Linkin Park - One More Light | Release Day Thread

Discussion in 'News' started by Ree, May 18, 2017.

  1. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I've been listening on Spotify this entire week to help the Bands sales but One More Light is probably already at like 75 plays for me lol. So beautiful.

    I think it can do 200k


    -Streaming Counts now. Streaming did not count back when Living Things and The Hunting Party were released
    - All the pre-orders of the albums from people trying to get better places in line as well as potentially meet the band.
    -Every ticket bought to the US tour of One More Light came with copies of the album. Every redeemed copy counts as a sale.

    P.S. Everyone listen to this album on Spotify just for the first week even if you own the CD> Streaming counts so let's help the band!
  2. The Joesen One

    The Joesen One Fun-employed LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    In the UK. In the US it's still Everybody by Logic. US charts are a lot slower than UK's. We won't know the results of the May 12-released records until a few days from now.
  3. Brawler

    Brawler Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2017
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    I hope so. I would like even an album like "After Laughter" by Paramore. I mean, that's Pop Rock / Alternative Rock
  4. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Bro, you know the results by friday.

    The numbers are give or take a couple thousand but the actual chart is always accurate. Go to and click 'Sales Plus Streaming'
    ashish likes this.
  5. Flozuki

    Flozuki LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jun 1, 2010
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    Do we know how exactly spotify numbers are added to sales figures? And are these US numbers (hitsdailydouble)? If so my mind is blown regarding Paramore. That is much less than what I would have expected, especially after articles pointing out how they have become more relevant these days and their newest record always selling better than the predecessor.
  6. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    This is US numbers, yes.

    I believe every 1,400 song streams count as an album sale. This goes for Spotify/Tidal/Apple Music/Whatever else is out there.

    When it comes to Paramore, they basically surprised released theor album and when you do that you always have the trouble of running low sales. A7X surprised released their last album and it only did 80k first week I believe which seems low for them.
    Flozuki likes this.
  7. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Alright, I finally fuckin' listened to the album! :sorcerer:

    Don't have a favourite song yet but all the ones I was really excited for lived up to the hype for me. Biggest surprise (but by no means a bad surprise) was really the strong amount of #trap injected into the production, I didn't think there would be so much

    EDIT: also, "Battle Symphony" was the one I liked least, as I expected would be the case
  8. Rhel

    Rhel Member

    Mar 28, 2017
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    My Impressions so far, all subject to change of course.

    Nobody Can Save Me: Catchy! But otherwise kinda nondescript! Makes use of a synth sound I just don't quite like that appears a few times through the album. The music and lyrics seem kind of... disconnected though if that makes sense? Like it's just some random catchy melody. 4/10

    Good Goodbye: Feels a bit like it could be an ok Fort Minor song. The Chipmunk voices I don't know how to feel about. The chorus definitely benefits from the distorted guitar in the background, gives it a bit of punch. 5/10

    Talking To Myself: YES! I really felt this song from the first synth sounds i heard on the live version. Chester's intense, slightly raw singing, the simple but effective drums, the low electronic voice, just the right amount of guitar for the song, the kinda dark lyrics. This one has to be my favourite for sure. 9/10

    Battle Symphony: Again, catchy but kinda generic. Features that same synth sound cant get myself to like. Really like Chester's vocals on this one though. Also the musical feel and the lyrics fit together nicely which is something this album does fairly well in general. 5/10

    Invisible: Another favourite for sure. I've like Mike's singing voice for quite a while and he really does well on these kinds of emotional songs. Synth sounds great. The melody is catchy without just sounding like random pop song nr. 815. 9/10

    Heavy: Boy how opinions can change ;) I hated this when I first heard it. My reaction was basically "what is this crap? this isn't Linkin Park! Shut it off!" Now I find it a nice chilled out song with emotional vocals, melancholic but also sort of uplifting. It even get's the tiniest bit... well heavy when it needs to, with the guitar coming into the foreground a little and chester getting a bit louder for a moment. 8/10

    Sorry For Now: I loved the first 50 or so seconds though it sounded like invisible a bit too much. Then... attack of the unneeded sound effects :( Too bad! I really like the vocals (like I said I really enjoy Mike's singing) chester does well to imho. Could be a 6/10 or 7/10 without the temporary soundeffect overload, that totally feels like a total disconnect from how the rest of the song feels. With it it's a 4/10

    Halfway Right: Chester's best vocals on the album for my taste. Raw and rough when it needs to be, soft and emotional when it needs to be. The instrumentation and synths don't get in the way but complement the extremely hummable melody. Also some of my favourite lyrics on the album. 8/10

    One More Light: Would be Chester's best vocals if Halfway Right wasn't on the album. He perfectly delivers the feeling of loss and the need to not stop caring even if it hurts. Anyone who's ever lost someone important will feel this one I think.
    The synth and the guitar stay in the background as they should except for the short... well guitar solo I guess? Could definitely be played in a row with My December, Little Things Give You Away and Iridescent. Definitely another high point. 9/10.

    Sharp Edges: The dancey rhythm, electronic sounds with the acoustic guitar makes it sound a lot like Wake Me Up or Hey Brother by Avicii. Which is not a bad thing at all. "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger" is one of those quotes that was great originally but has just gotten cringey though getting repeated millions of times out of all context. Overall a pretty solid, uplifting ending to an album that feels pretty short. 6/10

    On average that'd be a 7/10 roughly, which is honestly better than what I was expecting. I was expecting something pretty forgettable with maybe 1 or 2 memorable songs. What I got was a pop album that, even though I'm not a fan of all of it is very enjoyable, sometimes emotional and has several standout songs ( Talking To Myself, Invisible, Heavy, Halfway Right, One More Light) that I'll be listening to a lot. I shouldn't have doubted them. Talk about a pleasant surprise!

    * Note that I'm not using the all too common rating system where anything below an 8/10 is crap but am trying to potentially use the whole scale. So 9 and 10 are "amazing am probably listening on repeat right now", 5 and 6 are "solid songs, will listen to the once in a while" and only a 1 is "rush to the radio to shut it off before my ears start bleeding!"

    Edit: I deliberatly avoided reviews until after I'd listened to the album a few times. Surprised to see so much love for Sorry For Now. Guess there's no arguing about taste ^^
    Last edited: May 21, 2017
  9. Foreshadowed_LP

    Foreshadowed_LP Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2007
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    Thanks for confirming this, I must have got the In The End CD and the Frat Party DVD mixed up. I could've sworn the CD said Esaul but that proves to be wrong, that's what happens when you vaguely remember 15 years ago and don't have that CD anymore. Anyway, thanks for clarifying this, I'll edit it in my review.
  10. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    @Blake The one guy on KTT who said this album is a contender for worst of '17 :facepalm:
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  11. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    People just like to hate. People really underestimate how much bad music is out there if they actively call a major label release the worst album of the year.

    Unless It's Limp Bizkit :halfkappa:
    Deliveranze likes this.
  12. Hasnain

    Hasnain Member

    Feb 20, 2017
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    Man,the review on sputnikmusic and the comments underneath are cancer.
    Someone even went as far as to say this in the comments:
    "Wait what is the album cover exactly?

    I see basic bitches on the beach with the sun in front of them like you'd see on the Abercrombie website..."
    Its just entirely disgusting and disrespectful. I want to kill someone now.
  13. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    What do ya think of the criticism that LP still remains too close to pop traditions even when they experiment?
  14. Shadow

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    So I finally heard the album (first playthrough minus the singles, which I heard in Lossless 44khz/16bit). This is the first Linkin Park album I've done where it was the MQA version. I don't know exactly in which range this version was released on TIDAL but I am sure is within the range of 96khz/24bit - 192khz/24bit. Now I know there's some TIDAL naysayers that say this is bullshit but I've done my fair listen to of each album on TIDAL with a pair of Bose Soundtrue headphones, a Marantz NR1406 Audio/Video/Receiver & a soundcard capable of outputting upto 192khz/24bit. I can assure you there is an audible difference. How noticeable? Very small. If you are like me that loves every little small detail, bells & whistles that Linkin Park layers on their tracks.. then I suggest you do listen to this album on MQA. Do I think it's the best album they put out in MQA? I disagree. IMO, Meteora seems to be taking the lead in MQA for listens through next to Living Things for the amount of layering they put... but regardless of that I gave this album a chance.

    Now if you have been following my post since the first single was released I was "hopeful" i'd find a track I'd like in this album. Surprisingly, I did find a track I enjoy, I don't think it's UBERLY amazing but.. it gives me some hope for the next album, that track is "Sorry For Now."

    I made some quick notes of each track as I listened to them, here's what I came for them on MQA listen through

    1) Nobody Can Save Me - Only track that seems to be using the authentic guitar sound from Hybrid Theory / Meteora.
    2) Good Goodbye - No comments. I particularly didn't enjoy this song, good use of synths and trademark Linkin Park effects.
    3) Talking To Myself - halfway through the track it sounds like Mike jumps in to sing alongside with Chester
    4) Battle Symphony - Reminded me straight up of Somewhere I Belong in terms of track structure and layering.
    5) Invisible - I enjoyed it much more on MQA. I did not like this song first playthrough in 44khz/16bit. The "work" behind the track truly shines in MQA quality, you can hear the harmony between Chester & MIke very distinctly. There are parts where it's a little hard to hear Chester but it feels it was on purpose. Perhaps it has to do with the theme of the song?
    6) Heavy - I did not like this song at all. Not even in it's MQA playthrough, all I can say is that Kiiara sounds much clearer.. but the whole time I was saying to myself was "The Postal Service could've done a much better job :|"
    7) Sorry for now - As I stated earlier, this was "my song" for this album unfortunately it's supbar compared to other songs in their catalog. I enjoyed it because it showed how much Mike's singing ability has improved over the years. I enjoyed this track ALOT in MQA because it just works. It works for MQA. The layering is distinctive and it's sooooo soothing to the ears. It's 'yum yum' the way they sing along but Chester is heard very subtly in the background for the strong parts.
    8) Halfway Right - I am sorry. Very generic. I did not enjoy this song. It sucks IMO. Everything. Production, lyrics... there's nothing that's calling for me. Again, my opinion.
    9) One More Light - This.. took a minute. This was the song I was waiting for but it never picks up. I was disappointed.. after some playthroughs.. I was like "man this reminds me of another song.." Yup. T.I. Feat Christina Aguilera - Castle Walls (Which I much prefer..than One More Light). I feel T.I. & Aguileras venture had more raw energy in delivery than One More Light, and typically.. it's the other way around. Linkin Park is usually blowing people away with their energy. It was "meh".
    10) Sharp Edges - Sorry.. sounded like a blur. :|

    I think if I've heard this album.. first... lossless quality, I'd give it a 4.5/10. Throught MQA i'll pump it to 6.5/10. Unfortunately, this album IMO is by far the worst album in their catalog. I thought Minutes to Midnight was bad when I was younger, but hearing that recently in MQA, that one blows this album out of the water.

    Just to add, I grew up with chiptunes and instrumentals when I was younger. Linkin Park was the band that got me into lyrics and vocals, but I love Linkin Park for their work on their tracks. I hate to say it, but for me this album sucks. I am sure there is a new generation out there that will enjoy this but this album is an absolute blur for me. With the exception of Sorry For now which the track itself I'd give it a 6 out of 10.. I cannot get jiggy with this album.
    Last edited: May 22, 2017
  15. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    That's accurate to me but I wouldn't call that a bad thing.
    Iopia and Deliveranze like this.
  16. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Yeah me neither. I was arguing with an ex-LP fan on KTT and they said it was a bad thing that their music was easy to digest.
  17. BTorio

    BTorio Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I really wish Good Goodbye was just saved for a one-off Fort Minor track again, or some kind of collab album, or anything but this album. It's so close to an emotional, personal album (lyrically) all the way through, until the rap verses come in.
  18. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    That's one of the biggest reasons behind the band's appeal! :lol:

    Sure they're no Lennon/McCartney, but they are extremely gifted at writing catchy and memorable songs...even if they don't always excel on the lyric front. That's not an easy thing to do. Tons of people can write a song, but it's tough to make it actually 'good' or 'catchy'.
    Sasuke and Deliveranze like this.
  19. Nicholas

    Nicholas Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    And what I like about this album is that nearly every song can be considered "catchy", every song could be a single. I'm not saying the album isn't without flaws, but it's something that I don't think applies to all their other albums (to me at least). I'd like the band to continue with the themes found in this album, but maybe go for an alternative/soft rock (e.g MtM) route for the next one.

    Or they could go all experimental or heavy again, but I'm liking "mellow park".
  20. Deliveranze

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Totally agree with you. It's just hard to get that through since KTT is full of indie rock elitists and the more "abrasive," the more artistic you are. :lol:

    Maybe he meant that all LP albums have songs that sound "too LP" even when they experiment like WID, BID, UIG, idk.

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