"Rap Isn't Real Music"

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Justin V., Mar 18, 2004.

  1. Jae

    Jae Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    Compared to the last LPA rap/hip-hop topic, this is very good. People's opinions are actually structured and backed this time. And i agreed with most of you. :D

    This new rap/hip-hop music isnt good at all, well most of it isnt. You can only blame the record companies for being money hungry and allowing that #### to be aired. That talk about hoes and bitches should not be trendy. Rap IS REAL MUSIC though! It dosent make sense all the time, but it is real music. Rap is just another form of writing your feelings, and i guess if you're feeling whores and bitches and cars and bling bling all the time, you're gonna rap about it. That dosent mean you should be allowed to impose that kind of mindset on impressionable youth. What pisses me off really about this new rap is that people who actually are good and do have emotional and intellectual meaning (such as my brother) cant get a break in the biz..

    Also, 50 cent's lyrics and what he stands for and came from are inspiring copy cats.. At my high school, believe it or not, some idiots decided to form a gang called "G-Unit".... Then some other idiots decided to make their own gang called "D-block". Its one of the most ignorant, immature, idiotic things I've ever heard of.
  2. Ander

    Ander LPA VIP LPA Super VIP

    Mar 17, 2003
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    A real street gang, or some jokey ha ha stuff?

    heh. D-Block, Jadakiss owns.
  3. Jae

    Jae Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    I dont know if you realize it, and you probably dont, but Rap music has feeling and people can relate to it. People can relate to growing up poor and having no dad. I dont know if you meant to give that impression, but you did.
  4. Todd

    Todd FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I dont know if you realize it, and you probably dont, but Rap music has feeling and people can relate to it. People can relate to growing up poor and having no dad. I dont know if you meant to give that impression, but you did. [/b][/quote]
    Yeah, but we're talking about mainstream rap here, and almost all of it is the bling bling crap. If the mainstream stuff was the rap songs with meaning about growing up like that, then my point would be invalid, but with whats out there now, it's valid.
  5. Ander

    Ander LPA VIP LPA Super VIP

    Mar 17, 2003
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    An example of what's out there now:

    Kanye West ft. Syleena Johnson - All Falls Down

    It's number 45 on the billboard Hot 100 Charts (jumped 15 spots from #60).

    Here's a bit of the song
    And that's a single. The tides are turning and soon your point will be invalid.
  6. Mcnasty

    Mcnasty Y2K

    Apr 17, 2003
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    First of all, it's repetitive. When every mainstream rapper is rapping about the same ####, it gets real boring real fast. Nowadays it seems the only real difference between the songs is the color of the damned Escalade the spinners are on.

    Second, it's pointless. Rock music has meaning and people can relate to it. Is there a point or meaning behind talking about your bling bling? Can anyone relate to some rapper rap about how cool he is because he's rich, drives an Escalade, smokes weed and bangs the hos? NO.

    Third, it shows a general lack of talent. If you're using the same goddamn drum loop for half of the album and rapping about your hoes and weed and your Escalade the entire time, are you talented? Not at all. Get off your lazy ass and write about 15 meaningful songs that are completley different like real bands do.

    Last, rappers are getting more credit than they deserve. All the mainstream rappers like 50 Cent and lil John are getting rich off their lack of talent while the people who are really good get no respect and no one knows about them. [/b][/quote]
    If its soo boring and repetitive why the hell are they still selling albums and making more money than rock stars ?
    :mellow: you people seriously lol never mind iam not posting in this thread again its just pointless. I'll let the success of "mainstream" rap speak for it self.
  7. Justin V.

    Justin V. Professional Lurker

    Jan 6, 2004
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    First of all, it's repetitive. When every mainstream rapper is rapping about the same ####, it gets real boring real fast. Nowadays it seems the only real difference between the songs is the color of the damned Escalade the spinners are on.

    Second, it's pointless. Rock music has meaning and people can relate to it. Is there a point or meaning behind talking about your bling bling? Can anyone relate to some rapper rap about how cool he is because he's rich, drives an Escalade, smokes weed and bangs the hos? NO.

    Third, it shows a general lack of talent. If you're using the same goddamn drum loop for half of the album and rapping about your hoes and weed and your Escalade the entire time, are you talented? Not at all. Get off your lazy ass and write about 15 meaningful songs that are completley different like real bands do.

    Last, rappers are getting more credit than they deserve. All the mainstream rappers like 50 Cent and lil John are getting rich off their lack of talent while the people who are really good get no respect and no one knows about them. [/b][/quote]
    Yeah I was going to type up a loooooong post to counter that but uhm.. I agree I'm done posting. Some people's views can't be swayed so I won't waste my time laying out the facts.

    Gah.. I will say one thing though.

    Faint by Linkin Park.


    What about Nobody's Listening. OMG SAME DRUM LOOPS!

    If you say rock doesn't have a form of drum loops you are some kind of idiot.

    But really it's just personally preference. I mean I know people who hate "Bring The Pain" by Method Man but when MSI did a cover song of it they loved it. Personal preference. Maybe my thread should end :chemist:
  8. Methybrea

    Methybrea Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2003
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    Because it follows the prefabricated, mass-produced motto of the business world that people are so caught up in. People aren't looking for 'unique' music anymore, they'll think somethings great if its simply 'catchy' and most of all 'hip' and 'cool' (according to MTV of course). If musicians like this were to release albums in earlier decades, they would be trashed by the mainstream.

    Just because its SUCCESSFUL doesn't mean its good. And Meteora is a great example IMO.
  9. Methybrea

    Methybrea Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2003
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    I never said that LP's music wasn't in a way repetitive. It is repetitive in a way. But Chester has an amazingly talented voice, on most LP songs there is a DRUMMER, and on Faint there is also guitars and bass.

    Not all rock is like Linkin Park, you know...

    But I do respect your point with Hip-Hop though, man. It may be repetitive, but as far as I'm concerned it does carry a great message and hip-hoppers for the most part are passionate about making music B)
  10. J-Flex

    J-Flex Ambient

    Oct 23, 2003
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    why is it succesful? because lots of people think its good?
  11. Methybrea

    Methybrea Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2003
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    :unsure: This guy scares me....

  12. Mark

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    no, many people (not all, so everybody better not jump on me for that) listen to it because it's a fad.

    "stimulate your brain; listen to rock music."
  13. Adam

    Adam !!!! LPA Super Member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    :unsure: This guy scares me....

    :chemist: [/b][/quote]
    Ok some people like rap music because of the culture its from for the talent.
    Other people buy it because they think they look good because theyre listening to some guy singing about bangin a different girl every night of the week.
    Other people stay away from mainstreet rap and go for the stuff with meaning.

    So even though the lyrics are rather crud the rapper might be talented at rapping so people listen not to the lyrics but to the rappers voice and not the wordseaving his mouth. If that makes scence lol.

    But I personally don't like rap ^_^
  14. Kæton

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    I was going to write something long, but since no one here likes long replies, I just want to know one thing, for all the guys who back up the lyrics: Do you believe that you can get any girl to have sex with you if I were to stick you in a mall? Could you call her a "hoe" or a "b*tch" and she'll get off on that?

    If you say yes, then you prove the fact that rap and those who follow it can be very ifluential. Since when was it okay to think you can get any girl to have sex with you and you can call her inappropriate names? I've seen it every day of my high school life, and I can tell you it does happen.

    Oh and if you think I'm a rap-hater, think again. I'm a better freestylist than majority of those 'gangstaz' in my school, and I'm not even that good :). I don't hate rap, but I do hate mainstream rap. As superxero88 posted, we need more songs like what he posted, without the "n" word and more meaning.
  15. J-Flex

    J-Flex Ambient

    Oct 23, 2003
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    no, many people (not all, so everybody better not jump on me for that) listen to it because it's a fad.

    "stimulate your brain; listen to rock music." [/b][/quote]
    i dont hate rock cause otherwise i wouldnt like LP...
  16. Mark

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    i dont hate rock cause otherwise i wouldnt like LP... [/b][/quote]
    oh, let me go back and read my post. just a moment.

    *10 seconds later*

    oh yes, that's right; I didn't say that. Don't put words in my mouth.
  17. J-Flex

    J-Flex Ambient

    Oct 23, 2003
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    oh, let me go back and read my post. just a moment.

    *10 seconds later*

    oh yes, that's right; I didn't say that. Don't put words in my mouth. [/b][/quote]
    nah not doing that
    just because u say stimulate your brain listen rock...sounded like i wouldnt listen to it
  18. Mark

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    nah not doing that
    just because u say stimulate your brain listen rock...sounded like i wouldnt listen to it [/b][/quote]
    That was a general statement, not specifically directed at you.
  19. J-Flex

    J-Flex Ambient

    Oct 23, 2003
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  20. If its soo boring and repetitive why the hell are they still selling albums and making more money than rock stars ?
    :mellow: you people seriously lol never mind iam not posting in this thread again its just pointless. I'll let the success of "mainstream" rap speak for it self. [/b][/quote]
    So just because something sells, then it's good? Maybe that's because mainstream rap (and pop, more or less) is largely catered to a population that is too lazy-minded to look for meaningful songs. For the most part, kids like to reproduce the "bling-bling" look of their idol rappers because half of them are brain-dead simpletons. So why do mainstream rappers still sell so many albums if they're boring and repetitive? Half of the credit goes to the music industry for their marketing ploys, and the other half to the listeners for their poor taste. It's evident that in the music scene, sh*t artists tend to sell more because it's easier to market crap than something that genuinely took time, effort and talent. It's also easy to spawn an entire culture where kids say "da" instead of "the" and replace the "s" with "$" in every word (Paid to Be Da Bo$$).

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