Gigli is so stupid..that just has to be the worst movie ever.
-cocky people -preps -posers -racists -sexiest -people who think theey are funny -rapist -roaches -pEoPlE wHo TyPe LiKe tHiS <sticky caps>...
congrats on joining the LPU!:-D
aww man i really hope they preform.
HELL YEAH! (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) im gunna have to record that for sure.
Alien Ant Farm's new album POD's new album
LOL :lol: :lol:
Yeah since school is starting up again I just wanted to know what grade everyone is goin to anyway i start school tommerow <aug.14> and im going...
aww man im goin to be in school that time :( oh well i hope there will be a transcript.
yeah my friend Robert looks kinda of like Mike Shinoda..but his hair mostly because he does his hair exactly like Mike.
this sounds like it is going to be a awesome video i cant wait till it comes out
umm i have a scar on my right index finger,and i like pickin paint off the wall lol i dont know why :P
thats coool..i think imma watch S.W.A.T sometime this weekend i heard its pretty good.
^^^true that I hate those racers..they race up and down my street at night and think they are cool..yeeeeeaah :rolleyes: I had KaZaA Lite and got like 4-5 viruses...the last one was the worst one. Don't believe me? Here's the virus I got. Maybe you guys...
hahah they are not that bad live i just saw them a couple of days ago they are ok.. but if you ask me i think Eve 6's older stuff is better..i...
thats awesome!congratulations on everyone that won something :D
The first episod comes on again Monday at 8/7pm central..if u wanted to check it out
awesome!i'll be sure to watch it!
I was born in The United States, Texas but my parents are West African <Nigeria> and they came here like in 1980 something, I've been to Africa a...
Separate names with a comma.