Linkin Park Score Their Sixth No.1 Album On Billboard 200 Chart With 'One More Light'

Discussion in 'News' started by Ree, May 29, 2017.

  1. #21

    frezer86 Active Member

    Dec 5, 2012
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    Are we talking about same band ? They have always been easy listening band, but not pop, nu metal leaning towards alt rock, electronic rock on later releases. There is a clear difference between In The End and One More Light sound.
  2. #22

    crazygolfer Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2008
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    They both sound exactly the same to me. I can't even distinguish the two. :kappa:
    IronDust71 and minuteforce like this.
  3. #23

    frezer86 Active Member

    Dec 5, 2012
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    you must be kidding, In the end sounds like rock at least. OML is straight bubble gum, cheesy pop
  4. #24
    Blackee Dammet

    Blackee Dammet Feminism Is My God Now

    Feb 25, 2006
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    How old are you? Not a trick question, if you were old enough to be at least early teens in 2001/2002, you have vivid memories of ITE being considered (and devils advocate, totally sounding like) a "boyband with guitars".

    I think a lot of younger fans just assume LP were considered these hard rock badasses back in the day and just became pussies in the last 10 or so years, and it was never the case.
  5. #25

    Sasuke Modern Prog enjoyer LPA Super Member

    May 22, 2012
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    Add drop Db powerchords & scratching to Heavy and then you get a perfect 2000s nu-metal song!
    Serenity likes this.
  6. #26

    abbaslp Fortyoneaxes

    Apr 13, 2014
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    Just think how much copies lp would have sold if it was 2000's......just wonder
  7. #27

    frezer86 Active Member

    Dec 5, 2012
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    I'm 31 and I know that LP was always subject of jokes and mockery, but these were mostly coming from hard rock/metal elitist who are closed to one particular genre and bash all other music. In The End was probably most radio friendly song from Hybrid Theory, so it was obvious choice to make it single and promote album with it even when there are much heavier songs on that record. This can't be said about OML where all songs are pretty much the same super soft tracks, so it doesn't make a difference what song they will choose to promote this album. HT was also promoted with lighter tracks like Crawling or Papercut where those with screams like By Myself, A Place For My Head, Forgotten or Runaway weren't promoted.

    Well, nope. There is much more needed to make Heavy sound actually heavy
  8. #28
    The Joesen One

    The Joesen One Fun-employed LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    @AdamWBR was right. The fans came around. Happy the band got #1, even if it was a soft week for releases. Congrats! :)

    Now release a second single to keep the momentum alive :halfkappa:
    @LP2K12 and Abel like this.
  9. #29

    Abel Chester Bennington saved my life.

    Aug 26, 2010
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    Awwwww yiss. :fedora: many congrats to the guys, 6 chart-topping records is no easy feat whatsoever. Whether you like them or not, it's good to know Linkin Park's still a relevant topic in the U.S. and still has that reach.

    Because this bothered me in a thread meant to be congratulatory:

    I bet Chester's shaking in his boots and fedora at the prospect of meeting you outside Citi Field, even though he has his bandmates, security, and Blink-182 behind him. Did I also mention Wu-Tang and MGK are going to be there as well?

    OK. You think OML's garbage. That's fine. That doesn't change the fact at all that the album is #1 on the Billboard chart, which means people who either love the album or hate it have all listened to it. You're free to dislike the album, and you're free to hate on pop music. That's fine. But to keep on rampaging in nearly every thread calling the band sellouts and practically threatening the band because you hate their new album is just flat-out immature and not constructive whatsoever.

    At least with other members, they're saying "This isn't Linkin Park" or "I don't like this" with actual reasoning and criticism, and whether I agree or not, at least they're doing so politely and constructively. You're basically being the personification of the portion of HT/Meteora fans we have all grown sick of at this point.

    Dude, I'd gladly jump on that opportunity if One More Light ended up in the bargain bin at my local Walmart. What qualifies to you as "overrated radio pop garbage"? Because if it's what I think it is...well, sorry, they're currently still on shelves at normal prices and still getting bought each and every day.

    Then don't listen to Z100 or any other station that's playing Heavy. If you don't like it, you have a dial/button. Just switch it.

    Overall? Calm down. Stop. You've said your piece.
  10. #30

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I saw the HDD report on Friday!

    Congrats to the band on the #1 :)

    Ties Disturbed and Deftones (I think it was them anyway) with most #1s for a rock band this decade :)
  11. #31

    Mitch Turning from a white sky to a black hole

    Dec 13, 2005
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    I think it was Dave Matthews Band not Deftones (IIRC). Very good result for the lads.
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  12. #32

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    We were all soooo scared they'd be #2 but look what happened! :sorcerer:

    EDIT: gotta tarnish the #posivibes in my post here ...
    The impression I get from this is that rock fans are having real trouble coming up with actual criticisms, because they keep claiming that the new album is bubblegum pop when it really obviously isn't. :disgust: You're basically getting angry over a studio album that you 100% made up in your head, in contrast to the one the band actually wrote. And, on top of all of that, you probably didn't realise that @crazygolfer was being sarcastic ... which is okay, because mistakes happen.

    Some people on LPA have legitimate criticisms and have been respectful and mature in presenting them (even going to the extra mile by not bringing them up in irrelevant topics!) and I'm glad you guys are around to level the rest of us out. :)
  13. #33

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    WHEW!!! LP Did It! Congrats to them
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  14. #34
    Death Slayer

    Death Slayer Julian

    Jul 24, 2010
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    3 years per album, will only take them a mere 42 years, completely doable!
  15. #35
    Nimz Lp

    Nimz Lp niimz94

    Feb 9, 2012
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    This makes me so happy! Take that Ultimate Guitar!
  16. #36

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Well, if the band is really committed in releasing more albums, it's totally fine. and now, OML proved to be a hit, they have the confidence to expand the pop route to a more experimental indie LP8. Heck, even The Beatles released 2 albums per year. but I got your point, LP is not Lennon nor Mc Cartney but still a flexible songwriter in the band like Mike Shinoda, it is POSSIBLE.
  17. #37

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Not falling into obscurity by releasing a "universal" record.

    Well, they got what they wanted.
  18. #38

    Meteorain Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2017
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    I've tried really hard to just ignore and move past your repeated head-shaking comments over the last while. I haven't even posted on here at all since a few days before the album's release. The only time I replied to you was completely away from the album or the band as a whole and just had a random talk about how a concert would go and be presented at Citi Field in New York.

    I can't bite my tongue anymore.

    I'm sick and tired of the way you carry yourself on here, the things you say and how you say them. You can rip on the new album all you want, if you don't like it, fine, you don't like it. But the real "hot garbage" (a phrase that this board has made me profoundly tired of) has been your conduct.

    It's getting hard not to think you're just looking for a rise or some kind of reaction from people, because the more you don't get it, the more ridiculous your comments get. Congrats, you officially got somebody to speak, despite trying very hard to continue to not take the bait, and despite knowing I'll probably kick myself later for doing this.

    This isn't about you not liking the music and me taking offense or anything like that. I could care less how you feel about the music. Guess what, this isn't my absolute number one preferred style for their music either, but you don't see me constantly bitching about it in just about every single thread. I'm convinced you haven't even begun to properly try to break down and listen for the signs of the band that they've had in their music all along, but that right now is beside the point. The point right now is the extracurricular bullshit you feel the need to tack on top, which is just downright fucking stupid, childish, immature, and unnecessary.

    "The band should take a long hiatus, several years, and come back and do a reunion tour or something"

    So because you don't like the new album, in other words one album, out of seven, you're basically calling for the band to break up and/or retire. Because taking a long hiatus when they're in their 40's is pretty close to being tantamount to calling it quits. Try to deny this, but it's hard to defend when you mention a "reunion tour". I've seen your past comments, this is the first time you've had a major problem with a studio release by this band, but six out of seven getting a passing grade in your books isn't good enough. No. After one "bad" album, you're just so put off that you want it all to be over. I certainly hope you're not this selfish in your daily life.

    And yeah, I'm just going to continue even though I'm sure there's a good chance you're not even going to read this.

    "Yup LP sold out bunch of hypocrite sell outs!!!"

    Tell me again why a band who's been this successful in their careers would need to do whatever it takes to make money. Yes, of course, a band likes making money with their music. No band out there doesn't want to make money. But this band has been around now for 17+ years and has well established themselves in the industry, and you liken them to a bunch of struggling musicians who are desperate to put food on the table. If anything, the release of Meteora was a "sell out" move, with how successful Hybrid Theory was, you can easily argue they tried to make just as much money as quickly as possible. Minutes to Midnight was a change of sound, and infused more pop into their music than you'd previously heard -- why wasn't that selling out, in your eyes? You think, obviously, they made One More Light because it's the current trend... and I'll remind you this is their first album since 2014, in three years, and it took a while to make as well... so I guess they just accurately predicted the trend of Q1 2017, right? That far in advance? Or they just got lucky? There's a reason Chester didn't respond very well to the idea of being sellouts, and it's separate from simply people liking or disliking the album. Though I'm sure you're in the boat who thought "oh he's getting defensive because he knows he really did sell out"...

    "I will gladly meet him outside when they come to NY at Citi field"

    This was the real moment where I snapped and thought "You've got to be fucking kidding me, right?" Why do you even still listen to the band, at all, if this is how you feel about them? More directly, how you feel about their lead singer? That you'd want to fight him? Why did you support the band by buying what I've got a pretty good idea was an expensive concert ticket when you know you could hear like 4-6 songs from an album you hate? I agree in wishing that Chester handled the backlash a little better than he did, and that even though his words were taken out of context, that regardless he needs to choose better words when dealing with the public eye, especially in hyper-sensitive 2017. You apparently are still hung up on what was not his best moment, even though he's since admitted to his errors and said he'll be better. Congratulations though, your bullshit comment here is absolutely no better than the crap we find in the comments sections for Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and the comments at the bottom of articles reporting Chester's comments. The LPA is supposed to be better than that. I've read enough of the "duh I'll gladly meet you outside!" shit elsewhere, thanks. If I actually ever bore witness to a situation where somebody was accosting Chester outside of a venue, regardless of who was already with him, I would help defend him. And no, that's not "talking tough behind a keyboard" like you and others like to do, because I find it fucking stupid. Luckily this idiotic situation will remain a hypothetical imagination and won't ever actually happen.

    Bottom line, give it a fucking rest already. We get it, you don't like the album. Good for you. You've made your case, several times, in several threads. Since you apparently hate Linkin Park now, because you don't like 14% of their studio album discography and wah omg that's just too much to handle, maybe don't post here anymore, or find something else to say, take the LP off of your name MattLP, do something, anything, else. At the very least, stop fucking making comments that are deliberately trying to piss people off. I don't buy for a second that you haven't had that in your head when you've said some of the things you've said.

    P.S. It's called a radio knob/dial. "If I have to listen to Heavy one more ti--- No. Just no. Stop it. You don't HAVE to listen to anything. Mute it, turn it off, or gee I don't know, maybe change the fucking station, genius.
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
  19. #39

    Astat LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 3, 2004
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    Sure, the sound is different, but I think what a lot of people miss in that comparison is that the sound of a song like In the End was just as much of a part of the pop landscape of the music industry in 2001 as the sound of a song like Heavy is in 2017. I think a lot of people complaining about how much more pop this is than "old Linkin Park" was are too young to remember a time when, in addition to Linkin Park, you had bands like Puddle of Mudd, Creed, Nickelback, P.O.D., Default, etc., that were all scoring Top 40 hits with post-grunge/nu metal songs. Listening to pop radio in 2001-2002 was a VERY jarring experience, you'd literally have songs by those bands played in between all the Britney Spears, N*SYNC, Mary J. Blige, etc. hits that were big at the time.

    This album is literally the most in-line with the current state of the music industry as Linkin Park has been since Hybrid Theory. And if you think they're sellouts for One More Light, you HAVE to think they were sellouts for Hybrid Theory as well. If not, you're the very definition of a hypocrite.
    Abel, Andreina and Sasuke like this.
  20. #40

    brady I am the LPA LPA Super Member

    Oct 12, 2012
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    I knew there'd be a few negative Nancy's on here complaining about the bands achievements. Get over it. If you're really a fan of the band, you should be celebrating their accomplishments, whether you're a fan of the album or not. And if you hoped for them to fail... well that's just pretty sad.
    Meteorain, Sasuke and crazygolfer like this.

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