Thank You Chester <3 RIP

Discussion in 'Chester Bennington' started by BeingTaz, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. #1

    BeingTaz Tasmina

    Jul 26, 2017
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    I'm not one to express my feelings and I rarely talk about my problems but I just had to put this somewhere. Finally got round to typing something up without deleting it.

    I was in hospital listening to Linkin Park when the news about Chester popped up. I felt numb and forgot why I was there. Just didn't want to believe it, prayed it was fake news.

    Like everyone else I'm having a really hard time accepting this. Finding out about Chester's death felt like a close friend/family member died. Their music got me through some difficult periods - and each time consoled me. They understood me.

    I can't believe how many memories, both good and bad, I have attached to Linkin Park songs. I will never forget how their lyrics made me feel. Chester's death has brought them all back. They were the sound track of my teenage years however, I never got to see them live, adding to my list of regrets.

    A close friend and super fan was lucky enough to see Linkin Park three times. I can't thank him enough for video calling me live via Snapchat from the gig at the O2 Brixton. Although it was only 5 minutes I felt like I was there, those 5 minutes I will cherish and never forget.

    Chester, you'll never know how much you've helped. Your voice, lyrics and music will always continue to do so. Although I am not where I want to be, I am not where I used to be.

    Thank you and love you so much.

    RIP xox
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2017
  2. #2

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Very well said, @BeingTaz. I'm sorry to hear you were in the hospital. Hope all's well.

    The beautiful thing about music is that it endures beyond the lifetime of the artist. While it is a massive tragedy that Chester won't continue to make new music for us to enjoy, the music he has left us with is a tragedy survival kit. It helps us deal with with the despair, sadness, grief, and anger that comes along with sudden tragedy. Chester may not be with us on this Earth anymore, but he'll always be with us between our ears. I hope this provides some comfort.
    BeingTaz likes this.

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