Over on his YouTube channel, Mike Shinoda has just uploaded a video of himself and a group of Australian musicians doing an in-studio performance of Mikes new song Already Over, and the Linkin Park song Bleed It Out. The performance was recorded when Mike was in Sydney in early September. Read what Mike had to say about the performance and watch the video below. What do you think of the performances? With the "Episode 1" in the title of the video, will there be more of these kinds of videos coming? Come and discuss in our forums Source: Mike Shinoda YouTube
Nice. Was hoping Mike would do his own vocal version of bleed it out's chorus since he seems to go pretty hard with Already Over but this is pretty cool and in line with what I was expecting from him in the near future. Recorded or streamed live versions of songs uploaded randomly in lieu of tours for now.
Thats a pretty cool way to release stuffand show us things "live". I am really interested in more sessions like this.