N00B. Always hated that word. A lot of assumptions made based on it, like that you're 13 years old, you have no grasp of the english language, everything you say is incoherent gibberish, you're a dim-wit, and you're their to start shit. Ah, gotta love the internet. Eh, well, I'm not that new. I registered about 3 weeks ago and I've finally decided to properly introduce myself. Alls you need to know about me is I'm a cynical bitch and there is no need to fear me because only ignoramus' will feel the extent of my cynicism. Oh yeah, and I'm a closet Linkin Park fan in the sense that no one knows I'm a fan (except for a few select friends and of course other LP fans who admit they're LP fans first). No Doubt is my saviour and Britney Spears provides me awesome tracks to dance too. O Brother Where Art Thou is an amazing movie but the soundtrack out-shines it. Mike is not cute, Chester is not cute, Dave is not cute, Rob is not cute, Joe is not cute, but Brad is. Ha! Nirvana is overrated, Ashlee Simpson is a joke (but for some strange reason, I love her CD), Creed sucks (in fact, so bad that they were sued for sucking), Eminem is going downhill, Martina McBride should be shot, Clay Aiken is a tool, why is JLO still singing, and why did ska music have to die? Anyone else got any artists they want me to take a shot at?
As long you as you dont show that you love Brad and want to marry him, you're welcome Make sure to read the rules/guide so you wont get in any shit Have fun!