[VIDEO] Wastelands World Premiere At KFMA Day 2014

Discussion in 'News' started by Hybrid, May 25, 2014.

  1. Manu

    Manu Seeking tenderness with a dagger

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Rob has always been the only consistently good musician at LP.

    His drumming in the A-Six long demo for example is just as good as GATS.
  2. Mario007

    Mario007 Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2012
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    My answer to you is below but I do agree on one thing; Irridescent is super overrated. Having said that pretty much every other song ATS is just pure amazing. And actually around half of LT is amazing too with the second half being ok.
    What the hell is this? You can't criticise a song from your favourite band because some other fans on the internet might get their feelings hurt? I mean seriously, do you just want this to turn into an echo chamber of "LP is awesome"? This is a forum, for people to express their opinions and argue them.And just because you don't like a song or an album doesn't mean you're not a fan of the band. Are people who hated LT or Meteora not fans of LP as well?
  3. Mario007

    Mario007 Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2012
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    My answer to you is below but I do agree on one thing; Irridescent is super overrated. Having said that pretty much every other song ATS is just pure amazing. And actually around half of LT is amazing too with the second half being ok.
    What the hell is this? You can't criticise a song from your favourite band because some other fans on the internet might get their feelings hurt? I mean seriously, do you just want this to turn into an echo chamber of "LP is awesome"? This is a forum, for people to express their opinions and argue them.And just because you don't like a song or an album doesn't mean you're not a fan of the band. Are people who hated LT or Meteora not fans of LP as well?

  4. Wastelands is a song that i've been looking for years. Those who don't like it it's their loss :D I don't see many people hating the song though.
  5. NikoLpSoldier

    NikoLpSoldier Daimonas

    May 7, 2014
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    I know shit, dude.
    Techno = Technology.
    I dont meant that its techno.
    I mean i hate the technological stuff they are involving into their music, like that shitty technologic part in "The Catalyst"
    I knew you would react to my statement like this. Youre just a bunch of Kids mentally.
    You cant accept anything, is it hurting your feelings when i say ats is the worst album?
    I said it is my opinion

    ATS fanboys are truly worse than HT/M fanboys
  6. dutchsoldier

    dutchsoldier Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2009
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    Haha this please...although people should do whatever the - they want.

    I love the 'simplicity' Linkin Parks of sound ('simplicity' because god knows I will never piece something as awesome and masterfull like a LP-song together). There's nothing lazy about making songs that get whole stadiums pumped and make people, even someone as... well... 'serious' as myself totally lose it during a show.

    I love hearing the sounds and the form of a song that's sometimes so typical for LP. I love it when I already know what will be the next few notes in a song from them even though I hear it for the first time.

    For me being a fan of the band is like knowing that I'm in good hands and sometimes to be surprised with a totally new idea or direction.

    Just love the discography in all it's crazy variety!
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
  7. Jack_Farrell

    Jack_Farrell KTTK is Chester suicide-diving off a cliff naked

    May 1, 2008
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    I really like Wastelands but not in the way I want to like it, and I'm 100% sure from the second repeat of the first verse onwards it's the same as the studio version, nothing new.

    See, when the synth comes in on the first verse (you can hear it more clearly on the second one), I believe with just that sound alone you can make a more compelling song, a diabolical-themed one, instead of just waltzing in with the guitars for the sake of it, because this is meant to be a "heavy record". I like the chorus, it's a lot better than GATS' or UIG's chorus for one. When Chester starts singing just before the last chorus, THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO HEAR, THOSE 10 SECONDS OF AWESOME ARE WHAT I'D LOVE THE BAND TO HAVE, not just guitars and fast beats, I like the song, but on first listen this is what I felt about it.
  8. Qwerty19

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    I totally get that some might want to be negative towards the band. That's normal, and there's no harm in expressing an opinion.

    But I can't help but think some are way too shallow with their opinions. They have their expectations, and if the band doesn't follow that road, then it means the band is regressing, moving backwards, and all of that shit. One could say that the heavy road taken with THP is not his thing, but instead, some have to come in and act like they have the definition of good music, and of what direction LP should take and how the new direction is a regression.

    I find that condescending and insulting to the band. After having seen it during the entire LT cycle, I'm becoming less and less tolerant of all those rants about how "ATS was gold and the band has been regressing from there".
  9. Deadlyeyes552

    Deadlyeyes552 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2013
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    Well you have missed the point all together haha,what I am saying is,"fans" are rushing to the gallows with the band like a damn lynch mob at times...not saying "you have no right to express your ability to bitch and nag,rant and rave (Honestly I could care less what other people think about the band,I catch shit all my life for listening to them) but! Im sick of seeing them just get lynched on these threads all the time. Every time they make an album,it's new and is an improvement (at least it is to me anyway) Yes I am aware of what the forums are for lol, obviously because we are debating right now. I respect constructive criticism,but not all of the criticism has been very constructive
  10. Xerø 21

    Xerø 21 I was Ree's 100th follower on Twitter.

    Jun 26, 2010
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    I totally agree.

    A lot of people may not think throwing one chorus into a song with a melody change is a big deal, but it really can be. It keeps you on your toes and allows the song to have some variety, even if it's not a total tonal change like Blackout. The guitar during the last chorus of While I'm Still Here by Nine Inch Nails is another example like Wastelands.

    Not every melody/instrument/sound has to repeat throughout a song in the same places. Sometimes it's nice to give things their own moment, if that makes sense. Little details like that, little surprises and intricacies, are what can elevate an average song into a good song.
  11. SigmaZero

    SigmaZero Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    Oh the bickering. I'm not one to fight people about music. If someone doesn't like something that I do, I just leave it alone. It's their opinion. I don't want other people to be exactly like me, as much as I wish I knew at least a few more people, who liked half the things I do.
  12. lovablepanda

    lovablepanda Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2014
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    In other news, I am still really excited for the new touring cycle. I hope they can keep up the energy. I get to see them in Tampa for the first time ever so I am so excited. I am not sure how many songs from the Hunting Party I want them to play live because at the same time I want to listen to all of their other music as well. The struggle is so real.
  13. outcastboy

    outcastboy Sure God's all powerful, but does he have lips?

    May 14, 2014
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    back to their roots means what? repeating themselves, more of the same, staying in the confort zone, formulaic songs. what they are saying about rock music nowadays applies to their own music.
  14. Atticus

    Atticus Bullets lance the bravest lungs

    Jul 27, 2010
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    I think you explained what every single thread dissolves into on the LPA. 100% agree. ATS is my favourite LP album and I feel it is their best work but I'm not about go shove my opinion down everyone else's throats as if it were complete and utter fact like so many other members here with superiority complexes.

    And even then, The Hunting Party personally sounds like it should eclipse A Thousand Suns to me, and I am perfectly fine with that.
  15. JamesLPA

    JamesLPA The light on the horizon was brighter yesterday

    Apr 9, 2014
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    I'm very surprised with the level of hate 'Wastelands' is receiving. We've only a heard a minute of the song and a live version recorded off a phone, it's baffling you can judge a song just on those videos alone! As for the lyrics of the song I'll wait to hear the full version of the song to see how they fit, because yes UIG didn't have fantastic lyrics like songs from MTM and ATS but it was still a damn good song and I'm sure Wastelands also has similar potential. And I'm not saying I dislike the lyrics, I think they're fine and what I've come to expect from Linkin Park. Just wait til you hear the final version of the song and then by all means give your 2 cents!
  16. Xerø 21

    Xerø 21 I was Ree's 100th follower on Twitter.

    Jun 26, 2010
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    ...Where is everyone getting this idea from?? What level of hate? One person posted that they didn't think the lyrics were that good, one guy thought the same old song structure was boring, and Mario basically said he was "meh" on it.

    And everyone else is pretty positive? Where's all this supposed hate people are talking about?
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
  17. Lotus


    May 5, 2014
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    That's actually true. I just read the whole thread back and the comments were pretty much all positive. But then a discussion got started about the LP fanbase complaining so much and it all just went down the drain :p I agree with the argument that LP fans complain too much, but that wasn't exactly true for this thread.
  18. Broman

    Broman Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    This song is decent. It blows Until It's Gone out of the water, but I haven't been impressed much with the releases for this album so far. Guilty All The Same was the exception and is very much still my favorite track so far. I don't think people are hating on the new tracks because its not up to ATS level, but if you guys are much like myself, I personally don't see anything new about the songs they are releasing.

    I am definitely in the minority for this, but I love LIVING THINGS. It might possibly be my favorite album right next to A Thousand Suns. Something LP has been able to do with their last few records was really switch it up in terms of the sound they produced. Whether you hate it now, BURN IT DOWN received a ton of positive feed back when it released. People were simply in love with it, loving the synths and Chester's beautiful vocals and that trend continued onto LGM and the 3 snippets of LITE, IMR, and IBG. Previous to that, The Catalyst was such a polarizing experience that people didn't really seem to know what to think, then Wretches and Kings dropped and all I read was about how the beat was simply amazing with its "dark reggae" sound and Mike and Chester's display of powerful vocal deliveries.

    This song, its good, its just not special. Its what you would expect of Linkin Park to make. And there definitely was TOO MUCH hype for it, Especially for Mike. Don't get me wrong, he raps great on this track, but comments like "this track hits hard, and lets everybody know that Mr. Shinoda can run with the best of them."
    certainly were a far exaggeration (Derek, I am not attacking you, this was a common opinion for everyone that listened to the song, just taking your words). I think the hype was just a bit too much for the people listening to the songs in the moment. Mike's rap skills on wastelands are almost no different than his delivery on LOST IN THE ECHO, in fact, I might say his delivery on LITE might be just a tad better, but honestly, Mike has certainly gone beyond this level of rapping, UNTIL IT BREAKS is a prime example.

    I don't wanna give a final impression of the album because that would be silly, but it seems like it's shaping up to be decent, and not much else, tho I could be wrong and hope I am. I just feel sorry for those of you that dislike the songs so far and bitched about LIVING THINGS. I feel just a bit let down, but I can only imagine how a bunch of you will be jumping off the LP bandwagon this cycle, much like the Nu-Metal loving morons that bitched about MTM and ATS, very much a shame.
  19. Dimitris "the Parker"

    Dimitris "the Parker" "One For The Road"

    May 24, 2014
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    its a little bit off-topic but i want to say that Derek's review of those six sampler songs is the best review we have so far, Wastelands and UIG sounded exactly as he described...If he's got the opportunity to review the whole thing it would be absolutely amazing !
  20. Residentturdface

    Residentturdface Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
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    I dont care what other people think. If I like it, then that's good enough for me. If you wanna bitch about something, go ahead. I dont care what you have to say.

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