that says nothign about weed killing you, only ex. wow your a nerd, listen kid. weed doesnt kill you. end of discussion. and weed is a gateway drug wether you think so or not, you want a better high after constant smoking. if your not a constant smoker, then your not a pothead, therefore you do not see it as a gateway drug. outsider, your so wrong p.s. props to will, stick up for us smokers
How do you know? Do you smoke? I smoke and I can clearly prove that this statement is false. It's all up to the person.
have u ever thought about the substance of being illegal? and why was it made illegal. and does anybody have any proof that addictions dont exist? does anybody pls tell me that Marijuana isnt a killer? from not their opinion, because me posting all my proof and people not posting their proof...doesnt anybody think thats a bit cheesy? I do my research. Beer chase leads to Marijuana Bust Whats true Myth : Marijuana is a gateway drug--it leads to harder drugs. Fact : The U.S. government's own statistics show that over 75 percent of all Americans who use marijuana never use harder drugs. The gateway-drug theory is derived by using blatantly-flawed logic. Using such blatantly-flawed logic, alcohol should be considered the gateway drug because most cocaine and heroin addicts began their drug use with beer or wine--not marijuana. And im suppose to come up with death certificates saying this person died because of weed? How the hell is that possible? Don't give me stuff like that. I am not a nerd. Even my sister knows this and she's 27.
I think marijuana should be legal. But I don't expect to see it any time in the near future because no one in the U.S. government would want to be the first person to take a stand for it. Imagine how many supporters they would lose, how many votes they'd be throwing away. It would be a bad career move. The Outsider: For every one of those websites you posted, there is another with "proof" supporting the opposite opinion. It all just depends on where you look.
Another less argued case for legalization brings up an interesting point: What relation is there between preventive legislation and mafia activities? The mob is involved in several illigal fields of activity, but why is this so? Making a substance such as marijuana illigal makes it a profitable commodity. Essentially, only those who are willing to take the risk of jail time have the proper incentives to sell it. Further incentive is provided by the large returns they get from the illegal substance. Though marijuana is relatively cheap, this trend can be more effectively noted in high-end drugs, such as herione. Another example was the prohibition of 1920's. Suddenly, the mob was in on the alcohol business, because it was illegal, in demand, and thus profitable. Turf wars and inter-mob violence increased in the name of selling rights. This brings violence into communities, as well as the drug.
Want more reasons: [/b][/quote] You keep posting links to biased, anti-drug or law enforcement websites! What do you think they're going to say?
How do you know? Do you smoke? I smoke and I can clearly prove that this statement is false. It's all up to the person. [/b][/quote] guess yorue right. its the person. good point. for most though it seems to be that way. morep ower to you if its not that way for you. yes i do smoke im stoned right now matter of fact
You know if we legalized drugs the US would get out of debt in days lol, and your probably reading this thinking I'm joking.
You keep posting links to biased, anti-drug or law enforcement websites! What do you think they're going to say? [/b][/quote] okay show me one if u think everything i post is biased.
My theory is that drugs like pot should be legalised because it would do a lot to stop people who smoke it too excessively, it has anaesthetic qualities and there's money to be made, which is one advantgage for governments. I can't understand that, in a year where there have been massive natural disasters, plane crashes, and in the UK there has been the worst racially inclined violence in years, yet people are shitting themselves over a drug that doesn't even kill as many people as the legal stuff.
Outsider: You said that marijuana can kill you. We ask for proof that it can kill you. Like, a stoned driver kills a 12 year old child. Headlines, news. Not info about drugs or what it can do.
They just made it legal in Denver for an adult to carry an oz or less of marijuana on their person. Alcohol and cigarettes are much worse, and they're legal. If an adult wants to make a decision of what to put into themselves, let them.
Depending on how you take it, it can cause lung and heart disease in the same way as cigarettes. In my experience it isn't as addictive, though. I guess it depends on how responsible you are, and if pot is illegal they might as well make it the same for nicotine.
Nope. You would pass out before you died. And you sure as hell can't light a joint when you're passed out on the floor, now can you? Now is that something you just said off the top of your haid and said you heard it somewhere to make us think it's a fact?