it's a shame that this thread has turned out like this. the intentions of this thread is to give some moral support to those who need it and i am totaly behind this. but this is not happening and i feel rather sad about that. i know myself that just taking to someone (or in this case posting) about my feelings about depression and suicide, i get my thoughts in order and become rational again and i think thats what other people need too. thats all i have to really say on the matter.
OH.MY.GOD!!!! J-flex: You appear to either be afraid of something that you mabye don't understand,either that or you are completely heartless! I think its kind of sad that this thread has turned into a trainwreck when it could have been so much help to lots of people on here! Keaton: You must have the patience of a fucking saint- you and a few other people in this thread have tried your hardest to try and find ways of understanding J-flex's opinions and trying to get him to understand your own but it doesn't seem to get through! Well done for not over-reacting. I do understand where you are coming from in your opinion on suicide being related to adrenaline because when I tried to commit suicide back when I was about thirteen I tried after being extremly angry and upset .I had a rush of adrenaline and decided I didn't want to be where I was and I would be better off dead. But then realised that I didn't want to die and I couldn't bare hurting my family and friends and I wouldn't want to hurt them. So I made myself think positivly and now I'm so much better- okay I still get really insecure sometimes and think about suicide a lot but I wouldn't ever do it. Its something I've learnt to control and I honestly belief that most people could probably do the same. But then its different for everyone.
J-Flex...I've had enough. You show no understanding. You read what Keaton said. You've been down that road, why don't you actually show it and stop making such a mockery of suicide? I don't want to have to make Mark come back here with another forceful lecture. So far, I think everyone's against you. Unfortunately, you'll have to give it up soon. Now, if we can please get back on topic?
The whole argument was a big overreaction on everyone's part. Insensitivity and self-righteousness abounds all over this thread :whistle: .
Sounds like a thread I used to take a part in. *coughCharlotteWyattcough* (who is, by the way, still alive) But I mean, it's suicide, everyone has a different opinion on the subject.
Sounds like a thread I used to take a part in. *coughCharlotteWyattcough* (who is, by the way, still alive) But I mean, it's suicide, everyone has a different opinion on the subject. [/b][/quote] Yeah, but when someone goes too far, and starts bringing war and tyranny into the subject of suicide, it gets annoying and out of hand.
ive thought of suicide a load of times. i hate the place where we move and i miss my friends. i wish i could tell them but i dont wanna worry them. i have sort of let on that im not happy but they dont even know the tip of the iceburg. i have sort of attempted suicide. i swallowed sum pills and like 5 secs i made myself puke em back up. and my mom jus thinks im over dramatic, infact she gets all pissy with me when im not the happy dappy child she wants me to be. she has gotten me into counsiling so i'll give her that much. my first session is tomorrow. wish me luck. ~~~~~ i basically dropped out of skool. im omly 14 so i cant really. but ive stopped going and i gues im jus finishing the year out at home and moms supposed to pick up my work but this is the 3rd week ive been out and she still hasnt even called. i have this thought that she thinks the shirk is gonna make me go back to skool. then i'll have a load of homework and she'll jus say sumthing like "see you shouldve gone to skool in the forst place." god i jus hate her and i hate myself for hateing her because she's the one gave me life and has taken care of me my whole life. ( the "dad" is completely out of the pic. they got a divorse {SP} when i was little) and one other thing my stupid father is trying to like reconnect or sumthing but what really pisses me off is that he sent my bro a bday card and what did he send me... absoufuckinlutly nothing. he can jus go to hell. thanx for listening...or reading w/e
I understand you completely. But you should be gonig to school. Just because I'm depressed, it doesn't mean that I don't want to go to school. And besides, they're eventually going to have to make you go back to school. It's a law. Anyway, as much as you hate your mom...I'm glad that you regret it. Not that I'm sadistic or anything...but it shows that you do care for her a little bit. You can't just "sorta" attempt suicide. An attempt at something can only succeed or fail. You failed...because you made yourself. That's good as well. Be happy you're taking counciling. It will help you. There's no need to give you luck. Be happy, too, that your Dad is trying to reconnect. Not many do. Hope this helps...sorry about the divorce issue.
Okay, kids, quick english lesson! coun·cil Audio pronunciation of "council" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kounsl) n. 1. 1. An assembly of persons called together for consultation, deliberation, or discussion. 2. A body of people elected or appointed to serve as administrators, legislators, or advisors. 3. An assembly of church officials and theologians convened for regulating matters of doctrine and discipline. 2. The discussion or deliberation that takes place in such an assembly or body. coun·sel Audio pronunciation of "counsel" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kounsl) n. 1. The act of exchanging opinions and ideas; consultation. 2. Advice or guidance, especially as solicited from a knowledgeable person. See Synonyms at advice. 3. A plan of action. 4. Private, guarded thoughts or opinions: keep one's own counsel. 5. A lawyer or group of lawyers giving legal advice and especially conducting a case in court.
Hurrah for Cameron? *gives Cameron a cookie*...? :wth: Uh... *and a clap*... ...? *adds English lessons to the horrors of suicide because if you're bad at English, you must be suicidal!*
Since when did this become an English lesson? Okay, we spelled councelling wrong. Big deal. This thread has been going off topic a bit...I'm not liking it.
Good point, Cameron. But do you want a topic to go off-topic...or stay on topic and go on with what it was supposed to be about?
Guess so. I wonder if he's going to pull anything now... Anyway...I would appreciate getting back on topic. Thanks.