I totally enjoy it. It's some new kind of LP-Awesome.
Damn, I'm sooo hyped. .__.
Smoke. The Pictures of Joe Hahn from the BID-Video show some smoke. Or kind of a cloud. And then we were again @ up. Up in the Clouds... or maybe...
"Scavengers Welcome" is Trollnodas way to say: Come at me, bro! So I think, the Scavenger Hunt is already on. Adams tweet fits into this theory, too.
It would be fun, if the LPA focused on the "up"-thing and Troll Hahn would just bring "up" up, after we've put so much effort in it.
That was my guess, too. It was kind of too obvious, that he missed that out..
I also think, there will be something with the video. Or kind of everything, because it seems to be HUGE. :D So, if we focus on one thing,...
The Beatles - Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby
Granted, but now u have to cope with maaaaaaaaany more Hurricanes. I wish, there were no poverty.
Granted, but it's a snippet of a new Rebecca Black Song. I wish, I wouldn't have to study.
Granted, but it's not drinkable anymore. Wish, I wasn't that lazy.
Granted, but he only can speak morse. I wish, the Album will be put online.
Derek is ruler of the chickens that seriously handicapped the monkey when the chickens pecked some serious life out of the undead dead. Then...
GRANTED, but now u r allergic to them. I wish, I had a Starbucks Frappuccino Maker in my room.
Separate names with a comma.