A lot of the songs are parodies of a certain artist/style. You Ain't Gotsta Gotsta sounds like James Brown, and Da Bloos is...well, the blues.
upon "cooling off" and relistening to most of them, I have smiled and realized that this truly IS something FOR the fans and that it's not an intentional slap in the face, but something you must have a sense of humor for. this Cd should be pretty funny and if they don't play 26 Letter In The Alphabet on PR2009, I'll be pissed
I feel so bad for Mike for having to apologize over a few sour fans. I notice that not everyone is going to like this CD, and I respect that...but I almost want to make a thread on here, in the hopes Mike will see it and see that for whoever hates it...there's a lot of people who love it. Having spoken to a lot of people who know Mike personally over the years, I get the feeling he's a guy who really cares about the fans so he's probably bumming out big time. I think he was hoping it'd be a hit like Frat Party/The Wizard song and that people would ask for more. Poor guy. Thing is, while I know Mike checks the main page I'm not certain if he checks the boards. Lets hope he does so he can see how many people here actually DO like the CD (like myself). P.S. No Laundry needed to be longer.
See, had this been a band I didn't know, I'd be really upset. It's silly. It's kind of amusing, so, I'll take it. But this leaves no excuse for not having a pwning fourth album. No excuse.
You can find it on youtube with the pitch bent back to normal and it sounds interesting You can actually tell its Chester
I'm just glad we seem to have a better time accepting the album for what it is. Some of the other forums are waging war with each other right now.
I know, what's that all about? It's a shame, really, this is not how this CD was supposed to be about. No need to get so uptight about it guys, chill. Gee.
I read a certain fan-forum in particular for lulz. The pissed-off members and admins make me choke on my PB n' Jellyfish.
Is it the same certain fan-forum where the admin has launched an unnecessary crusade against Mike and the band, for making a CD in which this person deems it as a "fuck you to the fans"? If so, I share your amusement. I think its absolutely unnecessary to act that way, when this band already does more for its fans than any other band I've ever seen. What other band communicates with their fans via forums/blogs, visits and shouts out fan sites, and takes the time to update their fans on their projects on a regular basis? I'd be hard pressed to find any band which is this close to their fans, and honestly the people who helped launched the anti-lpu8 tirade against the band should be ashamed of themselves. I don't care if this makes me a target...this band has done a lot for me, and I have a lot to be thankful for from them. To me I can't just sit here idly and watch them be tarred and feathered by the fans. Its fine to hate the CD but to call it a fuck you to the fans after all the band does for them? That's just a new low.
These people think they deserve something when in reality, the band doesnt owe the fans anything, but they still try to give us what we want. Everyone bitched about the live tracks so they listened and got rid of them, but its still not good enough. Some people just need to get over themselves and realize the band doesnt owe anybody shit.
Well to be neutral on this, there is some truth in saying that if it wasn't for us fans, the band wouldn't be as big as they are today...but in the same light they shouldn't have to cater to us 24/7 or wait on us hand and foot. When bands get famous the fans appear to forget that despite all the fame, the members of the band are still normal people. They eat, sleep, shit and talk just like we do and are not gods or superhuman in anyway. Just like you and me they are capable of making mistakes, and will not always be the most perfect people even when us fans may want them to be. And that's what these people need to realize. The band did this in an attempt to make something special that would make us laugh...instead some angry fans decided to throw it in their face. I however will not be one of those people. So if the band ever reads these boards...all I have to say is: thanks for the cd.
Well yeah, they obviously owe their careers to the fans as every band does, but I dont think that should make them feel like they owe it to us to give us original songs in the LPU. I just feel like its a bit self-centered to feel that the band has an obligation to cater to the fans.
Yes, the exact same forum. I'm kind of ashamed that I go to that site for information sometimes now. The way the admin is acting is completely unprofessional. I can see it now... "I'D RATHER HAVE ANOTHER MMM... COOKIES THAN THESE LIVE TRACKS."
I've never met the band in person, yet you don't see me pretending the band owes me anything. Seriously, these people are dellusional.