And I'm not saying he didn't. What I am saying is that the idea that he was born to a virgin, is the son of some invisible man in the sky, could do miracles and came back from the dead is as ridiculous as believing in Santa Claus.
I think most scholars would agree that Jesus Christ existed, but there isn't any irrefutable evidence that the Jesus written about in the Bible was real.
[video=youtube;8WPtEGOp5rI][/video] At least he's good at something.
It goes like this, in loose order from best to worst: Jainism > Buddhism > Taoism > Ba'hai > Sikhism > Hinduism > Judaism > Christianity > Islam. Yeah, I just went there. :: puffs cigar ::
THANK YOU. The modern day image of Jesus Christ as some white haired, hippie looking dude with really long hair and a beard is bullshit. It's a racist view of a real 'public figure' created by people who cannot accept the idea of Jesus not being white. There's numerous amounts of evidence to suggest this, and although Wikipedia is a terrible source for information there's a very well researched article here: that shows that people are full of shit.
The books of the Bible were decided some 1800 years ago, if memory from History Channel serves. And I know the Catholic Church has a lot of influence, and maybe thats why the above comment was made, but my church has never said anything about Jesus being white, and growing up my mother always said he was probably 'olive skinned'. Not sure why the race of Jesus matters anyway?
I'm going to connect some dots here, but that one time you derogatorily called Muslims 'hajis', that could just as easily have been Jesus you were talking about. In any case, my main concern with Christianity/Catholicism is that I'm accused of cherry-picking random verses to show how inane the religions are when the whole Bible is a cherry-picked work of literature.
because Jesus wasn't born in Asia, I guess. So, let me get this straight. Obama effectively does what everyone has wanted for the past decade, and people just LOOSE THEIR GODDAMN MINDS about him bringing the troops home? Seriously? This fucking country, man
Yes. We the people demanded that he add 30,000 troops in 2009 (on top of over 30,000 already in Afghanistan) and pledge two years later to bring those troops back in a year and a half, which leaves 30,000 troops still on the ground in Afghanistan. IT'S ALL WE EVER DREAMED OF. We also begged him to keep 50,000 troops in Iraq under the convenient new name of "combat advisors." Obama wanted to take all troops out of Iraq, but we said, "Nay, good sir, we must perpetuate the endless war."
super ig'nant^^^ Lupe is a complete tool: [video=youtube;wYJ20INbM7Q][/video]
You're talking about someone being ignorant and a tool... while linking a video from the Bill O'Reilly show. If anyone is easily susceptible to bruises, I just found a way to get more iron in your diet. GET IT?! IRON? IRONY? ANYONE? NO? OKAY.
O'Reilly doesn't have swag. He has ignorance, sexual harassment charges, and "FUCK IT! WE'LL DO IT LIVE!" Easily one of the most hateful, redneck, close-minded person on Faux News that isn't Glenn Beck.