45. As your time at the LPA goes on, the chances of being called an idiot or insulted by Minus increases exponentially.
47. If the avoidance of #1 in regards to #45 as referenced by #46 hasn't happened in some time, depending on whether interactions have dropped entirely or not, you have either been accepted into the list of awesome people or been added to Minus's ignore list.
51. I am stupid. Do not believe everything I say. In fact, I am wrong most of the time, and I'm very surprised Minus hasn't called me an idiot yet.
#52. Any users who make a thread calling for me to predict what LT will sound, said fucking cunt will have his fucking dick bitten off
#53 We reserve the right to call individuals attempting to predict the future on when an album will leak or what song is the best without hearing any songs at all as Nostradamus. The same rule applies to those who try to also predict the band's future.
54. Anyone making threads about a topic that can very easily be googled is just asking to be Inception'd by Nish and Minuteforce. (Rule may be ignored during times of low "Give-A-Fuckibility")
#56 If someone ninja's you in the shoutbox you must follow it by saying "Well spank my bottom and call me Shirley, you ferdunkled me. Rapscallion!"
57. Don't ask for peoples opinions on your work (remixes etc.) unless you know they're a certain level of acceptable quality. Failure to do so may result in decimation of self esteem, personality and/or belief in own skill.