Why is it so difficult for people to just listen to me when I ask them to do something on these boards? I've noticed an overwhelming amount of people just not giving a crap, and doing the complete opposite of what I've told them not to do. I even tell the person a warning will be handed out, and it's like it goes in one ear and out the other. Dart, with all due respect take your political bullshit elsewhere. The reason I told you to stop bashing America is because this is NOT the thread to discuss how terrible we are with our gun control laws. It is putting an unnecessary political twist to a completely non-political related tragedy. It is not welcome in this thread, and if you feel our gun control laws are terrible make a poll in Serious Chat asking for people's opinions on Gun Control. Keep it out of here. This is the last time I will ask people to stop criticizing America, or our gun control laws in this thread. I am deeply affected by this tragedy and thus I will take whatever measures to ensure the proper respect is given towards the people who died.
I just don't want how stupid our gun control laws are to litter this thread. This is for updates on the tragedy and to show condolences, I just think anything else is disrespectful. There's people I know on other forums who lost 2-3 people they knew. It's terrible. You're welcome to create a Gun Control topic in Serious Chat though .
Holy shit...I need to stop viewing cnn.com. I am just lost for words over the new pictures and even videos of the killer that are on there.
The administration office just thought they are supermen and could know where is that dude, according to their "master minds". I moved out from East AJ yesterday also. Hope the school will be recovered and resume regular routine. Professor Librescu is a really good guy. There was one time that I lost my wallet, with all my IDs and stuff in it. It was him that he found my wallet, notified the office and gave me back the wallet. He's really nice. I felt bad that this guy killed him, whether he meaned to it, or not. I just hope the school could resume the regular routine ASAP. So that at least we, the students, could go back and concentrate on our academics, not just suffer from the incident and not moving on. As I said before, it's painful. But just let it go, nothing could change the fact, the only thing we could do now is to spit it out, suck it up, and move on right? We all know that they will be remembered.
Dart: This can easily happen anywhere in the world. Not just America. You know what is really pissing me off? The media is giving so much attention to Cho rather then the victims themselves. I mean, Cho WANTED the attention. The motherfucker even send videos and pictures of himself to MSNBC just for national attention. R.I.P to all the victims.
I just want to offer my condolences to the families of the victims and people who are associatied with the victims. This is a terrible tragedy that noone wanted to see happen, but what's done is done and all we can do is pray for the affected families. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers. To the victims, rest in peace. :sad:
Anything that I want to say about this event has already been echoed by other people, so I'll just leave it at that.
My condolences go out to all of the victims and their families/friends.I can't imagine how it must affect them, seeing how it's affected those not personally involved. My friend told me today that her stepsister's boyfriend (I think? I can't remember exactly who she said) was his roommate at some point, not necessarily when the shootings happened, though. I'm going to ask her a little more about it tomorrow... Edit-- I don't know if anyone posted this link yet, but I though this article was pretty interesting- http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=3048108&page=1
It is a pretty picture. It is a shame that only tradgedies bring people together My condolences again to anyone affected
Just an update.. seems in Texas the anti-asian sentiments (and in the nation apparently) are starting and reported in the news. Right now it's just the fear of the backlash, but I'm already seeing it. Today in class when I sat down, there was a 2 desk radius of empty desks around me. It's very unsettling to see the public in fear like this.
Just because the attatcker was Asian DOES NOT mean that all asians are evil in that way. Man some people need a morality check. EDIT It is just like when 9/11 and 7/7 happened. Musloms got hated everywhere... Sometimes I am ashamed of our human race. I want to be a feline sometimes >.<
Muslims* Right. This shooting, this massacre, this is all horrible. Destruction and waste of life. My deepest condolences to all affected by this tragedy, victims, their loved ones, etc.
I am so sorry for the typo. Was early when I posted. Condolences again and I hope the victims are where they deserve to be, in heaven
Yeah, same here. It's really disturbing to watch him just before he was going kill all those people. Again, my condolences for everyone who lost someone in the shooting.
First off, my condolences go out to people who has lost a loved one during this tragedy and all of the others down in VT who had to witness this first hand. Second, so, you know all those protesters that show up at the funeral services of American soldiers who died in Iraq, causing chaos and causing even more misery and agony for the family and friends of the deceased there? Well, now one of their "sub groups", the Westboro Baptist Church, is planning on protesting at the funerals of the kids that were murdered at the VTT massacre. As ridiculous as this sounds, it's true. They are going to go to the funeral services of kids that were shot dead, and tell their parents that their children deserved to die. I usually yell at people for bringing up things that don't have much to do with the XHF, but I think this is one of those cases where this is necessary. That is a petition against the WBC and what they're trying to do. While it may not seem like it'll matter much, those who are going to do what they can to prevent these fuck ups from protesting and inflicting more greif on the loved ones of those who died at VTT would like some proof that there are enough people out there that completely disagree with what is being done here. I urge you guys to sign this, if not it's cool, but I just thought I'd help spread the knowledge. www.ipetitions.com/petition/VTfunerals/index.html