I'm sure you LP addicts have already heard the new track: The Catalyst. I somehow got my copy but was undecided to what genre to tag it to. Since Monsieur Shinoda himself said it would be Genre-Busting, I think we should start the epic journey to create a whole new genre for The Catalyst. On a side note, if The Catalyst is to A Thousand Suns as What I've Done was to Minutes To Midnight then.............well:
Electronic Alternative? lol I don't know. I think that this single is the equivalent to a scenario where "The Little Things Give You Away" would have been M2M's lead single. They are actually somewhat similar. TLTGYA has a slight edge because of there being more lyrics.
So what if he took the statement back, I was being serious. Though it might not be ground-busting (or breaking), I'd be damned if it wasn't genre-busting. That 5:42 worth of (not so good) material rightfully deserves a new genre, be it serious or just as a joke.
Then you're damned. It's synthpop/electrorock. I don't like talking down about my favorite band but songs like The Catalyst have been done before. Is it a good song? Yes. Does it pay a lot of attention to detail and nuance? Yes. I love the blending of Mike and Chester's voices. It's very creative. But there's a reason Mike retracted that statement. This is electro music and that isn't new. It's actually very popular right now. And this song is definitely not "progressive," it slows down a bit at the bridge but picks right back up. Edit: The way LP has done this style is a bit different though. They add a certain big, epic sound to it. And of course I'm only referring to TC, no way of knowing about the album.