I'm not so sure I'm used to the name METEORA yet.. wasn't quite what I expected-sounds kinda spacey. Does anyone have any pictures of Meteora? ( the place ) it kinda interests me that this place is so great their gonna name their cd after it... i've only seen one pic of the place.
I like Meteora as a name. It makes it sound like it will be very complex. It also is original. Like Tool albums (Lateralus, Aenima...) they always have cool album titles and song titles (Schism, Disgustipated :lol). Anyways the pic of Meteora is pretty breathtaking I'd like to go there!
yeah i know! we're supposed to be going in like a couple weeks or something with my moms super rich boyfriend! the only thing that sucks, is he's a jerk. as soon as i found out the name of the cd i told my mom i wanted to go and she was like Ok. i just kinda was like..DUDE...WOW! i never get nething i want! lol
LOL Unchained! I bet you'll get something else you want no matter what you mom says! Can you guess???
ROFL i think i have one.. a new cd coming out soon? just call me Marlee if u can remember.. i hate bein called by my username..and if u cant then thats ok. im camping out at the place dude..im determined to get that cd b4 school!
lol marlee...i'll buy it ASAP... i mean, i live out in the country with no music stores so i'll need a 1/2 hour trip into town to get it!
Fancy Mike now do we? HEHEHEHE, thats pretty cool though, that his b-day's tomorrow. We'll have to sing him a song!
YEAH I'm at **! LOL i think LPA is going over board on the flooding thing! THere is only two ppl max in this thread!
ROFL yes i fancy mike.. alot..ive only got like 8 posters of him in my room. just talking to urself to build up the posts? heehee