Iphone or Droid?

Discussion in 'The Living Room' started by John, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. #21

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Fair enough, but I would still go with the Iphone if I had the money. I just care about texting/wide variety of apps/surfing the web easily/it has an Ipod (space for 1000's of songs).
  2. #22

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    You can listen to music on the Droid as well. More storage space AND it's less expensive. You'd also save money by not paying for AT&T's shitty expensive plan.
  3. #23
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    You can do the same exact thing with Android. Space for 1000s of songs? Ever hear of expandable storage? No? Then I am saddened for you. Texting? What phone doesn't? Surfing the web easily? iphone isn't the web, it's a preview of what the web looks like, variety of apps , did you forget that Android is open source which means you're going to get more variety? Wait. I think I already explained all of this. You're an apple fanboy, who will always like the Iphone over any phone, no matter what it does. That's the only explanation for this idiotic repetition that I have to do.
  4. #24

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Good job basically copying my post and adding more words.
  5. #25

    @LP2K12 Est. 2K12

    Mar 20, 2003
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    Android is becoming up to standard for games. Many iPhone developers are co-developing for Android. We've for Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, and tons of games outside of the market. You need a high end phone to run them. My Samsung Galaxy S/Vibrant in right on target with the iPhone.
  6. #26

    Tomi   LPA Addict

    Mar 10, 2004
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    I'm assuming most iPhone users haven't used anything besides their iPhone for a long time. If you used an Android phone, you'll come to realise two things:

    1) "Holy shit, where have widgets been my whole life?"
    And the fact that you don't have to have all your apps on your homescreens is nice - instead, they're all on a single screen which you can fluidly scroll down, instead of having to go *swipeswipeswipe* through screens.
    I like keeping my homescreen to a couple of useful widgets. For example, the next event calendar widget [smooth calendar] is AWESOME. Shows me where my next class/meeting is, and where - good luck doing that on the iPhone. I see it right when I unlock my phone.

    2) "How the fuck did I live with one button?"
    Honestly, once you get out of Steve Jobs' walled garden which makes you think that his "simplicity" way his awesome, you'll find it's really not.
    Having a home button, and a menu, back, and search button are all really useful. You always know where the back button is - you don't have to depend on the developer to put a back button all the way up in the top left (when your thumb rests in the bottom right...just like the back button). The lack of a required toolbar (you can't go back without one on the iPhone), frees up more space for content - you should see a Windows Phone 7 - the space it uses for toolbar elements is minimal. The menu button also takes out the bottom toolbar, so that's even more space saved. And yeah, cool, you've got your retina screen, but that's just resolution, you don't have all that much physical space.

    And like others have said, Android's notifications system blows Apple's out of the water. It makes Apple looks like absolute shit, honestly. The controls widget is pretty awesome, for providing quick access to turning on/off wifi/bluetooth/etc - don't have to go into a bunch of menus, like iPhone.

    Oh, and apps and games are no longer an argument for Android - most of them are ported already.
  7. #27

    Cinemamonster Are you watching closely?

    Jul 18, 2010
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    After iPhone was announced, Apple just makes smaller pixels and bigger iPhones (= iPads).
    Process of creating new things stopped.
    Apple is cool now not because of its inventions, but because it's just Apple.

    P.S. I use HTC Legend.
  8. #28

    CM. ☠ L O V E KEEPS US K I N D

    Dec 6, 2010
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    i heard HTC is good and i got myself a samsung galaxy S
    its cool
    even though iphone is popular, way too expensive if you ask me
  9. #29
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Oh, it has firefox mobile also.
  10. #30

    $pvcxGhxztCasey meanwhile... LPA Addicted VIP

    Mar 14, 2003
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    I have a Droid X. I love it. Nothing like playing Fire Pro Wrestling for the Gameboy Advance on your phone. That's awesome.
  11. #31

    Vriska Wiki Staff LPA VIP

    Apr 17, 2007
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    I dont own either kind of phone.

    But as a programmer, I rather develop for the android than for apple. I've heard enough horror stories of iPhone app developers pouring their time and money into apps only to find out that they don't get approved for some quacked up subjective reason, political censorship, or getting pulled from the store after being approved, or the app manages to stay in the store, but apple doesn't pay the developers.
  12. #32

    Fredyg Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2009
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    I had the first Gen iPhone and it was really awesome at the time. However, I now have a nexus 1 running android and its like a brand new world. Android definitely owns iPhone for reasons already listed
  13. #33

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    I'm looking to buy a really nice Droid phone. I don't know how much they run, but I'm looking to spend under $400 US. Any suggestions for ones I could look at getting? I'm a noob in the phone world now.
  14. #34

    Todd FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    What carrier do you have?

    AT&T: Samsung Captivate
    T-Mobile: MyTouch 4G or G2
    Sprint: Evo or Epic
    Verizon: Droid

    I don't think any of them will be over $200 on a new contract.
  15. #35

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    I'm with Sprint now. I'd be willing to change if I found a good phone and the price of the plan was relatively the same or better. My friend has an Evo and has good things to say about it. The monthly unlimited everything plan is pretty high though compared to other carriers it seems. Thanks. I'll check out these phones.
  16. #36

    Syn Member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    As someone had said, noone has posted to refute the claims of the iphone. Everyone has posted about the Droid and what it is capable of, and shunned the iphone. I am not an apple fanatic, i only own one apple product, and that is the Iphone, and only recently got it. Before the Iphone i used the Nokia e70, which although simplistic was unique (the fold out keyboard got alot of attention, and noone i ever met had one)

    I decided to get the iphone. I had heard of some of the things you could do when you jailbroke it, and a friend of mine had one (not jailbroken) and i liked the look and feel of it, didnt feel like plastic that would snap in half.

    Everyone that has posted on the behalf of the Android phones had mentioned how much more customizable the phones are and how its open sourced and hackable. They compared it to the Iphone, but only seemed to compare it to the base model. No one compared it to what the phone could do when jail broken.

    - Activator app allows you to designate over 20 different methods to start apps. Ranging from swiping in specific paterns/areas on the screen, to double clicking/holding all the buttons on the iphone (the volume, sleep, home and even silent switch can activate apps or functions) No longer requiring you to go to the springboard to launch apps

    - Backgrounder. No longer limits how the phone runs backgrounding apps. I can have 6 apps open simutanously (such as multiple games, the browser and a movie for example) and switch between all of them without losing any processing power or data.

    - 3g unrestrictor takes the restrictions away from apps that only work on wifi. Facetime becomes available over 3g. Etc

    - I can record my screen, whatever is on my screen can be recorded directly onto the phone. As well, i can re-enable the video out functions apple disabled and with appropriate cords i can output my video onto my tv. With Iphone remote you can control any bluetooth enabled entertainment system with your phone.

    - My homescreen and main dock are customizable. I can have up to 6x6 (36 apps) on each screen, and the dock can have up to 6 icons on it. I can also instead choose to make the dock completely scrollable, allowing all apps to be viewable on the dock. My app desktop also scrolls up and down as well as left and right. Mine is set up like a giant cube. Scroll up for games, down for my business related apps, scroll right for camera and media related apps, from this page scroll up or down to find even more apps, etc.

    - I have fully working nintendo, gameboy, gameboy advance, super nintendo, genesis, playstation and N64 emulators. However the PS and N64 arent exactly the greatest. But the other emulators run almost flawlessly. Even get Super Mario RPG working (which for some reason is one of the hardest games to emulate.) You can sync a Wii remote to the phone and play the games (super nintendo and gameboy are the only ones i know of for sure) with a wii remote. <---- thats wicked lol

    - SBSettings allows for quick control over the functions of the phone. By swiping the clock/network at the top of my phone i enter the SB Settings menu, allowing me to turn on and off all the functions of the phone, 3g/wifi/bluetooth/data/SSH and can even change screen brightness on the fly. No more navigating through menus (like one of the posters mentioned previously). I can also refresh my dock, repring the springboard and access the open processes on the phone. Plus access the more options section that includes things like hiding icons (great for hiding apps you dont want people seeing, like my Text+ app which allows free unlimited texting to anyone from a random 6 digit number, makes for sending random fake texts to friends and them never knowing whos doing it)

    -Widgets although not as great as on the droid, are possible, my lock screen clock when double tapped can open quite a few different functions, and the lockscreen can be customized with things like calenders and weather. I can even use the android "trace to unlock" screen.

    - Skyfire and Cloudbrowse are browsers both available on the Itunes store. Though i believe Skyfire got taken down because they werent prepared for the bandwidth lol. Either way you can find it on Installous for free when jailbroken. Skyfire brings a little bit more advanced flash to the Iphone, allowing all youtube videos to play and quite a few kinds of flash games. Cloudbrowse on the other hand is a remote viewing firefox opened on dedicated servers. You can browse any site and run any flash/script. It also allows for Iphones touch spread to zoom feature. So flash is fully available on the iphone now.

    - Ifile allows you to browse all the internal files of the Iphone. Allowing you to look into and add/delete files from any folder within the iphone. You can copy and paste, and even zip files within the iphone.

    - Custom SMS ringtone This is more just a feature that jailbreaking allows on the iphone, im well aware alot of phones can do it, but for the longest time the Iphone could not. Originally we were stuck with only 6 ringtones for text messages. We could make custom call ringtones out of any song, but text messages were stuck with crappy tones. After jailbreaking the phone you can login to it via ftp or use Ifile to do the copying and pasting and you can turn those ringtones into anything. I have the original mario theme as my text message ringtone. :)

    - When jailbroken you can customize everything about the phones display. You can download premade themes, or if you know how to make your own can design your own. Can have landscape backgrounds (so when you scroll you get a different part of the background on each screen). Can change all icon colors, even make some see through. One of my themes (Ninja) makes all the basic icons see through and thus just shadows on the screen. You can change your fonts, and can even change the keyboard.

    - When windows 7 phone announced intergration into the 360 I was impressed, but the Iphone beat it to it. 360 Live allows you to access your gamer profile (in full 360 style, complete with colors and even yours and all your friends avatars) you can view your gamerscore and all achievements. Even send text messages. But ill admit, we dont get to transfer games or gain achievements. I put this in just cause, noone mentioned it, and its not a jailbroken specialty as you can get the app on the app store, but thought it is neat since its one of the big things for the Windows 7 phone.

    Most of my friends have chosen to go with the Iphone after seeing what i was able to do with mine (have jailbroken 3 other iphones. Jailbreaking takes 30 seconds). A friend of mine from work went out and got the Windows 7 Phone and was so unhappy with it she went back to her iphone with 2 days. Shes selling the Windows 7 phone and her current Iphone 3gs so she can buy a Iphone 4. However our local kijiji adds are filled with people selling Windows phones and Droid phones and tons wanting to buy Iphone 4. Likewise there are many selling iphone 4s but all at disgusting rates. So far though the new Blackberry Touch (think its called the Torch?) seems to be on par with the Iphone for demand. I know 2 people that have went with it and love it more than the iphone. - and yes i know, blackberry is not android lol

    I have not been overly impressed by any Droid phones i have seen as of yet. And i have not had any problems with my 3GS or my girlfriends Iphone 4. No dropped calls, or bricking of any kind (a risk from jailbreaking).

    Feel free to critique my post, whether challenging something ive posted or give more example of what the droid phones can do and Ill see if i can respond if the Iphone can do it. However, I dont want it resorting to bashing just because you dont like the iphone/apple/steve jobs etc. I have given my opinion on the droids, just that i havent been impressed. Doesnt mean there is anything wrong with them, or that they suck, etc.

    - If someone was to buy the Iphone 4 and the best of the Android phones and play with them from the base models and just follow guides and download apps. The android phone is going to be more customizable and have many more options available as the app store isnt limited the way the Apple store is. However when you bring hacking/jailbreaking into the mix and you get access to the thousands of new apps and functions, it just comes down to which one you want. The only thing i miss with my phone is a full tactile keyboard. They come out with an Iphone that has a slide out keyboard and ill be set for life haha.

    Wow i wrote alot more than i thought i would
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2010
  17. #37

    Todd FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Jailbreaking is not the answer to the iPhone's problems. You never know if Apple will finally block jailbreaking once and for all. And if they don't, when new versions of IOS or a new iPhone comes out, you have to wait for a jailbreak to come out which can take months. Everything that you listed can be done on an Android without hacking and you don't have to worry if you'll ever lose it.
  18. #38

    Syn Member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    Jailbreaking normally occurs within days of a new IOS. Unlocking on the other hand yes does take awhile. Also, i rarely need to update my phone, i dont care about certain features, or already have them thanks to cydia. You can also upgrade preserving jailbreak/unlock with tinyumbrella. So that is a moot point

    Im sure that not all android phones can do everything listed, as many features would likely rely on the more hardware advanced android phones.

    Even so, the arguement is what the phone CAN do. Sure you dont have to jailbreak the android phones, but I think getting an iphone and not jailbreaking it is stupid. My point was that once you jailbreak it, all those differences go away and its down to which one you like most. Many people who have the android phones most likely have no idea what it is capable of, and likewise for the Iphone. Someone who goes through all the processes of customizing their Android would likely do the same to the iphone if that had been their choice.

    When i went phone shopping i played with many phones, so many of them feel like plastic toys that would snap. The iphone felt sturdy enough. I have yet to be disappointed in it. Im posting as someone who has the iphone and has fully customized it and is giving my opinion on it, and showing what it is capable of so people can see for themselves its only as limited as the person using it.

    If i had an Android I would be doing the same, but i wouldnt be bashing the Iphone, just like im not bashing the Droids.

    I want people to respond with more than just "the iphone has to do this before it can do this, but the droid doesn't" I wanna know what the Androids can do that the iphones definately can't. Thats all, i will concede to those points when they happen. Also since the Iphone is one series of phone being upgraded, if your going to argue something, make sure its one series of phone. Android is being run on what? 50 different models (random number out of my ass lol) so you cant argue certain facts unless they all pertain to one phone/one series of phone
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2010
  19. #39

    Angel72 New Member

    Dec 30, 2010
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    With an impressive list of specs and some pretty hardware, the Droid X could be the best iPhone competitor yet. The iPhone 4 is available on the AT&T network, which is notorious for dropped calls and poor iPhone traffic management in metropolitan areas. The Droid X, on the other hand, is coming to the Verizon network, which has proven far more reliable with smartphone traffic. The new iPhone has a specialized antenna system built into the frame of the phone. Now here's what to do: The iPhone is the safer choice and probably easier to use, but try both phones. If the Droid offers the applications you want and you like it the most, go for it
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2010
  20. #40

    travz21 Muscle Museum LPA Super Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    That's good to hear. I'm thinking about getting the Droid X. Really nice camera on it too for videos and pics. Now I just have to find out how much the plan is.

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