Hey just wondering if anyone out there runs a jailbroken iDevice :) Since there's not much life in the Tech Talk part :)
I personally use a Linux box... with Windows XP dualbooting but i don't usually use it... But i hate using windoze. honestly, its so buggy......
Assuming you're jailbroken, that is...
So Windows 7 is better than Vista? Is it better than XP? Still can't beat Linux or a Mac xD
Huh... Could you list some of the programs that do this?
Ok, I guess this is not an actual remix, but it sounds cool :P. I looped the beats in `Session' over each other to make a cool sound. There's no...
What I would try is when you are in the selection window, 1. Right-click in an open area (inside the selection window) 2. Hover your cursor...
Flawless 8/10 felt kinda old to me but Michael Cane was amazing. Eagle Eye 8/10 thrilling Monty Python LOL 5/10 beginning was good but the...
Yeah, tried ziphone... I'm gonna try it on a different computer because mine is a piece of shit. But thanks anyways guys :)
It's a first gen.
Hey, does anybody know of a iPod Touch jailbreaking utility for windows OTHER THAN QuickPwn or WinPwn? QuickPwn doesn't work at all... just sits...
Ummm.... I know how to have your iPod synced with 2 different libraries, but not have two libraries synced together. The only thing I could think...
Ok thanks. I haven't heard A.06 yet... I'll look it up.
Separate names with a comma.