woah, woah, woah. The 14 trillion dollars is mostly Bush's fault (although you can really trace it back to reagan, lol the avatar explains it XD). But the debt came entirely from the war, which was obviously mishandeled.
It doesn't matter who plans it out. If he goes through with it, it's his plan. He has all the say in it. So when he lets all these horrible plans go through, it's his doing. It's not entirely from Reagan. Let's not forget about the trillion dollars a year we're spending in our own needless wars. Let's not forget about the hundreds and hundreds of billions in bailouts. Let's not forget about Homeland Security and TSA, even FEMA and EPA. Let's not forget about all the troops that aren't in our country, that aren't spending their money here and stimulating our economy. Think about all the major businesses here that are located overseas and taking all those job opportunities there. The debt is still being piled on by the government in the present, and Obama is to blame. The numbers are outrageous.
Pretty much with you on this one. The one thing that irritates me the most about Obama, is the fact that a lot of people think he is the most innovative thing out there since sliced white bread, just because he is the first president who isn't white. While it is nice to break the Caucasian chain we have had with the 200+ years this country has been around, just because he is half black, doesn't mean he is a great president. All he's been made out to be is Bush version two, with all the money he has wasted trying to "stimulate" this economy.
Yeah, I pretty much agree, too. Every president has had a cabinet full of advisors to help them make informed decisions, but at the end of the day, the president is the one who has to follow through with those decisions and accept responsibility for them.
Gotta say guys, Australia threw money at the recession and we handled it better than any other developed country in the world as a result. The difference is our government did it earlier, it actually is the ONLY way to get out of a recession. The clearest example is the Great Depression; that only ended because of the massive stimulation of economies due to the war.
Government-induced stimulus definitely works when done right, but that's assuming the people in charge know what they're doing. That hasn't been the case thus far in the U.S.
Stimulating the economy is different than just printing more money. All printing more money accomplishes is inflating our dollar even more, as well as putting us in more debt. Stimulating the economy actually involves doing things to stimulate it, like create jobs, cut spending, etc. All Obama has ever done is wanted to print more money. None of his plans are long term, and our dollar is being inflated to hell and we're going to add onto our debt.
There is plenty of evidence out there for that. Ask people who voted for him why they voted for him, and a lot of them won't be knowledgeable enough to give you a reasonable answer. They thought voting for someone who wasn't the run-of-the-mill white president would maybe bring change to the white house. It's not different than virtually any other election. The public isn't educated enough about politics to make decisions based on anything other than things like that. How they look, talk, smile, etc. The majority of people certainly aren't looking deep into their candidate's political views and beliefs while voting for them.
Any Democrat would have beat any Republican in the 2008 election. His political party, rather than his race, helped Obama win. Maybe there was that small portion of people that voted for him because he was black but a lot of people that are that dumb most likely don't vote in the first place.
There are always, ALWAYS going to be people who vote for whichever candidate for superficial reasons as much as anything. The exact reason might change but Barack Obama is no exception. Just like how people like Mitt Romney and Rick Perry will probably have their fair share of people voting for them just because they look like Norman Rockwell illustrations.
Incentives for businesses to hire unemployed workers and the willingness to repair the decaying infrastructure. If the bill passes it'd be a nifty time to apply at a laborer's union.
http://2012.republican-candidates.org/Paul/ Educate yourselves, America. Read up on not only Ron Paul's issues, but at least Romney's and Perry's so you can compare. We're never going to make progress if we keep voting for people without any knowledge of their views.
That last part in the John Stewart video was pretty lol. Although in todays Daily Show it showed Paul going on about securing the boarder with barbwire and machine guns. He's second for me amongst the Republicans, him and Perry are the only interesting people to me.
The same Rick Perry who executed a likely innocent person? The same Rick Perry who prays for rain and had his prayers answered with an extended drought, the hottest summer on record and devastating wildfires that have killed 4 and destroyed thousands of homes so far? The same Rick Perry who governs the state with the lowest high school graduation rate in the country? The same Rick Perry who despite showing contempt for the federal government and bringing up secession, governs the state that ranks 3rd for receipt of federal tax dollars? Rick Perry is a fucking joke.
Todd forgot to mention we're talking about the guy who brought out the possibility of Texas seceding from the union and the guy who not only turned to prayer to bring rain, but to fix the economy. Don't forget the guy who continues to somehow deny the existence of Global Warming despite overwhelming scientific evidence (though that seems to be the problem with all of the GOP candidates other than Jon Huntsman). Please don't just look at this job creation in Texas and think he's our savior.