Because you love Python, I will instantly change your name for you. I will also turn you into a newt.
That's cool, I'm happy for ye, do you remember the time when you were waiting an eternity to get news from the school and you were bored out of your mind every day? :lol: Yep, still at disney, but changed to a better hotel!
*falls over laughing* I am just enraged I guess, its been a fucking year! I mean come on now, find something else to be pissed off over
blah blah blah, my name is kevin friskey, and i dont have a life, but i am going to continue to harass the person i havent had contact with in a year just to make her look as bad as possible, and i will out her as a big slut, and then hope that everyone still likes me!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
=( that makes me so sad. I heard from her on christmas eve, she just happened to be on FB. I really miss her.