Really dreary. I like. 7.5/10 [video=youtube;eCSi8OU0gZc][/video]
8/10 - That was really chill, nice. [video=youtube;mWnEx1HQCss][/video]
7/10 'Twas grand like. Reminded me of Far Cry 4, needs more throat singing though [video=youtube;DLw5b70OJH8][/video]
Edgy as fuuuuuck, on acoustic guitar... 7/10 EDIT: damnit, Bawa Every cell in my body hated that. The singer does this horrible Gerard Way ripoff that sounds like you mixed Gerand Way with Justin Bieber, the instrumental is the epitome of genericness and the track feels so preachy that even the fucking video takes place in a church. I try not to be too critical in this thread, but that sucked hard. 1/10
5/10 - Not terribad~ Also, this is what I'm here for Filip <3 I figured I'd have to make a triumphant return to this thread. [video=youtube;FNpVbMiT4wg][/video]
4/10 Generic as dicks, the guitar is kind of okay, actually, it's not, the fast part he plays during the start is cool though. I hate the vocals and how strong his American accent is. [video=youtube;5DmNzmG1OEU][/video]
8/10 - Awesome as always [video=youtube;EnAdy_wvxMo][/video]
Fuck this song, Fuck this band. God, I fucking hate them. 1/10 [video=youtube;N20rH7fRKhE][/video]
To me, it'd be 3 or 4/10 as I don't like that kind of music, the vocals mainly. [video=youtube;c3FlQYLolio][/video]
7/10 Cool. I love the second half. [video=youtube;BqJUaIw4k_s][/video]
7/10 nice! seductively dark! [video=youtube;OcRf5sJClNQ][/video]
7/10 - I feel like I enjoyed that more than I should have. [video=youtube;gCldGfP8CV0][/video]
2/10, awful band, shitty song (imo)....idk what else to say [video=youtube;9Z6uNay_hBw][/video]
that was waaay too generic 2/10 . . . jk. 5/10 Melody was good. [video=youtube;7uoE6qJjnR4][/video]
if you posted that song as a joke...10/10 if you're serious..that was fucking shocking 0/10 [video=youtube;hBjVkO8rk44][/video]