[youtube]Tlj6vhALejw[/youtube] If the video isn't playing on the page then Click Here This is a pretty fucking amazing live version of the song with a great new guitar part to it. Does anyone know what year this was? I imagine it'd be around 2001-2. Probably the last time they ever played it.
This was filmed back in 2001. It was originally intended as a live DVD for the band (as people who had tickets had to sign an agreement to allow their likeness to be shown on film) but the idea to release this was later scrapped and most of the footage was subsequently used for HBO Reverb, which happens to be from where that video is taken from.
I see, thanks for clearing that up. I just love Brad's guitar part to it, imagine if LP made a song with that guitar part, it'd fucking rock like if they made a song out of Chester's bit from Rock N' Roll. Now I sound like an LP fanboy.
I only know because Astat has said it so fucking much . By the way, tasta was only his name here because his old account was phished and we accidentally banned him back in the day before realizing it. His real 'nickname' is Astat and thats why you guys should call him for now on. In fact we've already even changed it to that for him. =)
I remember when HBO originally aired this. This was actually the first version of High Voltage that I had ever heard. Which is why I was disappointed when I heard the original remix, sans guitars.
I might have to jack that guitar part for my band... That is of course if we can't come up with something better and there's no threat of any legal action.
, oh and thats not the only time they've ever played it..I think the last time was back at Rock Am Ring in 04.
Well the point is we're probably never gonna hear it played again. I think it'd be cool though if LP had a day festival where they play every song they've ever done.
They haven't played High Voltage since 2001, other than Mike rapping parts of it over the intro to Points of Authority on PR2007. In fact, this WAS the last known time they've ever played it. They only played it for about 8 months in 2001.
I'm sure they'll play it again at some point. They've been pretty good at surprising people with their setlists (I didn't think they'd ever play QWERTY again). I'd say by next summer they'll start to get a bit more creative with their setlists (hopefully they'll keep the three setlist tradition going as well).
Na they said before PR they'd play QWERTY again and to be honest the versions I've seen them play at PR were nothing compared to the Japan performances. Percides I think LP are gradually moving away from the rap side of things. I think less of Mike rapping on MTM was for us to get used to not hearing much of him on future LP records. I hope that that's not the case though.
I forgot about them saying they'll play it again, your right. As far as less rapping in the future, that's all conjecture at this point. Their next album could be much more hip-hop focused (or not at all, who knows). All I was saying is that I wouldn't rule out them not playing any song ever again, 'cause they've been known to surprise.
Wanna know the sad part? I could give you that information for any LP song. First known performance, last known performance, different versions of each song...in fact, that gives me an idea for some new site content. Hmm.