I've only heard one song of theirs. Has this catchy keyboard line in it that stays stuck in my head for days. xD
I was planning on getting a part time job while I was going to school, anyway. The money I get from the government will cover the first two years at a community college, but I the university will be much more expensive, so I need to save money. Yeah, the car situation is still bad, but I'll have to find some way to work around that.
Eh, it's going to show up when it shows up. These aren't exactly compassionate people haha. I just don't know what I'm going to do until January. I never really thought of a "plan b".
Well, even if it does, I still have to resubmit the application. The last two times I did that, it took them almost a month to respond; I only have 18 days left. xD
Well we can talk on msn when you are on. :lol: And yeah I'm good thanks...hell of alot better than last week anyway lol. How are you?
Yeah, it's better to read in print. I'd never read an e-book lmao. I'm realizing that this book may be a little "tough," but there are some interesting things to discuss. We'll definetly choose something more fun for next time, though! :)