Meh, I'm all the Godzilla, including the one in Austin Powers 3. I'm more spambelievable than wakadoodle.
Meh, this is my 1600th post I know it makes no sense, but whatever, this is my 1600th post I have 3 tongues.
Meh, I have 85, I collect them in jars in my dungeon I have the most comfortable pajamas in the world.
Meh. I have the most comfortable underwear in the world. I have an orgasm every time I move. I love Justin Bieber.
So what? ;P I see, maybe my Bieber comment was a bit dumb. Now my brain hurts... Ma- ma- ma brain hurts... Sorry for interrupting, go on with the thread.
Meh, I can talk with every creature in the world even with bacteria ! I ran five times consecutively against a lantern.
Meh, I can jump on a helicopter, can make cool stunts during the jump AND survive I can play with barbies without dropping off !