "Give me all the bacon and eggs you have". Do you understand?