For some reason, all the url tags won't work...the second I fix one, another one buggers up XD Ben: Anna:
HAHAHA. That right there is why I love Boston Terriers. That dog is awesome. Did he poopie though? *points*.
I have lots of animals. This is Ripley... ...he will eat your soul. Milosovitch is an evil terrorist. Roisin (pronounced "Roh-Sheen") plays ping-pong. Roisin and Finny are best friends. Liath rides stationary bicycles. I'm pretty sure that Finny is the king of the world. Poor Gidget always looks so sad. We love her anyway. We're a happy family. EDIT: I forgot one. This is Milosovitch's evil dictatorship profile shot.
Oh how I love Milosavitch Poodywinkle the terrorist kitty. And I'm still going to steal Ripley some day.
You steal him, I kill you. Maybe we can share him...but only if we can share Reese too. Puppy negotiations.
Milosovitch Meowmer Pootywinkle! Imagine all the evil things he might be thinking in that picture. You can tell he's up to no good. He looks too creepy to be thinking otherwise.
First he was gay(and..uhh): Then he became a horse: I love Taro.
Is that good? If you notice, he has no light in one of his eyes, he is blind from that eye, and the other one is going to go soon. I love your pets Darcy!