'Minutes To Midnight' Leaks

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, May 4, 2007.

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  1. My Violent Heart

    My Violent Heart Transmissions echoing away.

    Feb 24, 2007
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    @Makino, thanks for the siggy. :lol: I feel special.

    Heh, but klutch basically proved my point to a whole new level.

    Dude, you'll get torn apart here with all your assumptions and low taste of music. You must be about 12 or something close to it.
  2. lparks41

    lparks41 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    Hey Klutch,

    I am not a Linkin Park fan boy in the sense that I don't agree with 100 % of everything that Lp says or does. If I felt like Lp was going in the wrong direction or had too much pride or the music wasn't good I'd gladly state my opinion about it. There are plenty of things that Linkin Park does that I don't agree with, like the whole line up of this years Projekt Rev. I'm not one of the kids that says Mike Shinoda is God and anything that comes out of his mouth is the true gospel, etc. I have come to realize as I grew up that my idols from my younger years are just normal working human beings, just like everybody else, they only make music for a living.

    I can think for myself and I do have a very diverse musical taste and listen to all kinds of stuff besides Linkin Park. While yes I can admit that Hybrid Theory and Meteora were slightly better, this new album is still very very good. Just because it is a different approach of music, does not inherently make the music itself bad. I think you should listen a little closer to Minutes to Midnight and you'll see that it is another masterpiece also. It's surely got some really high and really low points, or it does for me anyway. Overall, while it's probably not Lp's very best work, it is still great music and I don't see why anyone wouldn't enjoy at least some aspect of it.

    BTW What I've Done was created as a smooth transitioning song to get us ready for what Minutes to Midnight has to offer. Mike came up with the idea of WID after the rest of the album was created to transition the music from Meteora to Minutes to Midnight. It was to get us ready for the new sound and not have it be so radical, not to steal our money.
    Last edited: May 6, 2007
  3. My Violent Heart

    My Violent Heart Transmissions echoing away.

    Feb 24, 2007
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    Exactly. He sounds like he's talking about Timbaland or someone.
  4. mrbusto71

    mrbusto71 Member

    Apr 1, 2007
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    By the way, for anyone who cares to try it out, I found a more natural album progression. By reworking the order of the songs, the album moves along a little better. Song transitions aren't great this way, but what're you gonna do.
    I'm using iTunes and a 2 second song crossfade.

    1.) Wake
    2.) No More Sorrow
    3.) Given Up
    4.) Bleed It Out
    5.) What I've Done
    6.) Hands Held High
    7.) Leave Out All The Rest
    8.) Shadow of the Day
    9.) In Between
    10.) Valentine's Day
    11.) In Pieces
    12.) The Little Things You Give Away

    I like the album more this way, but it could just be me. It actually kind of FLOWS this way. If anyone tries it let me know what you think.
    Last edited: May 6, 2007
  5. Foreshadowed_LP

    Foreshadowed_LP Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2007
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    I just wanted to ask the people who have listened to the leaked album 2 questions:

    1. How many songs does Chester actually scream in? From what I have read it is only 2 - Given Up and No More Sorrow.

    2. Does Chester sing in Hands Held High with Mike? I read somewhere that he was supposed to, but from what I've read it sounds like he doesn't.

    Thank you in advance.
  6. goodbyetonight

    goodbyetonight Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2006
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    The cd is pretty decent overall, except for Hands Held High. God I loathe that song. I don't need to listen to that left-wing bs.
  7. Justin V.

    Justin V. Professional Lurker

    Jan 6, 2004
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    He screames in Given Up, Bleed It Out, No More Sorrow. The rest is either sung or a harsh rock-voice kind of singing. Chester is in Hands Held High but only to help Mike with the harmony while the 'choir' sings 'Amen' in the background.
  8. Chris.

    Chris. LPA Super Member Über Member

    Jul 13, 2003
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    Yeah and you can kinda hear Chester in the choir, if you listen hard enough. He doesn't really stick out though.
  9. maclieberman

    maclieberman Just caught in the undertow..

    Mar 30, 2007
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    yeah, his screaming in Bleed it Out sounds good..good ol Chester there..and is he singing in Hands Held High? I cant tell if he is or not.
  10. DisturbedOne98

    DisturbedOne98 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2007
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    I like your idea of No More Sorrow after Wake because it really works. It sets the mood for the rest of album - an anthemic epic feel to it. But I would personally spread out all of the harder songs. I think Bleed it Out would be great after No More Sorrow though because it keeps the flow going and so far we got all the elements in tact that a lot of hardcore LP fans like. I then think they should follow that up with In Pieces because it has got a cool drum and bass beat to it and we would be caught off surprise with a new element in an LP song, where we hear a solo. That would put a lot of smiles on peoples faces. Then In Between should follow, a very atmospheric song IMO. Another new element where we hear Mike sing, and follows off of In Pieces very well. Leave out all the Rest should come next with it's radio friendly sound and catchy chorus. Then it should kick back into gear with a harder song again, which would be Given Up. After rockin' out to this song, something more quiet should come on. Great time for Valentine's Day to play. The ending of this song really shines. We should then be treated to What I've Done. The intro part to this song really has that LP vibe, I love it, and the bridge to the song is amazing. I think this song feels epic in a sense so the pace should slow down to Shadow of the Day. Hands Held High would follow so we get another taste of Mike singing. The positive vibe and all the elements to this song would flow into the last track The Little Things Give You Away (the most epic song on the CD IMO). After this classic is over, we would all be saying WOW. I am saying this anyways lol because I'm starting to really love this CD. But in a nutshell, here is my track list order:

    1) Wake
    2) No More Sorrow
    3) Bleed It Out
    4) In Pieces
    5) In Between
    6) Leave out All the Rest
    7) Given Up
    8) Valentine's Day
    9) What I've Done
    10) Shadow of the Day
    11) Hands Held High
    12) The Little Things Give You Away
    Last edited: May 6, 2007
  11. Robot Man

    Robot Man Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2006
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    Does "Bleed It Out" remind anyone else of "Faint", but a little better?
  12. arbaks

    arbaks Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2005
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    I cant believe this guy he just came here and is allready insulting people, caling all in the forums "fan boys", while the main reason i like this website is because it completely the opposite, not like the LPMB were there are all of this inmature teens that never grew up

    if LP did another HT they would be dead to me, and probably if this alum were a HT 3 you would be complaining because of their artistic bankrupt anyway, so stop posting dumb mesagges and respect other people's opinoins
  13. musicphreke

    musicphreke Living Thing

    Oct 22, 2005
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    Actually, Mike posted somewhere acknowledging the album had leaked and posted the following, basically saying that everyone that does listen to it needs to listen to the album in order from start to finish.

  14. Mark

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Funny how somebody joins up calling himself a "huge LP fan", then proceeds to completely pigeon-hole the band as "rap rock" only.

    This all boils down to the album the band wanted to make. From numerous interviews, they said they were tired of rap rock. So instead of trying to do a re-remake of Hybrid Theory, they decided to spread their wings and evolve/change their sound.

    Revolutionary? No

    Unique? Yes. It doesn't sound like their older stuff!

    Experimental? The whole completely revamping your sound tactic isn't experimental? Oh wait, japanese flutes are experimental! That's right!

    Catchy? When the cd leaked, I listened to it once then went downstairs to grab something to eat. I was already humming parts of Leave Out All The Rest and Bleed It Out to myself. To call this album "not catchy" is the equivalent of saying you're deaf and listened to the album by turning your speakers up loud and feeling the vibrations.
  15. Rather Red

    Rather Red Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    actually i agree with that kid klutch when he said "LP is rap rock and we all love them for that". i mean they're great song writers too, and they combine the two genres quite well, but this is why i was attracted to them as a band. i mean, i like hip-hop for it's head nodding rhythm that makes you dance, and i love rock because you can rock the eff out and go insane. musicality is VERY important to me, but these genres are my favorites for these reasons and more. LP tried to defy themselves on this album, but i think they defied the wrong things if they actually wanted to progress. while "given up", "bleed it out", and "no more sorrow" and to a certain extent "what i've done" are progressive and an advancement in Linkin Park, the rest of the album is a sad attempt at LP being something they're not: a mellow pop-rock band. it's a sad attempt because the songs don't stick with the listener and they're not very powerful (especially for a Rick Rubin CD). quite frankly, all genres aside, these aren't good songs. they're only "revolutionary" because they interrupt the previously amazing progression of Linkin Park. i wouldn't be so dissapointed if these mellow pop songs stayed true to what LP is capable of, but most of these songs are quite weak.
  16. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    My opinion? I favor this Linkin Park to the older Linkin Park.

    Maybe I'm just into hard music at the moment, but this album is my favorite of 2007 right now. I thought Year Zero was overrated, and overhyped. It's a great CD but to me Minutes to Midnight is far better.
  17. Mark

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    You should really try paragraphs so your posts are easier to read. That's not just for you, though.

    You guys need to respect the band for making an album they wanted to make, not a rehash of the same old tired formula. They write this music primarily for themselves. That isn't selfish, it's being true to themselves at the point in their lives that they're at. I'm sorry the band didn't write the music exactly to your preference, but that's not the way this works.

    Thirty year olds are not going to be writing music that relates to teenagers. This worked for them, and their fans, back when the band was comprised of 23 year olds and their core fans were 14-16. It didn't work three years later when they tried to rehash that success. And it certainly wouldn't have worked if they had tried it again this year, seven years removed from the release of Hybrid Theory.

    What you're seeing with Minutes To Midnight is the progression of a band's sound. With age comes maturity. Do you really think they were always going to be this hard-rocking angsty band when they hit their thirties? This change was an eventuality of growing up.

    I don't "love" Linkin Park because they're a rap rock band. I could give a shit about that. I'm a Linkin Park fan because they make good catchy music. I don't gripe about Chester/Mike/Joe not being on a song enough. I evaluate songs by what they incorporate, not what they're lacking. The way you're evaluating this album is from a glass half-empty stance.

    Linkin Park is capable of anything. Pigeon-holing them as only a rap rock band is restricting this capability. I have so much more respect for this band now that they've taken a leap of faith by creating a new sound. This new sound isn't absolutely complete yet, but they're lightyears ahead of where they would be in terms of career and sound longevity had they made Meteora pt. 2.
  18. lief92

    lief92 Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    I was a little disappointed with these songs, even if Linkin Park had said that they would change their musical style. Well, after listening to these songs a few more times, they are starting to grow on me. This isn't just because I'm forcing myself to like new Linkin Park stuff, but it's cause I have to listen to most albums quite a few times to penetrate the meanings and the little nuances. I think that the rap in Bleed it out was a bit weak, because Mike sorta breaks the 4th wall by saying things like "bring in the chorus" and such. I guess I can get used to these songs. I'm gonna buy the album anyway and support the band.
  19. Rwey964637

    Rwey964637 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2006
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    After a day since i found the album....and after 20+ times listening to it straight through, I love it. The most amazing part about this is, I've let at least 15 different friends of mine who all have different tastes in music, as well so some of them who either love, hate, or just don't really pay any attention to LP, and I'm gonna say maybe 3 people out of those 15 didn't like M2M and only one of those people actually never liked the to begin with. I've had guys in theirs 40's and 50's liking what they heard..(you know its funny when a 55 yr old tech is humming The Little Things GIve You Away while working on a computer)......as well as ages 16-30. M2M may lose some fans, but I think it's gaining alot more. I think this album is very diverse, its very hard at times as well as very soft, but I love Chester's voice either way, so thats great. So its not rock/rap like it was before, It's a new LP and I think a hell of a lot more people are liking it than they are hating it. I like what they are doing.
  20. $pvcxGhxztCasey

    $pvcxGhxztCasey meanwhile... LPA Addicted VIP

    Mar 14, 2003
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    I encourage you all to download it. Just buy it in a digital form. If you want to pirate it, do it in a digital form. Online is the new CD or vinyl. Embrace it.
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