Thanks, sweet! Wow, Exalted, that's some death glare you're giving yourself in the mirror, hon. And I can't see Nick's picture. Shame D=. [edit] Can see it now. Aww! You two are awfully cute ...why are you bending over like that?
By getting ready to take a picture and holding down a button and not realizing that your finger is actually on it until the flash comes on and you blink.
Haha because my head would have been cut out (or so I thought) so I bent down to her level then she bent down as well.
You weren't kidding when you said your hair was short, Will. Jesse, which is the one you took by accident?
OH MY GOD. Okay, so I'm like, 6 pages behind. I will pull what Marj did: everyone looks seriously fantastic! I would do individual compliments but I don't wanna accidentally forget someone and I don't have time to go through every page. I <3 all the boo-tiful people of the LPA.
It happens to me a lot, I guess I'm too careless sometimes. @Dean, The second one is the one that I didn't really plan on taking haha