Yes please, Like, extremely soon. Emo is a stupid fad that will pass on soon enough, and everyone is gonna be too embarrassed to admit they were ever into it. I'm just sick of the 'emo' kids who think they're non-conformist.
I don't know, I just don't know. I don't actually consider emo. It's like the curtains (that I still don't have!) on my window. It's just there. I like the style. I'd totally get myself a long fringe if my hair wasn't so damn curly. It's the stereotype I don't understand.
its barely even a genre. fans of old hardcore didnt like the direction some of the musicians were heading in, ie ian mackaye and guy picciotto forming fugazi, and jawbreaker touring with nirvana. hence the term 'emocore' being brought about as a derogatory epithet.
Once again, I think the term is bullshit. It really pisses me off when people label me as emo. I listen to all types of music, and AKG, is not emo for all the non smart people that tell me all japanese music is "emo" pffts.
Mind if i kiss you? ------------------- Personally I dislike emo's. However the emo's i know are probably different to what you think. I live in a street which has a few emo's in it, now i don't mind people at all, but when I'm walking past them, well first of they are wearing their skinny jeans around their knee's, now being me, I don't want to look at their bright fucking white boxers with their non existent crotch(s). Now you might think I'm exaggerating the around the knees thing, I'm actually not, I asked Sam why he does it and he said that the top of his knee caps tied with his belt keep them up. So to sum up, I generally dislike emo's how look rather than how they act, it's not because the clothes are black or purple, it's because the way they wear them is ridiculous. So i dislike emo's because of a very small group next to where i live, other than that i don't have a problem with anyone. Luke - Yup I'm with you on being a chav than an emo. and I hate Chav's too.
I think using the term is stupid, mostly because noone knows how to really use it. For example, my friends are like "Oh har har har you like Linkin Park? They are so EMO!" And I'm like "...Linkin Park aren't emo is any I don't take offense because you obviously have no idea what you're talking about." It's just stupid in my opinion. And haha, this is my first time going through this thread, and that Zak dude was a complete ass. Kudos to Will for just putting it out there, I was thinking the same thing as I was reading through the thread, .
QFT. So many people say LP are Emo and I just don't even respond because that's fucking absurd. And to be honest I'd been wanting to say something to Zak for weeks but I didn't want to risk a forum war or something. I'm glad Will and the staff stepped in though and I'm glad he's gone.
just about any band today that comes out is emo. they all sound high pitched over punk rock meets goth rock guitars. and the lyrics are kinda creative but they all sound the same. i don't know how panic at the disco isn't emo. and the phrase is thrown around so much because that's the music and image that's being produced alongside rap and a little pop and it's getting irritating. all we have is emo and pop. i do not like the direction rock music is taking and as much as people hated nu-metal at least they had something in common. people that hated nu-metal liked the bands those bands were influenced by. maybe i dont enjoy emo that much because im not influenced by the bands emo is mostly inspired by. not to mention even former nu-metal bands linkin park and papa roach are promoted alongside and like emo bands. the most original ROCK singer that has came out in the last couple of years (that i can think of) is daughtry and he came off american idol. seriously. we need more rock singers that can sing and sound good without a band. i don't hate emo, there's just so much of it out there there's no wonder why the word gets thrown around. we should list the bands that are not emo and why to make it clear why 99% of the bands emo fans say are not emo actually are. for one, nickelback for example. the music, the actual music, does not sound emo. it may be pop but it is not emo. for 1) chad kroqger (sp?) can sing with a deep, aggresive signature rock voice that has personality and depth 2) the music does not sound emo. angry, sad, and poppy? yes but not emo. not punk rock with dark, distorted guitars. the only thing thats left is do they dress emo? chas has long, blonde hair and a beard. he looks like a country singer or metallica if anything so id say no. there is a difference beetween emo and dark/angry music. emo is a trend, not just musically but has a fashion, and dark angry/music has been around for years and years because people have felt dark and angry for years and years. people dont just call people emo because its depressing its because emo is a trend and people are fitting in and playing along with that trend. those people that do that dont know the difference because they prolly didnt get into the music scene before emo. just how i feel.
I'm talking about his voice. And compared to the 2424324432234 emo bands I would say his voice is pretty original.
erasethepain: Panic at the Disco have lyrics like: "'Cause it's nine in the afternoon Your eyes are the size of the moon You could 'cause you can so you do We're feeling so good Just the way that we do When it's nine in the afternoon" How exactly is this in any way, shape, or form emo? Lyrics count for something here, as emo is supposed large based on the lyrical content. How do they sound emo? They are hardly dark, but closer to dance. Gothic guitars? Not at all. Sure Brandon's voice is a bit high, but I hardly think a high voice makes you (look out Rush, apparently you're emo now!). Sure, you may think he dresses emo, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the genre of music they make.
I agree, Daughtry is probably one of the LEAST original bands/singers I've heard in a while. As for him being a rock singer that can sound good without a band? What the fuck? Last I checked he was backed by drum/bass/guitar. Honestly, I think this debate is pointless. Let people listen to the music/dress how they want. It's their choice. I for one wear tight jeans, have a fringe, dyed hair and the like. And yes I have a Fall Out Boy sig. But I have (what I feel) is a very diverse taste in music. The whole 'emo' term is over-used IMO anyway. It's all just music to me