I wish I could do that. It's not like I don't have boobs but they could be a tad bigger. [/b][/quote] Well I'm guessing since you said they could be bigger that you're around a big A or B and I can tell you that if that's true you have nothing to worry about.
Well I'm guessing since you said they could be bigger that you're around a big A or B and I can tell you that if that's true you have nothing to worry about. [/b][/quote] *looks at bra* :whistle: It says I'm a 32 almost B. So I'm a 32 A but almost B, I guess. Bra sizes are weird.
I'm about a 34 A. I don't really have a problem with my size compared to my age I do hope they get a little bigger though, hopefully a good B :wth:
To ECP: Wow I didnt expect you to be that honest, thats very incredible of you. That size is just fine, I know somebody who's that size and she doesnt look flat at all. Also you're only what..15-16? You could go through a massive growth spurt soon..there's a thing called "late bloomers" heh. Same goes for you Alacrity.
Exactly. Not all girls are like that. My girlfriend for example, shes only 15 but she's well advanced for her age. She doesnt really like it but its how she is. And bigger isnt always better. Look at it from a guys point of view. Do girls really think we wanna be killed by huge boobs? I mean we dont wanna suffocate.
I'm 16. I'll be 17 on June 3rd. I am praying that I have a growth spurt. You have no idea how much I am praying for that. It could happen.
I'm 16. I'll be 17 on June 3rd. I am praying that I have a growth spurt. You have no idea how much I am praying for that. It could happen. [/b][/quote] I know someone who was small when she was 16 and by the time she reached her late 17's her breasts were so big they passed as D's. So anything is possible, just be proud of yourself. I haven't even seen a picture of you but I'm confident you're pretty.
I'm with Chester (Bennington): I like small boobs. I don't want tobe smothered by big ones. [/b][/quote] Exactly! Men like to breathe.
Exactly! Men like to breathe. [/b][/quote] I like the idea of doing things to...very..large..breasts...BUT IM GOING TO KEEP IT CLEAN AND STOP THERE! But my friend Danielle is around a B and I love her boobies so..size doesnt matter.
I like the idea of doing things to...very..large..breasts...BUT IM GOING TO KEEP IT CLEAN AND STOP THERE! But my friend Danielle is around a B and I love her boobies so..size doesnt matter. [/b][/quote] Derek....I know too well. I hear more than I need to know sometimes.
Derek....I know too well. I hear more than I need to know sometimes. [/b][/quote] Good. You better remember it all too, you butthole.
Good. You better remember it all too, you butthole. [/b][/quote] Cause you give me daily friggin reminders!
Cause you give me daily friggin reminders! [/b][/quote] Damn right. Where's Andrea? She left this thread..
Technically we were on topic Will. We were talking about breasts and only for about 1 or 2 posts did we veer off to ask where Andrea is. Talking about breasts counts as being on topic, considering the subject IS in fact about Breast Implants. My amazing idea is wait to see if a topic is going to get back on topic rather then yell that it went off topic the minute it does.
I'm 16. I'll be 17 on June 3rd. I am praying that I have a growth spurt. You have no idea how much I am praying for that. It could happen. [/b][/quote] I think your'e quite pretty the way you are. Just be happy with yourself, trust me. Surgery will just make you fake. Like Britney Spears fake. *shudders*
I think your'e quite pretty the way you are. Just be happy with yourself, trust me. Surgery will just make you fake. Like Britney Spears fake. *shudders* [/b][/quote] Absolutely. I'm against shows like The Swan and I Want A Famous Face because it promotes being fake.