Marvel Movie Universe: Phase 2

Discussion in 'The Living Room' started by ChuckCheese, Jul 15, 2012.

  1. Knt.Slbs

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    YES! Spidey is part of the MCU.. Okay FOX, you're next! strike a deal with MARVEL for FF/X-MEN franchise to be part of the MCU also. Avengers vs. X-MEN would be total dream come true.
  2. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    In order for it to make sense to bring the X-Men into the MCU, the entire X-Men franchise would have to be rebooted, otherwise it'd make no sense to bring them in and somehow explain why the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't notice dozens of superpowered mutants running around the countryside.

    That, and Fox are assholes and will never let Marvel have the rights to their characters back. I'd be willing to bet even if Fantastic Four flops, they'll still hold onto the IP and reboot it right when the rights are about to revert just like they did this time. (Because a new Fantastic Four film had to come out before 2015 was over or the rights reverted back to Marvel; that's why the movie looks like such a clusterfuck, because it was rushed.)
  3. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Bringing X-Men in doesn't make any sense as no one in the entirety of MCU has mentioned mutants or the dangers of mutants.
  4. IGibbedYEIH

    IGibbedYEIH The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If they did a reboot of X-Men in the MCU, they could just say that Mutants hadn't let their presence be known to the public until the timeline of said reboot. Easy.
  5. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Feels like such a copout to do that.
  6. jare0674

    jare0674 There's a seat here along side me...

    Mar 12, 2010
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    I don't care about the X-Men as a whole being in the MCU but I wish Wolverine and Beast could be Avengers and that the Black Panth movies could use Storm.
  7. Moridin

    Moridin Death Contagious Deity

    May 25, 2010
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    They had to push them back because at that point they won't have the capability to produce more than 3 films a year & because they don't have the rights to Spider-Man (so can't push it back to after IW), they're co-producing it with Sony and Sony doesn't want/can't afford to wait 5 more years to make a Spidey film. Doing GotG2, Thor3, BP & co-producing Spidey would have stretched them beyond capacity & compromised all of those films.

    It's not that cut and dry, depends on what the scene is exactly. The Shawarma scene was literally just the team sitting still & eating for about 30 seconds, i.e. no special effects needed to be rendered. Plus cast & costuming was readily available.

    There's several things in the way of Spidey in a post-cred scene for AoU. They don't have an actor, for a start. Nor a costume, which takes time to develop. More importantly, it appears Marvel have only licensed him for Civil War so far, so legally they probably can't include him in AoU.

    I wouldn't look for Spidey to have a large role in Civil War. They only just got him & they start shooting in less than 8 weeks - no time to significantly change the script.

    Indeed. And put Goddard to work on Spider-Man.

    The Venom film should press on
    — Because Venom's such an important character to the Spider-Man universe and the Marvel universe overall, it makes sense to continue with the standalone Venom film to explain Venom's origins. Venom could battle Carnage in this film, which probably isn't exactly what people would want, but it sort of makes sense. Then Venom could find itself on Earth in a Spider-Man film, where it takes control of Spider-Man just as it does in the comics. Then, later, after Venom's "tamed," the character of Agent Venom (Flash Thompson) could be introduced to work with S.H.I.E.L.D. To me, that makes the most sense, but I'm sure other ideas are probably better.[/quote]

    I might agree, but it's being written & directed by Alex Kurtzman, & he's an awful writer.

    It's not uncommon for studios to have different versions of scripts with different characters, but it's usually early drafts. For example Whedon had Wasp in an early draft of The Avengers. There were early drafts of The Winter Soldier that had Hawkeye with Widow, another with just Hawkeye, another with just Widow. But that stuff gets ironed out the deeper they get into writing, they find the direction they want to go and they develop and refine that particular vision.

    While Marvel were in negotiations with Sony last year, probably as late as August, those talks broke down and there was no indication that they would pick back up (until after the hacks happened), so Marvel went ahead with what they had. Keeping multiple scripts on the go during all those months wouldn't even make sense. Even after the hacks & then the rumours that Sony were going back to the table with Marvel there was no guarantee that a deal would be made until pen was put to paper.

    One of the Cap writers recently said they were on the 4th draft of the current version of the script, suggesting a lot of script development happened sans Spidey.

    Also, the reason it's not called The Avengers: Civil War is because it's a Captain America film. Steve will be the central character, we'll be seeing the world through his eyes. It won't be an ensemble film the way the Avengers films are.

    Again, as I said above, at this late stage it's unlikely Spidey will have a major role in CW. That's Cap's story, his conflict with Stark & his search for Bucky will take precedence, never mind the fact there's a bunch of other characters like Black Panther to account for, so I doubt they'll go into Spidey's story much at all for those reasons.

    Agreed completely. Everyone knows the origin at this point, no need to rehash it a third time. The Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon shows exactly how to do that, and is my favourite version of the character.

    No more Goblins for a while please. 3 of the last 5 films had a Goblin & Spidey has one of the best rogues galleries in the superhero world. Osborn himself would be fine as a background character to build the world for a later film (& I'd really like to see him interact with Stark in a scene in Civil War, probably won't happen though).

    I'm pretty sure the rights for Spider-Woman don't have anything to do with Spider-Man, so Marvel have had her for quite a while.
  8. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I suppose this makes sense. I guess the biggest problem I've got with the release dates being pushed back's that Inhumans isn't coming out until after Infinity War 2, which seems incredibly silly to me.

    As I'd said in my big post earlier, the actor they choose to play Peter Parker doesn't need to appear in-costume as Spider-Man in a post-credits scene. They could depict him in a lab setting in which he gets bit by a spider—that's literally all they'll need to show, and the fans'll completely understand what it's about. The entire scene doesn't need to be longer than thirty seconds, just like the shawarma scene.

    I guess in all my excitement I'd forgotten that Civil War starts filming in only a couple months. Spider-Man doesn't need to have a large role in Civil War, but as I've said before, it's hard for me to imagine that they don't already have designated scenes in which Spider-Man can appear already planned out.

    I can agree with this. I was bummed when Sony made him leave Daredevil to focus on their Spider-Man spin-offs, but now it seems like Marvel might be able to bring him back in that capacity to fill both roles, although that might be asking a little much of him.

    I'm sure copies of those old scripts still exist in some form, and I'd be really surprised if they didn't exist anymore. I'm no scriptwriter, obviously, but it seems to me like they could go back and pull those Spider-Man scenes out of those scripts and rework them to fit in with their current rewrites, which, like I said, I'd be surprised if they didn't already have designated scenes where Spider-Man can appear.

    And I know it's a Cap-centric movie. What I was saying's that I wish Phase 3 would've started off with The Avengers: Civil War and included all their characters, and then the follow-up film could've been the Captain America: Fallen Son title that was rumored. The film could've featured Bucky, Agent 13 and Falcon searching for Cap like in the comics and discovering the Red Skull's got him. That would've made the most sense to me, but I'm pretty sure this is all going to work out for the best anyway.

    I know they've got other characters to focus on, but since Marvel said Spider-Man's going to appear in a Phase 3 film and Civil War makes the most sense, it's going to be hard to have Spidey appear in Civil War and not discuss his backstory. As I said in another post, I could see them becoming aware of Spider-Man running around, and then asking him where he'd gotten his powers and why he decided to become Spider-Man. This wouldn't even have to be a big scene—five minutes at the most. He could explain the bite that gave him his powers, and then explain that he decided to become a superhero because he wanted to be like his idol, Captain America, just like in the comics. Then I could see Tony Stark tempting him over to his side with the Iron Spider suit at some point while Cap's out searching for Bucky with Falcon.

    This is why I said I wished it was an Avengers title, because then they'd have been able to fit all the characters in and give them ample screen time. In all honesty, I think it's going to feel more like an Avengers film anyway, just minus Thor and Hulk (and possibly Hawkeye, although I can see them putting him in there somewhere).

    That's sort of what I was thinking, too. In fact, I can see them titling the movie The Spectacular Spider-Man. (I doubt they'll keep the plain old Spider-Man title; they won't call it The Amazing Spider-Man; and they won't call it The Incredible Spider-Man because dumb people would associate it with The Incredible Hulk; and calling it The Ultimate Spider-Man just seems weird for some reason.)

    I didn't necessarily mean featuring Norman Osborne as the Green Goblin, but he needs to be in the movie and play a larger role than he did in the original trilogy (or the new films). I want to see them bring back General Ross and have them both form the Thunderbolts. That'd be just awesome.

    She's explicitly part of the Spider-Verse so I'd be surprised if Sony didn't also own her rights, at least partially (like the case with Fox and Marvel both owning the rights to the Twins).
  9. hawk

    hawk because the internet LPA Super VIP

    Apr 1, 2010
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    i'm not really bothered with spiderman. i guess that's bc every adaption so far hasn't really been great. the raimi films were good for a younger, more naive me but not so much anymore. i like the first one, but the latter two not so much. and the garfield two just don't interest me at all.

    it'll be interesting to see how marvel go about this one. they might just make me interested again.
  10. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Personally, I hated the original trilogy. (Well, the second movie's OK.) Tobey Maguire was horrible as Spider-Man and only marginally better as Peter Parker. On the flip side of that, I didn't really care too much for The Amazing Spider-Man or the sequel, but I thought Andrew Garfield absolutely killed it as Spider-Man and was reasonably decent as Peter Parker.

    They need to have a strong focus on what they're going to do this time because it seems to me like this past time (Amazing) they were making movies just to make them, which hurt them in the long run and ultimately lead to this.
  11. The Joesen One

    The Joesen One Fun-employed LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    If ever there's a plan to combine the MCU/X-Men universes, introduce incursions and call it a day. Simple as that.
  12. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    This news is late but still relevant.

    Sony is going ahead with the Spider-Man spinoffs Sinister Six and Venom, Kevin Feige will NOT be involved.

    See, this is the type of thing I was talking about in the shoutbox where other Sony films in the Spiderverse could potentially majorly fuck with Marvels plans.
  13. Knt.Slbs

    Knt.Slbs Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2011
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    I wish they would scrap all these spin-offs.. It's total nonsense.. Sinister Six? Aunt May? Spider-Girl? Seriously? MARVEL should be the one controlling this franchise with Sony only doing the financial & distribution role.
  14. Broman

    Broman Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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  15. The Joesen One

    The Joesen One Fun-employed LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    So Empire's rolling out several interviews with the cast and crew of Avengers 2, and they're offering up several insights and comments on the film.

    Robert Downey, Jr.

    Mark Ruffalo

    Joss Whedon (my personal favorite)
  16. IGibbedYEIH

    IGibbedYEIH The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
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    The new AoU poster is really shitty, but the Iron Man character poster RDJ posted to his Facebook recently is pretty great.


    Plus, he's teasing something. "And don’t tell 'em I told you, but there’s a big announcement coming in 8 days… Shhhhhhh… #getexcited."

    My best guess would be Spidey casting news.
  17. The Joesen One

    The Joesen One Fun-employed LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Apparently Anthony Mackie is confirmed to show up as Falcon in Avengers 2. Hayley Atwell and Idris Elba also confirmed after mentions of filming. I'm still surprised why Don Cheadle had higher billing than lots of the cast members, though.



    Everybody knows what this is: The Judge 2. :kappa:
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2015
  18. Kevin

    Kevin A Pattern To Be Followed. LPA Administrator

    Apr 6, 2012
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    There's also been some talk since Danny Elfman has a credit on there for "ADDITIONAL MUSIC", and since he did the scores for the first 2 Raimi Spider-Man movies there's some thinking the wallcrawler will have a post credits scene.
  19. The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    Question. Is this thread supposed to cover Marvel's entire Cinematic universe including TV shows? Tell me if I should make a new thread for this stuff. If not, should the title be renamed to Marvel Cinematic Universe since all the shows and movies are tied together?

    NEW DareDevil Pics Don't think I can place the pics behind spoiler tags, sorry.








  20. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Unlike the horrible DC Cinematic Universe, Marvel's television programs are indeed a part of the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe, so they definitely belong in this thread. I'd say separate threads are fine for each individual show; this is just the overarching, all-encompassing thread.

    I can't wait for Daredevil, man.

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