Mike Shinoda just posted two short clips of new music over on his Snapchat account. You can hear them for a limited time over there, just add "mikeshinodalive", or you can listen to the rip of them below. [audio=artists=Linkin Park&titles=ShinodaSnapchatClip]http://www.lpassociation.com/upload/audio/052616-062630_ShinodaSnapchatClip.mp3[/audio] The lyrics are: ... like the founder of Spotify streamin' freemium heat / your wounds'll get cauterised right in front of every fickle fan that you're followed by like blackhat hackers, you'll be lookin' for compromise What do you think of this? Does this match what you think the direction for the new album is? Come and discuss in our forums.
Apparently I'm now a Snapchatter. Whatever the music might be, I like the guitar riff. Very smooth and for something from the Linkin Park library (if it is just that) even quite fresh. I would love to breeze through an album filled with sounds like these. Finally some sounds again! Good!
Sounds more like a solo Mike project more than a Linkin Park song. Like the beat, but the lyrics are cringe like most of Mike's rap lyrics.
Guys, don't take the lyrics too serious come on... He is defnitley joking. The beat is more interesting and relevant... Even if Mike had some really bad lyrics, he would not get that bad