Blackbear shares music from the studio with Linkin Park

Discussion in 'News' started by Kevin, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. #21

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    YES. This is exactly what we need. People going "this is so out of place". Make it like ATS all over again. Except this time instead of "TECHNO SUX" we're going to get "POP SUX". Invigorate the forums with your salt!
    Gibs, Rahat, HybridT and 3 others like this.
  2. #22

    -Amarez- Active Member

    Jun 30, 2016
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    Wow Blackbear is completely different from Linkin Park. His beats are pristine. He could inject some of that to LP. But hopefully not 100% because those beats aren't LP haha.
  3. #23

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    It's aight. The beat is dope. The vocals sound good. Not sure how I feel about the actual singing but it can grow on me.
  4. #24
    Austin Vicenty

    Austin Vicenty No Longer Active

    Oct 11, 2015
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    If this is what LP are going to sound like working with blackbear then I'm really excited to hear the other collaboration tracks for the record. We might get a little taste of each songwriter in the new music which will definitely help LP's sound stay fresh and exciting. Working with other song writers was a hell of a good move on their end for the sake of moving forward. This sounds like something off of the "chill vibes" playlist on Spotify that I've been listening to. I love it
    Modern Guitar God likes this.
  5. #25

    Vinifeijo i'm dancing with matt damons

    Apr 10, 2012
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    I think it's very embarassing the way they promoted THP with all the "pop is shitty, rock is dead, let's bring it back motherfuckers", and now they may go full pop.

    I can enjoy pop as much as rock, LP can make it great i'm sure. But it's very cringy how they go "fuck those pop fuckers" and now seems to follow that pop way.

    And the music vibe feels "contemplative". I think this is the word that may represent the style that's coming ahead.
  6. #26

    -Amarez- Active Member

    Jun 30, 2016
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    I think it's too early to tell if they're actually doing pop sound.
  7. #27

    Vic No game no life

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Yeah, it may be cringy if they ACTUALLY said that... "fuck thos pop fuckers" really? They never said something like that, Shinoda said that there was little rock music in radio stations and he wanted to change that.
  8. #28

    Nicholas Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    I wonder if we'll get a single later this year or if it's all going to be early next year. I've always preferred their softer songs over their hard rock sound, so this album could be right up my alley, though I'm sure there will be a mix of pop, hip-hop, hard rock, etc I get this feeling that it could be the most diverse LP album to date.

    Mike never said pop music was shitty, he listens to it and makes music like it. His problem was he found that the original music they were making sounded too "poppy", so he scrapped it for what became THP. When he would turn on rock stations it sounded like pop music and they didn't want to contribute to that. He wanted to bring hard rock back into the mainstream. He shouldn't have said "Disney music" though, made him sound like a dick.

    But, this clip here does go against what he said, unless THP was just a one time thing that they wanted to get off their system. If that bit of song we just heard turns into a single, it probably will be played on rock stations and make Mike's old comments look funny. But that's just a 5 second clip of an unfinished song, who knows that the full thing will be like.
  9. #29
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    People's tastes change, people's desires change. I can tell you without hesitation that some of the music I listened to 2-3 years ago, I don't even really listen to anymore today. It happens. Linkin Park doesn't need to be making music that sounds like earlier music they released. They need to be making the music they want to make, even if it stands in sharp contrast/contradiction to their previous music or statements...because they have nothing to prove anymore. They should be welcome to make the music they feel is right at the time.
    Abel, Gibs, HybridT and 3 others like this.
  10. #30

    Evan Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2012
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    I'm digging this. BTW for some reason I'm expecting to hear some acoustic tracks on this album too, based off what we've heard so far.
    I can definitely see this being another :toolbox: album.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
    Deliveranze likes this.
  11. #31

    -Amarez- Active Member

    Jun 30, 2016
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    This is really good way of describing the scenario. Artists should write music off of what they feel. RAW from the heart. All the members of LP aged so much ever since their first album, and they feel different. They reached their ultimatum of success. It's time for them to write about their present emotions.

    People that say they are selling out their sound are dead wrong. They are writing what they truly feel at the moment; and putting out whatever came out as a result.

    Nothing... absolutely nothing... should feel forced when writing music.
  12. #32
    A Wretched King

    A Wretched King Foreword

    Sep 2, 2010
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    That's what pissed me off about THP. They hyped it up as this "amazing pound your face rock album the heaviest LP ever!! Insane!!!!" Yet after KTTK it goes downhill and softer from there. The album should have been full of songs like KTTK, MTG, and ALITS. Those are the only good songs on THP. Rebellion was pretty cool too. Everything else brought the album down. Meteora was way heavier.
  13. #33
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    And also significantly less risky. They tried to copy their first record, down to song structures...keys and even in some cases tempos. Where's the risk taking in that?
    101nemesis, Iopia, brady and 2 others like this.
  14. #34

    crazygolfer Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2008
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    This snippet sounds very promising; it's refreshing to finally hear some vocals after being in the dark for so long with little information. My hype meter is rising once again!
  15. #35

    Vinifeijo i'm dancing with matt damons

    Apr 10, 2012
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    I get it, they have the right to do any sound they wish to.
    But i really feel that the contradictions are embarassing, just that. I know i will enjoy the album doesn't matter how it comes out.
  16. #36

    EagleMorph Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2007
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    What excited me about The Hunting Party was that the band used its strengths to deliver something that was missing from the music scene. Rather than follow the lighter, poppier sound of rock radio, they went in the opposite direction. Was it completely face-melting? No. But it was heavier and far more guitar-driven than what most of rock radio had been playing and, to be fair, from what Linkin Park had produced lately.

    Of course, rock radio reacted the way the band and the label thought it might: None of the singles charted in the Top 15 on the rock charts in the U.S. and it's the worst-selling album in their discography.

    Regardless of sales, it was a different direction. While what we've heard from this snippet is limited, it sounds familiar. It sounds like what you would hear from other popular artists today.

    If Linkin Park is going to veer back away from the rock sound, that's their discretion. I'd just rather it still have the flavor of being something different from what other bands are doing. A Thousand Suns did that. The Hunting Party did that. The band has a diverse set of influences and is capable of a wide variety of sounds. They don't have to mimic what's already out there.
    Iopia and Evan like this.
  17. #37

    Vinifeijo i'm dancing with matt damons

    Apr 10, 2012
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    I think LP can deliver an album 9.5/10, musically talking. Not for my taste or your taste, a real universally speaking 9.5/10 album.

    We all can see the potential LP has but somehow they're getting stuck at some formulas, i don't know what. Even when they try and do something fresh and new, i can still notice some kind of a pattern, a comercial feeling, or the damn power-chorus. I don't know. It's like Chester having a fucking awesome voice, we all know that, but everytime we got a little disappointed on how it doesn't reach the top because the song doesn't demand that, just as how we know Mike can be outstanding in creativity but sometimes he isn't at all.

    What i'm trying to say is that i can see LP delivering a "Stairway to Heaven", a really epic song to live for eternity. Or a flawless album. They have the potential, but somehow they get locked up in the middle.

    TLTGYA or ALITS clearly are attempts to do an epic song, and the first one gets close to that. But i really see LP doing one more step, a bigger one, really far away from comercial structures, and delivering a new "Stairway to Heaven".
    Gravity_LP, Iopia and Evan like this.
  18. #38

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    With LP, It's always the lyrics that are the major flaw for me, if there is one. Formulaic can still be okay
    Christøffer likes this.
  19. #39

    Xero-G Reborn LP Fan, and plan to stay that way.

    Dec 21, 2013
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    Yeah, I can't say I'm really "feeling" the vibe of that first clip, if only just for the vocals. I couldn't hear much of the instrumentals.
    The second clip was pretty funny towards the end, especially with Chester "flipping out".
    Eh, whatever happens, I really just hope that LP tries to make a sound they can call their own, and not try to sound like other popular acts. This is why I respect(ed) them for releasing THP the way it was. LP and Warner had to have known full well that that album was NOT going to be a pop sensation, given its overall sound and lyrical direction. Even so, they agreed to take a risk, and I would say it paid off for those who prefer rock music, anyway.
  20. #40

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    But on a serious note:

    Abel and Vinifeijo like this.

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