Jason Tate is an ap.net God in his own right. I gotta submit this thread for him to read so he can have a laugh.
Damn, thats a pretty fucked up thing to do. I hope he's telling the truth. I'm not gonna rush to judgment so quickly, though.
He's like me with my Linkin Park contacts, in terms of his punk contacts. Honestly, I was not trying to humiliate Raptor in public. I just don't get the reason for lying to make yourself seem like a better person than what you are. I have never misrepresented myself on this site, and the guy you see on here is the person you get in real life. There's no sense in pretending you're someone else because sooner or later someone is going to find a chip in your armor, and expose you for who you really are. I am willing to give Sex Raptor (Franny) another chance, but for now on dude? Don't fake yourself. Be the person who is sitting behind the computer because that's the way you're going to gain the most respect. *edited by Derek* Edited my post to sound better.
I wouldn't feel bad about exposing him. It was the right thing to do. Too many people use the internet to convey a better persona than what they really have. This whole thing is just fucking WEIRD! Craziness!
I think we need to allow Franny to explain himself first before passing any judgment. Franny this is your cue.
Thrice has quickly become one of the greatest bands of our time. They're seriously everything a band should be. They have their heavy songs that are heavy as shit and then they have their soft songs that lull you into a daze. Every experimentation they take turns out gold. Definitely one of my favorite bands. These songs are amazing.
Music Box, Atlantic, Like Moths to Flame, Paper Tigers, Hoods on Peregrine, Under a Killing Moon, Stare at the Sun, Silhouette, Red Sky, and the two songs on that site.
Silhouette is awesome my favourite song by them out of AINTA and another one i forgot that i didn't really like (not the one that starts with v)