Jebo te... That's a lot. .band _ easy marks. 95%+ usually. .science _ lots of notes. <_< but i'm doing pretty well this year. .gym _ easy marks again. .computer science AP _ Scheme does get annoying, but I like the class. .math _ nothing i can really comment on here... next semester: Band, Geography, Basic Design, English.
School can be fun sometimes and other times mindless crap i love the social aspect of school as everyone has there own groups and great mates. mostly fun
I had senioritus last year when I was a sophmore and I have it now as a junior. I can usually get away w/ ditching 1st and 7th hour and go to "sweep" 4th hour. (sweep is this classroom that you go to when you're late to class, you can do hat ever you want there). Basically I just wish that the only classes that I had to take were Eng, American History and Spanish, none of that math and science bs. Its not like I do poorly in science it just bores the hell out of me. I could miss that class everyday and still get like a B, math........ math is a different story, I'll allways hate math. damn needing it for graduation.WHY??? I want to be a spanish teacher once I'm out of college. What does math have to do w/ Spanish? Yes, I love spansh, right now I'm in AP 5/6 and this summer I'm going to Spain, I'm so excited!!! I'll be getting 3 collge credits, then next year when I'm a senior I'll be in AP 7/8 and get to test out for more college credit. I love being in this AP class w/ an A every quater. Tis the advanced class that I've ever done so well in. Socially, high school girls = too much drama. That's why I love boys (and lesbian girls.... they usually don't equal lots of drama) ICKY GIRLS!!!!!!!!! I have friends in all different little cliques though. I hang w/ the politics nerds (because I am one) I hang out w/ the Spanish nerds (because I am one) I hang out w/ the stoners, the lesbians, the goths, the 'punks', the computer geeks (because I love that stuff, wish they could teach me more) and at times I must admit I hang w/ the preps. the only people that I don't hang out w/ are the jocks 9because, honestly, they intimidate me. all in all, guess i'm lucky to be in a country that give us education for free nd gives me a chance to make something out of my life. high school has been pretty easy for me (w/ the exception of math) it's been fun w/ all of it's ups and downs..... but I know that after high school my teachers and parents aren't gonna be riding my ass to do well it'll all be up to me. self responsibility totally freaks me out. AHHHHHH what freaksmeout more is the fact that my boyfriend is graduating this year and I'll be here @ school w/ out him. THAT THOUGHT IS SOOOOOO SCARY. I can't believe it's all gone by so fast. anywaysssss rambling's fun later
Jebo te... That's a lot. .band _ easy marks. 95%+ usually. .science _ lots of notes. <_< but i'm doing pretty well this year. .gym _ easy marks again. .computer science AP _ Scheme does get annoying, but I like the class. .math _ nothing i can really comment on here... next semester: Band, Geography, Basic Design, English. [/b][/quote] that's it?9 subjects?jesus....i wannnnna gom somwhere faaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from my school...far away....
I really hate school....I really hate getting up in the morning and going somewhere I don't like.this is my last year in highschool and I gotta study for the final exam and that suck's....I hate the trachers who think they are superior to us and think they rulle the whole math teacher says that if you don't math you can't possible know something allse.and there are some subject that are pointless but still we have them in our class is bassed on the study and protection of nature why the hell do we need to study the characteristics of a manager?and there are other pointless subject that others should do but still we have them in our program......I'm getting sick of school and I can't wait for it to end.....I'm gonna celebrate by sleeping*and I'll throw the alarm clock out the window*
School can be a bitch at times, but it's required to at least get you somewhere in life. My Subjects: World History Personal Fitness English II Algebra AI Biology I Womans Choir Art 2/D Comp II
that's it?9 subjects?jesus....i wannnnna gom somwhere faaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from my school...far away.... [/b][/quote] Hah, so now I know why my dad's always complaining about my schooling [he's from Yugoslavia, btw].
Uh..yeah. I take six courses for the entire year. Three on one day, three on the next day, etc. Classes are an hour and forty-five minutes long, and are split up according to the day- whether it's even or odd. For example: today was an odd day [november 3rd] , so I have all my odd classes: 1st period: Algebra 2 honors 3rd period: AICE English lang. [lunch] 5th period: AICE chemistry And tomorrow, being that it's an even day, [november 4th] I'll have all my even classes: 2nd period: AICE US history 4th period: Commercial Art III [lunch] 6th period: Economics honors ...and that's that. 9:30am - 3:35pm.
Mmm...don't get me going. Praxeology (human action), and its effects subject to different variables. It's the science of human choice!