Thank you Dusan, what country we are from does not mean shit, you can buy a gun legally or illegally in any country. I just learned a holocaust survivor and one of the top 5 researchers in the world were also killed in this attack. It just..gets..worse.
My point exactly, guns are available everywhere now and that's why all the shit happens in the world. But I don't think I could buy it legally here at the moment, I don't really know how it's regulated in USA or anywhere else...
yeah,i can illegaly buy a gun anywhere pa tako i u srbiji i hrvatskoj but a problem in america is that you can LEGALLY buy a gun even i ask how come?
It's the never ending debate over gun control and the right to bear arms. People feel the need to have guns to protect themselves. Then you have the people who are messed up and use guns to fulfill their sick fantasies to do more harm than good. It's a torn situation.
Next person to bash America in this thread gets a spoonful of warning for breakfast. In the aftermath of what happened a few days ago, it seems people keep trying to blame others for what happened, when in reality what's important is what happened to these students. Don't bring anything political into this tragedy because the kid who it was sold to never had a criminal record, had a clean bill of mental health, and showed no signs of being the psychopath he's starting to be portrayed as in the media. The gentleman at that store had no reason NOT to sell this kid the gun, as he was of age and everything else checked out, so how dare you bring how much America sucks or our 'lax gun laws' into the equation. Plain and simple this kid was a schizophrenic and was capable of going from a normal kid to an alternate personality (his imaginary brother "question mark") at the drop of a dime. I'm just sick of this. Other countries are going 'SHAME ON AMERICA FOR LETTING THIS HAPPEN' when they have absolutely no facts as a basis to form this conclusion. The kid was over 18, seemed friendly, had no criminal history/mental health record and seemed calm and reserved when he picked up the guns. The salesman followed procedure and maybe some of you gun control advocates need to realize that.
Derek, I do agree with you except this guy was not right in the head at all so I'm not sure what you are basing your opinion on. I mean, I've watched the videos on of the students describing how he acted and how he was as a person. You cannot deny that he was not troubled.
Does anyone else notice that mass violence happens during this week? 1. This 2. Columbine - April 20th 3. Oklahoma City Bombing - April 19th
Andrea: Yeah but in the same respect, he never had a mental health history (legally at least), and never committed a crime. From what I can understand he was very capable of acting calm when he wanted to be because he has two different personalties. I in no way support the kid, in fact I think he sounded like a loser, and still is one in death, but I'm defending the gentleman who sold it to him because he had no way of telling this kid would snap. If the kid managed to come off calm, and everything legally checked out, by law the salesman has done all he can to ensure the gun is going in the right hands, and its out of his control from there. If you ask me, looking at this kid compared to some of those whacked out looking rednecks who legally own guns, I'd expect the redneck to snap before the quiet Asian kid. Seriously.
That took a while to type that. Yeah screw the guy who did the shooting, the kid was bizarre the day he came over here from the sounds of things..I don't even know why they allowed him here. I'm insensitive to the kid sure, but he was the type of kid who would've been abused at my old school, for being strange as hell. The kids at my old school (hence why I hate it) would've really tortured a kid like this, so I wonder if V-Tech was the same.
I heard about that on tv just now... Apparently he wrote very violant stories and his English teacher wanted to seperate him from the rest of the class because they felt uncomfortable with him around.
first...i'll bash (if you call it bashing) anything that is rotten in it's core like the american law and the moral of it's society in is my CIVIL RIGHT to comment on anything i want so in my country and i assume it is so in your "cradle of democracy"...the truth is that shit like this happens in some other countries except america...BUT HEY!!!when is the last time you have heard a swiss student slaughtered 30 students on his college in the european countries have their "columbine" every couple of years?no..they don't...if it happens once in a decade in the whole europe it's too much...this case is a proof that the usa is the country where you can gain access on weapons shamingly quick...and your goverment (put aside your president.we're talking about the senate,and the whole system) still takes no action in regulating or strenghtening the laws on weapon control KNOWING that the criminal rate in their country is significantly higher than in other ones...also they could fight criminal a bit more and take some action against the weapon black market... this is not bashing...this is the truth...if anyone wants to warn me or ban me cos' of this disscussion i urge the administrators of this forum to delete me from this forum permanently..."cradle of democracy"-bear that in mind
Calling something rotten is bashing, my friend. Second, your argument about gun control is a completely different topic entirely. THIS THREAD IS ABOUT THE VIRGINIA TECH SHOOTINGS, THOSE LOST, ETC. IT IS NOT ABOUT GUN CONTROL, HOW MUCH AMERICA SUCKS, ETC. THIS THREAD IS FOR THOSE WHO WOULD LIKE TO GIVE THEIR CONDOLENCES TO THE FAMILIES WHO HAVE LOST LOVED ONES. And as a note: (Basically) All governments are corrupt, and don't do enough in terms of guns. Get over it. ---- On another note, I mentioned this earlier in the 'Got Something You Want To Let Out?' thread. It seems that there is starting to be some retaliation (sp?) against Asians over this. I'm experiencing it over here (Yay Texas! [sarcasm]), and I don't know how the long term effects of this tragedy will affect everyone else.
@Dart: Maybe you should come to America and fix it for us since you think you know so much. Please stop bringing political shit in this thread and have some respect for this tragedy. Update on Well damn, if he was "mentally ill" and "an imminent danger to others" then why the hell wasn't he stopped before something like this happened? Enough evidence of him before this tragedy existed and yet nothing severe was done. Good lord.
first...ok,rotten is maybe a bit harsh... second...if it were for the gun control we probably wouldn't have this topic... third...i have offered my condolencences fourth...america as a country doesn't suck...only the ignorant rednecks seen in you comment on asian retaliation...pure prejudice...and you must admit america has quite a few of them (rednecks,not asians) is even leading you country(yes,i'm bashin he doesn't deserve it)...if you want arguments,i'll provide them cut it with the patriotism and turn on your common sense...everyone the tragedy ideas...or ideas from anyone with common sense could help a lot... i have huge respect for this tragedy and i have said it in my first post in this 1,2 or 3...i don't know...and politics is a part of EVERYTHING...sad but true... once again,for the second time i offer my deepest sympathies to everyone affected by this tragedy...cos' where i come from we know what tragedy means...and we know what are the questions that rise after the tragedy...and we face it
Yeah, Professor Liviu Librescu. One of my friends had him for a class - fortunately not THE class. He was killed barricading the door so students could escape through the windows. To survive the Holocaust and be killed by a punk with a handgun... In any case, he's garnered as a hero. As for the gun control talk, as much as I agree, and always have, that some work needs to be done there, this perhaps is not the best time to pull out political rhetoric. At least not until the situation has been fully investigated and somewhat more resolved. There's plenty of questions that need to be answered still, particularly about how the situation was handled, and who this guy was - and perhaps it would be be best to step off the political platform until more is known. To whoever said don't blame the RAs, I certainly didn't mean that. I just wish they had been involved more BY the administration if they hadn't been already. Thanks for all the support from all, I'm back home now, along with many students, until Sunday.
This was a complete tragedy and it's terrible that people are having to deal with something like this. Concerning the debate about the legality of guns in America I just want to say that hopefully this will open some eyes in concern to the law on guns. I just believe that this type of thing is more likely to happen if guns are easily avaliable. I actually have a question about the incident as well, so if anyone could clear this up for me I'd appreciate it. I've been hearing that there were 2 people killed 2 hours or so before the rest of the shootings occured. Were the body of these two people discovered after the second shooting occured or before? The reason I ask this is because surely there should have been some kind of evacuation from the university?
They were found before the second shooting. The first two people were killed in a dorm building on campus. The administration deemed it was an isolated incident and believed the perpretrator had left. Not the best choice by any means, and it's a hot debate as to whether it was an honest mistake, or negligence.