So ... what do you guys think about him? I think he's just a guy who's better off at engineering than singing, and I highly doubt that he's gonna release a second album. Anyway, have any of you bought his album? Are his covers worth listening to for entertainment or are they pure, uh, out-of-tune songs?
yeah really, im waiting for the day his career dies, it was such bullshit that he got a friggin record deal when there are bands out there trying to get signed that actually DESERVE it
It may be funny and may be a joke to some people, but the reality is much different. It pisses me off to see someone with no talent to be able to get a record deal and get a lot of money. But it gives me a little hope, to make me believe that I have a chance in the music business
He's signed to Koch/FUSE Records. It's not like some brilliant unknown band would have been signed and become a very popular band and become the next Rolling Stones. I say let him do what he wants. Aslong as he doesn't get signed to Nuclear Blast or Century Media, I'm fine.
I hated him the first time I saw him, but I do honour his courage facing the judges and his determination bla bla bla....singing that one song. Those are the only things people care about But for him to make full albums and shoot horrible videos is something i really can't stand. I think it has gone too far.
There was a guy like William (should be) Hung caled Flynn (he was asian) on Australian Idol. Everyone loves him but I dont think hes releasing a cd he sang 'Beat It' By Michael Jackson.
He sang "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" here at a Jays game and he got booed by almost everyone there but he kept smiling and singing. I don't think I've ever seen him mad before.
I know for a fact that in person, he's a jerk. I asked him if I could take a picture with him and he said he was busy, when in reality, he wasn't doing anything. And I heard from some of my friends that he always talks in class... He needs to focus on his education and get out of the spotlight... the clock is ticking, his 15 minutes will be over soon.
I know for a fact that in person, he's a jerk. I asked him if I could take a picture with him and he said he was busy, when in reality, he wasn't doing anything. And I heard from some of my friends that he always talks in class... He needs to focus on his education and get out of the spotlight... the clock is ticking, his 15 minutes will be over soon. [/b][/quote] A little while ago I offered to kill him, it's still standing. :chemist:
well all i have to say is that i would rather hear william hung than another coheed and cambria song... other than that, i think william hung is just a joke that has gone way too far and it is awful that he thinks that people actually like his voice
Naw - Coheed And Cambria are much better. And yes, William Hung is just a joke. I can't believe he's actually famous now. Wtf is going on?!