If we're going on 'the Bible said so', then I guess we shouldn't have women teach men. Because the Bible said so. Also, nobody should play football again, because of the whole pigskin deal. Because the Bible said so. I guess we can sell our youngest daughters into slavery. Because the Bible said so. The point I'm making here is this: if all the people who are saying homosexuality is wrong is using the Bible as an argument, be ready to own up to all the other stupid shit the Bible says to do as well. And if you go, "Oh, well that book was written a long time ago. It was a different time back then." Well guess what?! THE SAME ARGUMENT COULD BE MADE ON THE VERSES SPEAKING AGAINST HOMOSEXUALITY. If you're not willing to accept the entire book at face value, you aren't allowed to choose one line as the basis of why something is wrong.
I'm quoting this so it shows up on this page too. It's quite embarrassing that a post like this had to be made. It's all common sense.
3... 2.... 1... and lol. What gets me is that it's supposed to represent the word of god. Some perfect, all powerful and all loving god. The bible should not have any mistakes in it. There should be no such thing as an apologist, otherwise it is an admission that it needs people to defend it. And it certainly should have less moral mistakes than the average human doing what they think is right. But I don't think the moral quality of the bible stands up to a genocidal maniac. What people are effectively doing is singling out the nice aspects of a murderer and discarded the fact. Like how he always gave presents to his mother on his birthday, but dismiss that he killed someone because it was fun. Most people would not think to elevate that person to a role model status, but that's exactly what religious people do. Drives me nuts. Stockholm Syndrome or something.
To be fair, Christianity is basically how God actually is a jealous, narcissistic, blood-thirsty monster, but his kid was really a bro and he can keep you from being tortured for eternity. ...which is neither here nor there in terms of the thread...
Hypocrite much? Also I'm tired of the double standard allowed on this site. If someone mocks someones religion it's all well and good, but if someone doesn't support what others support on here then they get shunned. I'm really growing tired of post like this, and no I will NOT leave this site just because someone thinks it's OK to bash Christians every chance she gets. As for the TT? I support gay marriage and just recently me and my gf went on a double date with some good friends of ours who also happen to be lesbian. Oh and the kicker? I'm a Christian. So miss Kathy you can take your ignorance about Christians and shove it up your ass.
What part didn't I understand because I read the entire thing. "Christians act likes jerks so I will behave that way towards them" Also she's lashed out at Christians before in other threads so it's not an isolated incident.
However you decide to look at it, I feel that, since the Bible was ultimately written (and, later, translated into many different languages) by men, it's inherently imperfect. I'm not trying to defend the book or anything, that's just my understanding of it. :"
I'd think it was pretty obvious that the people we've been discussing are the vocal minority. Or vocal majority, as it were, when speaking of Christians. While you may be the image of the ever-shining Paragon, you have to admit that Christians do not have that great of a track record. For as much hate as Muslims receive for their fringe groups, Christianity's bigotry seems to originate from a greater percentage of the masses. You don't know what Kathy has experienced with Christians in her life. I don't know either, but I'm just speculating for the sake of a defense. Chances are she has a justifiable reason for telling off Christians in general. Perhaps every Christian she's run into has been a self-righteous jerk. Just because you're perfect doesn't mean everyone else is. And don't lie; you know of more Christian assholes than you would care to admit. I know I've met my fair share. Telling me that I'm going to hell unless I start going to Church, urging me to believe in Christ because 'I think you're an amazing person and want to save you from the everburning pits of Satan'. And don't get me started on the 'science'. The point is, the track record of Catholic-stemmed religions is pretty bad. AGAIN, not to say that because of this there aren't good people that follow that faith. But you have to admit, your shit stinks like everyone else's. A bit more so in this case. So don't get butthurt.
This answer is so general and meaningless. Here's a remix: You don't know what Kathy has experienced with gays in her life. I don't know either, but I'm just speculating for the sake of a defense. Chances are she has a justifiable reason for telling off gays in general. Perhaps every gay she's run into has been a jerk. Just because you're perfect doesn't mean everyone else is. And don't lie; you know of more gay assholes than you would care to admit. I know I've met my fair share.
I'm sorry but Gay and Christian are not interchangeable. You can not just swap them and expect them to mean the same thing. Christianity is a Religion, based on scripture. Scripture that is homophobic, racist, sexist, and hypocritical. There is no "Guide to Being Gay" Someone's attracted to someone of the same-sex and wants to have a sexual relationship with them? That's about the extent of the requirements for being gay. On the other hand, to be a Christian a lot would say you have to accept Jesus Christ into your heart, admit that he is your Savior and say a prayer that he'll forgive you.... and to be a "Good Christian" you have to follow all these outdated rules that were messed up then and even more so now. I guess what I'm trying to say is. Your reply is bullshit. Gays do not have to follow set of rules and thus every gay person is inherently different and so are their choices and their opinions. Their homosexuality is the only thing that links them and thus with every conversation with gay person you have a higher chance of experiencing a different outcome. Contrary to that of those who follow the rules of a 2,000+ year old book with bigoted views. Anyway, quite frankly. Your "Remix" falls flat on its face. ---------- For those who oppose Gay Marriage, please read this, even if it isn't your child that got married. http://thinking-critically.com/2011/07/16/so-you-found-out-your-gay-child-just-got-married/
You don't know what I have experienced with Jews in my life. Chances are I have a justifiable reason for telling off Jews in general. Perhaps every Jew I've run into has been a self-righteous jerk. Just because you're perfect doesn't mean everyone else is. And don't lie; you know of more Jew assholes than you would care to admit. I know I've met my fair share.
I agree. You can't replace that paragraph with homosexuals. And the way I see it, homosexuals are only mean if they just happen to be mean people (not because they're gay). On the other hand, the Christians that bash gays are only doing it BECAUSE they're Christians (for the most part anyways). So that's why I have no problem with any of Kathyxx's posts in this thread.
I see what you're trying to do here. Let me enlighten you on the differences. You're not born a Christian. You're (arguably, as many have been insistent on implying) born gay. The Jewish people have suffered through a lot of persecution, and thus copy and pasting into my original paragraph is merely politically incorrect. In fact, were it not for the implications of Hitler, thus invoking Godwin's Law (which, in terms of internet discussion, usually implies the end of said discussion), there really wouldn't be a problem.
You don't know what I have experienced with Muslims in my life. Chances are I have a justifiable reason for telling off Muslims in general. Perhaps every Muslim I've run into has been a self-righteous jerk. Just because you're perfect doesn't mean everyone else is. And don't lie; you know of more Muslim assholes than you would care to admit. I know I've met my fair share. I fixed it.