Longer The Catalyst Clip

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Jul 27, 2010.

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  1. Rezanator

    Rezanator Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2010
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    The discussion about LP's previous albums is certainly an interesting one. Imo, you hear HT and see a very young band. All the guys were in their early 20's and the world is a different place at that age. At that age, you have kids who have become men but still deal with the same issues that a lot of teenagers go through. There's a lot of questions and internal issues going on at that age and HT represents that perfectly. HT was very myopic lyrically but the music was so big that it became an epic album. As for Meteora, it's still dealing with the same issues and the guys were not that much more older (still in their mid 20's) but the presentation was more mature and polished (overproduced imho). Therefore you have 2 albums from LP that dealt with the same kinds of issues because LP were going through that and most of their young fans connected with that kind of message.

    As for MTM, it clearly represented to me that LP had grown up. They're now confident men of the world and had gone through a transformation. It would not make any sense for them to make another HT or Meteora because those issues were not as relevant to them anymore. They had gone through that part of life and come out with a newer perspective on life. That's why you have more serious and topical songs on MTM like What I've Done, TLTGYA, and Hands Held High. But at the same time, they were able to innovate in songs like Bleed It Out and expand their sound. It represented a dynamic shift in perspective to me even though it was not great musically. It showed the world that LP were broadening their horizons and doing what they want.

    With ATS we see a band that's not afraid and realizes that good music is good music and that you can only make music that you think is good. It won't surprise me if ATS is the least successful commercial album LP has ever released. Modern rock radio honestly is in the dumps with bands that sound exactly the same, sing about the same thing, and have no originality. There are a few exceptions like Muse but most of it is crap. With ATS I think we'll see LP that makes music instead of worrying about anything else. They don't have to do anything to prove anything to anyone. I think MTM had a little bit of that, "Oh look we can make different types of songs too" but now it's more about "Fuck You. We'll make what we want to make" sort of like what Metallica has done over the years with albums like The Black album, St.Anger, and both Load and ReLoad. I think this increases the band's credibility as musicians because they're making honest music and like Rick Rubin said that this music LP is making is coming from a "pure place".
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2010
  2. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    I agreed with Rezanator's post up until he made the insinuation that St. Anger was good music.

    I'll leave the thread now. :lol:
  3. Asua

    Asua Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2010
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    Things that are reoccurring here. Techno, Christian, "in my opinion" and "I miss old LP".

    It's becoming quite repetitive don't you think? :huh:
  4. Rezanator

    Rezanator Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Lol. No, I was insinuating that Metallica made that album because they wanted to and did not care what anyone else thought. Trust me, I did not like St.Anger even though it had a couple of good songs in it. When you watch Some Kind of Monster, some of the songs make more sense.
  5. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    And the award for greatest win goes to...
  6. ChuckCheese

    ChuckCheese Did somebody order some cheese? LPA VIP

    Nov 12, 2007
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  7. thebaysboy

    thebaysboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    So yea i finally have a day whee i can get on here and talk about this stuff haha,i heard the snippet with the guitar and i must say i like it, i mean at first after hearing all the remixes that other's have produced, it altered my perception of what the song was gonna be,so i didnt like it, AT FIRST! but it has grown on me. i have been a major fan of lp for like 12 years, i loved all there other albums, i have complete faith that lp is going to give our ears a treat of something we have never heard before.just cause it's different does not mean it's gonna suck,by any means. after all when do you actually hear something new in now a days music? just enjoy it, albums like this one wont come around often =).
  8. lp_mohd

    lp_mohd Banned

    Jul 19, 2010
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    yah coz i realy hate this kind of music
  9. Shadester

    Shadester (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    Apr 3, 2007
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    I'm really liking what I'm hearing so far. This song's gonna leak any day now.
  10. Ophelia

    Ophelia LPA Super VIP LPA Super VIP

    Jul 20, 2008
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    I said it before, and I'm going to say it again. It's not like Linkin Park needs more money at this point, they are making the music they want to be making, and obviously having fun doing it. Isn't that the point of music? That its enjoyable for the band? If it gets to the point where the musicians are bored, it leads to them being burnt out and it shows. I look forward to where the next step in their musical evolution is going to take me, and while I enjoy their old sound, I'm glad that it has changed and grown into something new.
  11. Asua

    Asua Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2010
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    ... (that's me ignoring this comment)
  12. Sønic

    Sønic Searching for the last Chaos Emerald... LPA Super Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    You're right. Minutes to Midnight and Meteora aren't on the same level.

    Minutes to Midnight is HERE...Meteora is way down...


    For the past week I have listened to everything LP has done on my way to work, in the car, in anticipation for A Thousand Suns. I'm currently in the middle of Meteora and I can't wait for it to be finished to I can listen to Minutes to Midnight. I've also watched The Making of Minutes to Midnight, The Making of Meteora, and the Frat Party at the Pankake Festival and with each listen, with each watch, anything that has to do with Meteora comes in last. Hell, even Reanimation is better than Meteora.

    And while Meteora is essentially a "Hybrid Theory Part II", both albums are vastly different. Meteora just sounds like they tried too hard to re-create the magic from their first record, and it was screaming for a change, and thus Minutes to Midnight was made.
  13. Cure4TheItch

    Cure4TheItch I fuck up everything I see, fighting in futility.

    Jul 10, 2010
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    I just caught myself singing these lyrics over and over already. I think this is sure to be catchy in the "non-pop-radio, no chorus" sort of way...but thats just me.
  14. Linkinarmy

    Linkinarmy Sins of our fathers LPA VIP

    Jul 26, 2010
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    XFM Give Impressions on New LP Album
    It appears that UK radio station XFM gave insight on the new Linkin Park sound during their radio broadcast today; captured by the folks over at LPLive, here is the transcript:

    "I had someone come in and play me brand new Linkin Park material in the wake. Someone from the management company. This is no lie. Came in to the XFM studio with a cop from America who would flown over with the one copy of the 6-track sampler of the new Linkin Park album and basically this cop's job was to guard it at all times. This is the true story. It really was the case of the new material being on the lock and key. But it was really good and actually very different. If you're one of those people who thought that Linkin Park have made the same album 3 times as far as their new studio releases go, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with this new one. There's rapping on it, but not the kind of rock-rap type of stuff that Mike Shinoda has done in the past. And the track is going to be the first single. At its full-length is almost proggy in places. It's very very good. Lots of take in, lots of new layers coming with the Linkin Park sound. And of course they have confirmed the full UK tour."
  15. thebaysboy

    thebaysboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    yea i gotta agree, i love metora, but it's litterally the exact same thing as ht,just a lil bit more mature, M2M started off bad for me,but by the time i listen to it again it blew my MIND! the lyrics and themes,just overpowered meteora by far.
  16. ana

    ana anaPHX LPA VIP

    Jan 30, 2010
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    okay I'll try to explain my thoughts as much as I can:

    1st reaction: I was shocked. In a negative and positive way and I had mixed emotions.
    Then it went from hate to love, from weird to extraordonary (and amazing).
    And now I can truely say that I'm really proud of the progress Linkin Park has done.

    I'm young yes, but I can say that we've all seen Linkin Park grow up and become more mature through their music, lyrics and even style - And so did I.
    I was 11 years old when I started being a LP fan and I was pretty much the same as their music: aggressive and full of sad stories and thirst for revenge to all the people that hurted me back then.
    Then when I was 15, I became more mature and calm...and so did LP with Minutes To Midnight.
    I was also involved in political issues (thanks to Hands Held High) and I started to discuss and talk about my problems, I didnt runaway from them; shut up and swallow my anger.
    In almost all LP songs I see myself, from HT to MTM and to me this is really great because I'm persuaded that Linkin Park is the right band for me and that proves that I made the right choice.

    All positive aspects to me and I believe to you all.
    Linkin Park is now in the music business for so long, thanks to us. So All I want is your support for the band. You dont know how ATS sounds like yet and Linkin Park risks a lot to have the free choice to play the music they want to.
    As I mentioned before; please trust the band that ATS will be really good, it might even be the BEST ALBUM that we have ever heard in our lives. They have put a lot of work into it and I'm sure they care a lot about us.

    (It is obvious that LP doesnt want to sound like HT/Meteora, they proved it with MTM and Mike said it enough that the band won't ever go back to their roots.)

    Woah It was difficult to me to write my emotions down in english, I hope it is clear enough for you all.

    edit: I would like to add that each member of the band as grown up too:

    Chester: his voice became so much better than it was before...he has soo many facettes in his voice, from screaming to the beautiful ballads. If they would have stuck to nu-metal he wouldnt have ever had the chance to develop and show everyone his great voice.

    Mike: His songwriting became really mature and on MTM he even sung a whole song alone (in Between). We always knew that LP had two lead vocalists and MTM gave Mike the opportunity to show the critics and others what he is capable of.

    Joe: We love Joe's scratching on HT/Meteora but we all missed it on MTM. Hearing that catalyst snippet I believe ATS is to him the great chance to be more present on the album as he was on MTM

    So Im sure ATS gives LP the opportunity to fully unfold their talents.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2010
  17. Asua

    Asua Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2010
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    Old news
  18. Dismantle

    Dismantle First person to create a 'Robot Boy' Remix

    Jul 13, 2010
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    I can't agree with that. However if it is the worst song on the album, This album will be one Hell of an album! Anyway, the way i see it. Linkin park have done many things differently to advertise this album, and i truly believe that they may be releasing they're worst 4 songs on the album not to promote it, just not to build everyones expectations up. The final single released could be they're personal best on the album. But i do think this album will be brilliant.
  19. Shayan86

    Shayan86 Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2010
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    What music? You don't even know how ATS is going to sound like.
  20. Linkinarmy

    Linkinarmy Sins of our fathers LPA VIP

    Jul 26, 2010
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    i know, i know
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