ATS was such a wonderful thing. THP is my second fav record from the band along with HT. But ATS still stands top simply because of how unpredictable it was. When They Come For Me, Robot Boy, The Messenger, Blackout? Jeez, the band completely reinvented their music with that one album and they did it splendidly. If people think computer beats are lazy then they shouldn't be listening to albums like Meteora because instrumentally, that was their laziest record of all time. Don't get me wrong, i think the songs are catchy and Figure 09 has to be among the catchiest LP songs ever but even kids can play those songs. Look at how much Brad plays now. His What I've Done and Until It's Gone solos are all on the spot. His intro to APFMH in the recent show was super tasty as well as what he played for Bleed it Out at the end of the last UK show in 2014. He is trying to improvise so much. That would never have been possible if he kept playing songs similar to the ones from Meteora.
Started with someone saying ATS tour cycle was amazing(which is true). Then someone said THP blows ATS out of the water or something which is what truly started it
First off, ATS wasn't done completely on computer. But since you know how 'easy' it is to make that record, do me a favor and attempt to recreate ATS' "computer beats" exactly as they sound on the record. Down to the smallest detail. Or the electronic elements of OK Computer. Or any of Nine Inch Nails' more electronically driven work. Can't do it? Then don't talk about things you have absolutely no clue about, or discredit the musical works of others because you think it's "easy to do".
Yu Why on God's earth would I recreate Ats if I cant stand the album? Lol, it amazes me how lots of ppl crap on LP's heavy music when more work goes into it than any electronic song. And don't compare NIN to LP Derek, at least nin's electronic stuff sounds better than LP's electronic stuff. Heck anything sound better than Ats.
Making music on a computer doesn't mean less talent is involved, and I think people are getting kind of caught up in distinguishing the two. There isn't even an argument in my opinion that electronic music takes less effort to make than non-electronic. Making music on a computer is far easier than using real instruments. Perfection can be programmed on a computer, but perfection has to be worked hard for when using instruments. BUT, that doesn't mean there is less talent in making electronic music. Proof? Hybrid Theory isn't a better album than Hesitation Marks or OK Computer. Different tools and mediums doesn't immediately mean "worse"- it actually just means "different"
Just gonna offer this up. Most (if not all) drum machine programs require you to have decent musical knowledge. I can show you my drum machine program. It's a lot more complex than you're downplaying it to be. So no, not everyone can make electric beats. Not everybody knows what whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth notes, and so on are. And until the day where everyone knows about rhythm, knows what an off-beat is, knows what a triplet is, or knows about time signature, your statement is completely wrong. No, not everyone can make electric beats. Plus, I can more than guarantee that a lot of those "lazy" beats you hear on ATS started out as Rob playing on his kit, which Mike used electric samples for instead. Kind of like the Shadow of the Day keyboard loop started out with different instruments? Or Crawling came from Blue? And don't forget the electric drum samples Joe plays in like half of Hybrid Theory. In fact, nearly every song pre-MTM has synth drums in it. All of Breaking the Habit? The synth drums from In the End, By Myself, Pushing Me Away, Crawling, One Step Closer, Numb, Faint? So I guess the first two albums suck as well. /rant
And, even then, programming drums is so much more than just the timing and the length of the notes ... At its core, it's about creating and/or manipulating sounds that just can't be created using a live kit. And the other way around too; you might choose to use a live kit because it can create sounds that a computer just can't replicate. Each requires a different kind of technicality, and you can multiply those differences by the wide variety of different software and hardware interfaces out there. LP have both kinds of tools in their arsenal. And, in the end, all instruments are devices that require human input of some kind. You pluck a gtr string to make vibrations which travel through the gtr, and, then, through a lead to an amp - anyone can do that. WELL ... Nah, won't go there
I didn't wanna get into manipulating samples and whatnot. Attack, decay, etc. might be too in-depth. I was just implying that when I mentioned the complexity Don't worry, I was just being sarcastic. Applying the thought process stemming from that mindset.
No peace between LP fans, LP has the most divided fan base out of any music Artist in the whole world It will always be like that. You can thank LP for that.