Ya, that's what I'm talking about. Why would they support the downloading of music from the internet for free, but not for sale? That's what's...
Okay, what the crap? Wasn't it Mike that said LP supported free music for download? Why won't they support the download of their stuff off...
;) NO SPAM PLEASE Just to note, This thing has exploded onto the web. Just so you guys can brag when somebody else shows you this, say you know...
My guess on the extra length of numb... If you take a look at the back of the CD, you'll see a distinct line circling around the CD. This is the...
On the Meteora CD, is said there'd be a screensaver. Last monday, when i got my preorder through the mail, it said to check back on the release...
I'm so glad I preordered it! Got it a day early, and didnt have to worry :)
Isn't it boris? I know the answer is near the end of "The Art of Meteora" on the enhanced CD.
Hey, shouldnt it be solely dissapointed? lol, sorry, couldnt resist :lol:
I cant believe it, but the preorder package I got from LP.com came a day early :) I know this is kind of a pointless post, but it pwns so much!...
Why the heck does everybody thing Dont Stay sounds like OSC? To me, OSC was much faster then Dont Stay. Chester's voice also sounds RADICALLY...
I'm pretty sure it was AOL before Dont Stay. Dont Stay wasnt on the player when i first heard about this yesterday (i dont think)
You know, nothing has really changed. This is, again, the modern rock charts, and it's been #2 for awhile. The only difference is that Bring Me to...
Is it just me, or does Chester sound radically different in this song? It's much deeper then what i'm use to. :blink:
I'm pretty sure the canadians have the same release dates for albums as the US, so i'm guessing tuesday. However, you can prolly get it from an...
OMG! This has got to be the only time it benefits to have AOL :blink:
lol, that's the best :)
Not necessarily. He could always play the regular deal, and then they could get a time machine and go backwards in time, and you could hear it....
lol. So, what would have happened if i didnt remind you like this? heh
I dont see how it could be called leaking at all. It is available to everybody now. They just need to tell a friend. It's not like the band tried...
i know it's possible to rip it, i was asking more if somebody "would", not "could" :P
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