Linkin Park - Heavy feat. Kiiara Lyric Video

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Feb 16, 2017.

  1. Zakksalvo

    Zakksalvo Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2014
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    What makes those lyrics by the killers good? What does that even mean?
  2. BTorio

    BTorio Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Holy! I forgot how angry the LP fanbase gets lol. I'm not very surprised by the reaction to this song, but I'm pretty surprised with how much hate BID/LT is getting in the discussions lol. To me, that song is very much as they described Living Things, a culmination of their sound up to that point. I don't think it gave off vibes of trying to make a radio hit nearly as much as Heavy.
    Bane likes this.
  3. Amarez

    Amarez Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2015
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    I respect your view. This is an interesting debate. I think if Chester sung the whole thing, it'd still be this same sound because of the instrumental. I think the pop beats in this are heavily different from their other songs lol. Their other songs just... don't 'sound' like it. And I don't think I need to describe it because the sound speaks for themselves. Powerless just isn't... Heavy lol. Powerless leaned towards alternative/electronic.
    Bane likes this.
  4. MattLP

    MattLP No control No surprise

    Sep 11, 2012
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    I've been with this band since day, im not ashamed to say I'm a LP fan boy for the most part. Their music has helped me get through such horrible times in my life, and still help me through this day to deal with my depression and anxiety struggles. Ive bought alot of LP merchandise from this band the last past 16 years from the cd's to shirts, posters, hoodies, wallets and so on. I defended this band when they were a called a metal boy band back in the day. Yes I love their old sound more because i can relate my life and what ive been through to it more. When ATS i was really disappointed I know it was change, everything is change in life i accept that, I still dislike ATS to this day but i accept it i guess. THP was refreshing for me because it brought back their heavy sound with a fresh kick and really showed the bands full potential especially brad and rob. I dont like every song on it though. Its okay not to like everything thats what being a fan is all about. Heavy is not a good song its a very bad song, it sounds like every other pop song on the radio, its okay to change and try new things but LP didnt have to go this route to appease to todays audience of what plays on the radio. Thats what made them different in the first place because they were different they didnt sound like anything on the radio or something someone else did, thats why Ive been a LP fan since the early 00's, Linkin park has officially sold out and it pains me to say that it really does. I know LP will lose lots of hardcore fans and gain new ones especially fans of todays pop music, thats fine. But this is not Linkin Park anymore, I feel like they have betrayed me and the rest of their hardcore fans from day one. I will always remember the Linkin Park that saved my life, the Linkin Park that has helped me grow as a person and helped me get through life. You can hate me and bash me thats fine, I have my opinion and thats that.
  5. HypnoToad

    HypnoToad Glory to the HypnoToad! LPA VIP

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Best not to paint with such a broad brush, eh? Just because you think it's "shit music" doesn't mean that people who don't "mindlessly follow this band."

    inb4 "That's not what i said!!!!1!" It was implied.
  6. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    If they caved and did whatever you wanted, they would betray themselves and that would be selling out.
    Alexrednex and 101nemesis like this.
  7. MattLP

    MattLP No control No surprise

    Sep 11, 2012
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    People forget that if it wasnt for the fans they wouldnt be where they are today. And its like well we are making this if you dont like it than f*uk you to the fans that have supported and showed them love since day 1and say we dont care what you think, we're gonna make something that sounds like whats on the radio just because its whats cool today and popular. To me its like a spit in the face
    hasbino likes this.
  8. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Exactly. A shitty New Divide rip off that sounds like LP could write and compose in a couple minutes flat. I won't say Heavy has better lyrics, but more work went into the melody, music and composition and it shows.
    Alexrednex and Sasuke like this.
  9. Henry

    Henry Mochiagete, Tokihanashite.

    Aug 22, 2010
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    Fans come and go really.

    Oh how I hope there is a song like "When They Come For Me" in One More Light, just for the ketchup line specifically.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2017
  10. hybrid1988

    hybrid1988 Fever Daydream

    Mar 22, 2007
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    Wow. I finally watched the facebook live stream. If they can go ahead and re-record BID in that stripped down style that would be fantastic. Wow. I am not a fan of that song at all but that version was excellent. Crawling also sounded better than it has in years. I think we need an LP unplugged album. (Wrong thread I know, but this one is more active. Sorry!)

    Back on topic: I listened to the song a few more times and while it's still not my thing, Kiiara totally outshined Chester. If this was a song she released on her own, I would love it.

    See, I can be positive too. ;)
    Bane likes this.
  11. MattLP

    MattLP No control No surprise

    Sep 11, 2012
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    Try to catch up and listen to the world of pop? Yeah i dont think so dude, id rather commit suicide or cut myself than listen to that garbage thats on the radio, but you can though
    Reanimate02 likes this.
  12. Henry

    Henry Mochiagete, Tokihanashite.

    Aug 22, 2010
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    Ah, so aggressive.

    But seriously tho, chill. Find something else to calm you down lol.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2017
  13. unknown1019

    unknown1019 Member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    Let's say you like Heavy... listen to it again. Let's say you don't like Heavy... don't listen to it again. Let's say there are 1,000,000 songs that have been recorded by let's say 100,000 artists. Let's listen to what we like, let's not to what we don't. Let's not get caught up on what's on the radio... let's turn it off if it's not our style, but let's turn it up if it is. It's that simple, let's not stack problems that are so unnecessary.
    Abel, Bane and Henry like this.
  14. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I'm sure if actually searched, you would find a pop artist you like.

    Take for example Death Metal. It's my least favorite genre of all time but I love a death metal band called Suicide Silence. Its the genre I listen to the least but I still found an artist I enjoy.

    I'm sure if you actually dove into exploring the world of pop you would find a pop artist you like.
    Abel, Breno9712, Henry and 1 other person like this.
  15. 101nemesis

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    I'm getting flashbacks of when ATS was released, seeing comments like this. Fans can be so selfish and self-obsessed. :facepalm:

    Honestly, people are complaining like as if their lives depend on this one song. The band makes music for themselves. Tough luck if you don't like the song.
    Wait for the album and if you like it, good for you. If you don't, move along until the next album comes out.
    Bane, Alexrednex, Mitch and 1 other person like this.
  16. Amarez

    Amarez Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2015
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    Good point. They don't have to listen to us.

    As a fan myself, as an individual, it's pretty darn disappointing lol. I was actually angry inside. But you know... talking about this all the time on the internet won't change a thing. I felt like I had to release this anger on here. It was just that bad.
  17. Henry

    Henry Mochiagete, Tokihanashite.

    Aug 22, 2010
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    Actually I can't remember which one was worse, this or when The Catalyst was released?
  18. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Alos, don't overeact like crazy and end up liking it one day :D

    Linkin Park has been a band for me that has its ups in downs over time and I'm very reactionary when it comes to this band.

    The Little Things Give You Away- Growing up I hated it and thought it was the worst LP song ever. As I grew older I ended up falling in love with this song.
    A Thousand Suns- Loved it at first, then grew to be one of the "haters" of the album then somehow grew back to liking it (at least the actual songs)
    The Hunting Party- Loved it at first. Thought UIG and Wastelands were amazing songs before the album came out. Now I hate both those songs and think it is their worst album to date.

    Just like I could go from liking Heavy to disliking it you guys could just as well go from disliking it to liking it. It's good to always keep an open mind when going into a song instead of tellin yourself I didn't like it before so I won't like it now.
  19. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I feel like Burn it Down got the worst reception of all 3
  20. Henry

    Henry Mochiagete, Tokihanashite.

    Aug 22, 2010
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    Kinda expected that. Even I feel iffy with that one :lol:

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