26.01.11 - Chicago, IL - Show & LPU Summit

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Jan 26, 2011.

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  1. #41

    DefyTheEye Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2007
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    thanks for your take! i was there at the summit too, and i agree wat you said about the setlist. i wish theyre were more ATS songs played. It would have been amazing to see Wretches and Kings live and The Messenger especially would have been moving with just the acoustic guitar. I guess you cant always have what you want though. They definately went vintage and played mostly theyre older songs. Oh well.......
  2. #42

    Ree a female witch. LPA Administrator

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011
  3. #43

    linkinparker1 Bridgett Brzezinski

    Dec 27, 2006
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  4. #44

    ChuckCheese Did somebody order some cheese? LPA VIP

    Nov 12, 2007
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    No one seemed to comment on the fact that Chester came out wearing a fedora hat and Joe was wearing a ninja mask the entire show.
  5. #45

    SecondCityKids Hey John, What's Your Name Again? LPA Super Member

    Feb 13, 2008
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    LOL Yeah I know. My sister and i had a theory that it wasn't really Joe haha
  6. #46

    linkinparker1 Bridgett Brzezinski

    Dec 27, 2006
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    LOL. He wore that ninja mask during the Summit and did tricks, I have pictures of it that was hilarious.

    As for Chester and the fedora, that was interesting.
  7. #47

    BrandonR24 Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Sorry i'm so late on posting this, but the summit was awesome!
    I've tried to meet them since 2004 and pretty much failed every time, so this was an opportunity I didn't want to miss. I was going to go whether I was sick or anything. The 'event' I chose was to walk the stage, which ended up pretty amazing I got to hold Brad's guitar and get a picture and also mess around with Joe's setup and look at all the pre-installed sounds and what-not. The soundcheck was awesome, when they came out that feeling of 'holy crap I'm in the same place as Linkin Park' set in. Joe messing with the Blackout samples was cool as well as the Oppenheimer speech. They played Blackout so many times that it became stuck in my head the rest of the day..Burning in the Skies was pretty awesome to hear even as a soundcheck.
    Once that whole deal finished they set up for the Meet and Greet the main part my girlfriend and friend were looking forward to that we have wanted to do for so long. We were pretty much in the back of the line. While I was watching people get things signed I had to admit I was jealous of the guy who won the Catalyst guitar and the girl who one the Hybrid Theory 3x platinum award in the auction thinking no one will ever have something like that except them! ..unless they sell it. Oh well as fans like all of us they deserve it! When we came up to the table Brad seemed to be antsy and standing up like 'ah this needs to get done' haha, which I could understand. I was surprised how many people showed up! We spoke to Phoenix and Mike cause they asked us where we came from and we told them from Kentucky. Phoenix was like 'Oh yeah repping the south!' kinda made us laugh. Mike was nice, he talked to me and my girlfriend the longest saying I had always promised I would bring her to a show and the Summit made it even better.

    Next was the Q&A which my friend Nathan had been waiting for. Me and him are addicted to the song QWERTY since we heard it in 06 and he said he was going to ask them at the Summit. So lucky him got the first question and asked about QWERTY and if it will ever be played again. Chester let out a long 'uhhhhhhhhhh, well 99.8% says no, but 9.8% says yes' I thought it was funny cause Mike kind of did the 'Aww man' face. Then the next question was 'Whats your fav LP song? which Mike replied QWERTY. Which made us all laugh. (I think Mike wants to play the song, but Chester calls the shots! haha) Other questions were 'Will you all play a armed services event, and if not why do you hate America?' (burn haha) 'Do you plan on releasing the Korn cover Chester did?' and I forgot the other something about having multi-cultural band members and how it strengthens the band.

    During the Q&A I really wanted to ask LP if I could have a picture taken with them since it was my birthday, but was too scared to ask since the LPU kept saying they were on a tight schedule. I wanted to win one but it didn't happen. Darn.

    Mr. Hahn had some funny moments as he was trying to pull a table cloth while keeping the bottles on the table standing up after several tries he just gives up, it was hilarious and I have the video below!

    And of course the concert was great, besides being slammed against the wall in the front row. Right when the lights went out for LP the poor guy behind me fainted. I had to help him up along with his friend. When Chester came up to the crowd I thought I may had cracked a rib cause everyone was trying to get up front, I still have a bruise from it haha. But I wasn't a huge fan of ATS it really disappointed me, nothing against it but it was not my cup of tea. I did gain appreciation for it live as I got into it especially Blackout the energy is great on that song! And Does it offend you? Yeah was pretty insane the lead guy is nuts, and Pendulum was petty awesome, everyone had told me they were good live and now I believe it.

    So it was a pretty freakin' awesome 22nd Birthday present to myself I would say. Got to do things I never thought I would be able to do! Also caught Mike's pick and Chester's water bottle.

    Mr. Hahn trying to be a Ninja: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcJ0XY1OOfE

    Burning in the Skies (Soundcheck Summit): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCzgZf9mKFo

    Waiting for the End: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcVZcBh96XA

    PHOTOS: (if facebook lets you see them)

  8. #48

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Summit was awesome and so was the show! I didn't even see this thread until now. Anyways, here are my photos. I was front and a half row, center stage for the show.


    http://www.facebook.com/album.php?id=590527587&aid=328960 (just about the same album but with pictures from the Milennium park skating event.)

    Also, if you were at the summit, visit the group I made on Linkinpark.com. We have roughly 40 members now. There is some pretty good media in there with pictures and video links! =) If you join, feel free to post yours up!


    And last but not least, here is my youtube channel...

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