Nope. Watching mud wrestle would be boring. Have you ever wished that for one day you could do absolutely anything you wanted to?
Sometimes. Have you ever knocked someone out? (Will - You'd like it if you had 2 girls do it topless for you. )
actually I have. Have you ever sung at the top of your lungs in the car, then realized people in the next one were pointing and laughing at you?
Actually, yes. I kicked a soccer ball and hit a guy in the nose and made him slip into unconciousness. Who knew soccer balls were that dangerous? Have you ever baked/cooked anything that took actual effort to make?
Oops, you posted at the same time . Then I'll answer twice. Alexis : No, luckily . LPFAN05 : Yeah, cookies (ok I had that much time to waste ). Have you ever been accused of something you didn't do and people didn't belive what you said?
Yep. Sang One Step Closer for last years talent show in school, this year were playing Never Again from Nickelback and I get to scream some more! Have you ever had a family member who didnt know they were related to you until they were 16?
Couple of times, but not alone. About 8 plays (4 main characters), lots of sketches, 2-3 group guitar shows, and many much . I love the feeling you get when you feel the audiance likes what you're doing. Have you ever wanted to stop someone from doing something but you didn't, even if it should've been the right thing to do?
yes I have a half-great aunt who lives somewhere in England who was my grandmother's half sister that nobody knew about (their father had left my grandmother's family in the 30's and had new kids in england) and she only found us when she saw my grandmother's orbituary in a newspaper have you ever played with matches... Ooo how about... RAN WITH SCISSORS?
Yeah I ran with cissors in hand to work with matches (I've got a pyromaniac side, for real, but I try to be careful ). Has your hair ever caught fire? (That must be horrible )
Yes. 9 of them. Have you ever had screws/pins put in your bone to hold it together? (I got 8 in my leg, and 1 in my wrist..along with a metal plate in both of them lol)